Former CNN Host Sued For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Minors, a bunch of high school kids. WTH is wrong with the left? They are abusive and nuts.
They lie, they cheat, they steal and they will eventually kill anyone who gets in their way as they have no concern for justice, based on the court vcases of General Flynn and Carter Page.

The Democrats are fucking Nazi pigs, nothing more.

I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

It's Twitter. Lol. I can see why you would like AOC and think she is highly intelligent. :D (wink, wink)

I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

We shall soon SEE about that. ;)
Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.
I suspect that CNN was mostly afraid of the discovery phase and Sandmans lawyers going through all their emails, lol.

More likely CNN threatened to countersue, and the "settlement" was that it all goes away.

The same suit against the WaPo was dismissed out of court last summer. AGAIN, making a case for defamation requires PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. Some documentation that the entity in question knowingly printed, broadcast or otherwise disseminated false information. I invited anyone and everyone on this board to demonstrate any such evidence, which, if it existed, should have been the easiest thing in the world. No one ever came up with anything. Absent such evidence, THERE IS NO CASE. That's why the WaPo case was dismissed --- no evidence.
Last edited:
That's funny, every face on CNN looks punchable to me.
You were already asked this once before and ran away but again ---- link? Screenshot? Image? Quote? Anything?

I already gave you 3 links you yutz.

Is your brain stuck in a feedback loop?

Here they are once again...yutz!

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN

Did CNN Settle the Covington High Lawsuit for $275 Million?

Are you retarded or just dishonest?

Here is the post ***WITH*** the part you cut out, IN FULL:

Keep in mind...this is only the first suit settled!

There are atleast 15 and probably alot more that that because all the filth jumped on the bandwagon (like they always do) and slandered nick & called for assaulting him (I think one "news" org even doxed him).

You were already asked this once before and ran away but again ---- link? Screenshot? Image? Quote? Anything?

THAT ^^ is what you're being asked a link for, dumbass. THAT is what you're trying to avoid by regurgitating irrelevant links to various irrelevant shit.

STILL waiting. I'm used to it. I've been waiting almost a year now. But that's how it is when you pose questions you know cannot be answered.
You were already asked this once before and ran away but again ---- link? Screenshot? Image? Quote? Anything?

I already gave you 3 links you yutz.

Is your brain stuck in a feedback loop?

Here they are once again...yutz!

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN

Did CNN Settle the Covington High Lawsuit for $275 Million?

Are you retarded or just dishonest?

Here is the post ***WITH*** the part you cut out, IN FULL:

Keep in mind...this is only the first suit settled!

There are atleast 15 and probably alot more that that because all the filth jumped on the bandwagon (like they always do) and slandered nick & called for assaulting him (I think one "news" org even doxed him).

You were already asked this once before and ran away but again ---- link? Screenshot? Image? Quote? Anything?

THAT ^^ is what you're being asked a link for, dumbass. THAT is what you're trying to avoid by regurgitating irrelevant links to various irrelevant shit.

STILL waiting. I'm used to it. I've been waiting almost a year now. But that's how it is when you pose questions you know cannot be answered.


I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

We shall soon SEE about that. ;)

We can SEE right now. Go ahead and show the class anywhere Reza Asian was a CNN employee. I'll be right here like a safety intercepting Tom Brady.
I agree. I would much rather punch that face than ANY child's. The leftists are gross. That is all there is too it. They are the SHAME of our nation after this fiasco.

They have truly revealed themselves to be vicious, low life lying bastards.

I cant believe I ever had any faith in them.

Now they are giving aid to the terrorist state of Iran simply because they think it somehow makes Trump look bad.

Good Gawd Almighty!

Once again for the slowwitted, the thread has nothing to do with "Democrats', or with "AOC" or with "CNN" or with "Iran" or with "the leftists", and Pogo's Law just made five nickels on that alone It's an alleged (and unsourced) story claiming that some private citizen is going to be sued over a fucking TWEET opinion. The OP put up an unsourced link and attached a fake headline, and then he ran away.
I hope that kids sues every Gawd Damned one of them into Oblivion.

Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

We shall soon SEE about that. ;)

We can SEE right now. Go ahead and show the class anywhere Reza Asian was a CNN employee. I'll be right here like a safety intercepting Tom Brady.

I'm sure Tom Brady would kick your butt. LOL!

Anyhow, who cares if he works for CNN? CNN's case is over, and they made an out of court settlement. The point is that the leftists are out of control and disgusting.
I agree. I would much rather punch that face than ANY child's. The leftists are gross. That is all there is too it. They are the SHAME of our nation after this fiasco.

They have truly revealed themselves to be vicious, low life lying bastards.

I cant believe I ever had any faith in them.

Now they are giving aid to the terrorist state of Iran simply because they think it somehow makes Trump look bad.

Good Gawd Almighty!

Lawd! Save us from the demoncrats! Seriously though, I feel like Trump is our last chance at saving our country.
Once AGAIN ---- you can't be sued for a fucking opinion.

As to the veracity of whether there even is such a suit, I remind the class again that the OP's link cites no source for its claim.

Don't ask the OP for details. He ran away when I proved his thread title was fake.

It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

We shall soon SEE about that. ;)

We can SEE right now. Go ahead and show the class anywhere Reza Asian was a CNN employee. I'll be right here like a safety intercepting Tom Brady.

I'm sure Tom Brady would kick your butt. LOL!

Anyhow, who cares if he works for CNN? CNN's case is over, and they made an out of court settlement. The point is that the leftists are out of control and disgusting.

Whelp ---- I noted that the thread title was fake, and then you said no it wasn't, then I defied you to prove it's not, and now you're saying "who cares". I do not accept your concession. It's gotta LOOK LIKE a concession.
It isn't fake. CNN was sued, and they settled out of court. The court would have heard the case if they decided not to settle out of court. I hope they all have to pay out the ying yang. That'll teach them to not bully children.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

The lawsuit seeks justice for the defamation of nine anonymous Covington Catholic boys.

"False and Defamatory Accusations against the plaintiffs are defamatory per se, as they are libelous on their face without resort to additional facts, and as clearly demonstrated here, [the plaintiffs] were subjected to public hatred, contempt, scorn, obloquy, and shame," the lawsuit argues. "The conduct of the plaintiffs, based on the false facts the defendants placed and circulated into the court of public opinion, led to these lifetime labels on these minors: 'display of hate, disrespect and intolerance'; 'heartbreaking'; 'decency decayed'; 'racist'; 'cried for America'; 'infamous'; 'gall'; 'shameful'; 'darker chapters'; compared to genocide; 'laughing and egging on' 'hurtful' behavior; 'awful'; 'cavemen gestures'; 'taunting'; ‘harassing'; 'stalking'; 'mocking'; 'bullies' who should be doxed, 'named and shamed', expelled from school, denied admission to college, be punched in the face, and their lives ruined."

Defamation is a high bar in American law, but the kind of non-repentant and slanderous attacks these young men faced — often for the alleged crime of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat — arguably meets it.

Yeah it *IS* fake. The subject is not a CNN host and never has been. Not that that would even matter since the tweet itself says nothing about any "CNN" anyway.

TWEETER is not a fucking news source, and asking a question --- which is what the tweet did --- is not journalism or purported journalism. It is not even making a statement, let alone an accusation.

ONCE AGAIN if we want to run around suing everybody who insults somebody on Tweeter, Doornail Rump is going to spend the rest of his life in court. For example.

You *CAN'T* --- that means "CANNOT" --- sue somebody for expressing an opinion. Can't be done.

We shall soon SEE about that. ;)

We can SEE right now. Go ahead and show the class anywhere Reza Asian was a CNN employee. I'll be right here like a safety intercepting Tom Brady.

I'm sure Tom Brady would kick your butt. LOL!

Anyhow, who cares if he works for CNN? CNN's case is over, and they made an out of court settlement. The point is that the leftists are out of control and disgusting.

Whelp ---- I noted that the thread title was fake, and then you said no it wasn't, then I defied you to prove it's not, and now you're saying "who cares". I do not accept your concession. It's gotta LOOK LIKE a concession.

It's not fake. Nick Sandmann's family is suing him for libel and defamation. Now, to ask YOU a question. Do you honestly find nothing wrong with him saying that about a CHILD? He said, "Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?" THAT is disgusting, uncalled for and at LEAST makes him a very BAD person for saying that about a child. What a complete arse.

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

Reza Aslan to Face the Music For Calling Nick Sandmann's Face 'Punchable' In Now-Deleted Tweet

One day after news broke that CNN settled a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann, Robert Barnes announced he had sued author, producer, and show host Reza Aslan for Aslan's tweet describing Sandmann's face as "punchable." The lawsuit, which Barnes provided to PJ Media, would slap Aslan with a minimum of $135,000 in damages.

When video of Sandmann supposedly smirking at a Native American man outside the March for Life went viral last year, Aslan infamously tweeted, "Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's?"

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