Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

The courts...

April 15, 2020, the District Court held that the NWP 12 issued to TC Energy's Keystone XL oil pipeline violated the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 1531-1544) and vacated the permit pending completion of a consultation process (see Legal Update, District Court of Montana Vacates Army Corps Nationwide Permit 12 for Keystone XL Pipeline).​
May 11, 2020, the District Court amended its ruling and allowed the Corps to use the NWP 12 to facilitate the environmental review and permitting of non-oil and gas pipeline projects. The Corps remained enjoined from authorizing dredge or fill activities under NWP 12 for the construction of oil and gas pipelines, including the Keystone XL pipeline and several natural gas pipeline projects (see Legal Update, District Court of Montana Amends Order Vacating the Army Corps Nationwide Permit 12 for the Keystone XL Pipeline But New Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects Still Potentially Delayed).​
May 14, 2020, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Ninth Circuit) issued an order denying a request from the Trump Administration to stay the District Court decision (see Legal Update, Ninth Circuit Denies Stay of Ruling Vacating the Nationwide Permit 12 for the Keystone XL Pipeline Project).​
May 28, 2020, the Appeals Court issued an order rejecting another request to stay the District Court decision.​
July 6, 2020, Supreme Court Upholds Ruling Blocking Permit for Keystone XL but Allows Nationwide Permit 12 to be Used for Other Oil & Gas Projects​
The decision was welcome news to oil and gas project developers that rely on the NWP 12 permit to facilitate the environmental review of their projects. It is a blow to the Keystone XL pipeline project which needs the permit to continue building the pipeline.
Which it got or would have had...until Biden killed it.

Waste of oxygen.
The fact that it was infrastructure controlled and secured by the US would have had a stronger positive impact on the global market price for oil. Where was it contractually set that none of its contents were never to be sold in the US?
Yes. The fact that we, as a country were willing to accept the liability of potential environmental disaster for a product that we would not have access to is a great selling point for that oil.
These egregious gas prices have occurred under Harris Biden. Their policies have not helped. Remember that at the pump paying $5 and rising. You deniers that this is the fault of Harris Biden or the Democrats, keep making excuses and blame while you too are paying $5 a gallon.
Wrong again.
Keystone XL will bypass refineries in the Midwest because those refineries only pay $29 a barrel. The refineries supply a lot of gasoline in the region. Do you know what free trade zone means? Do you understand that nobody wants Canadian tarsands?
Yes. The fact that we, as a country were willing to accept the liability of potential environmental disaster for a product that we would not have access to is a great selling point for that oil.
Where, when was it established that in Keystone’s perpetuity, the US would never have access to it? It would have been infrastructure controlled by US.
Keystone XL will bypass refineries in the Midwest because those refineries only pay $29 a barrel. The refineries supply a lot of gasoline in the region. Do you know what free trade zone means? Do you understand that nobody wants Canadian tarsands?
You know that the pipeline would have supplied gulf coast refineries, don't you?

You keep talking about midwest refineries as if that matters. Midwest refineries were apparently incapable of handling this type of production.
Where, when was it established that in Keystone’s perpetuity, the US would never have access to it? It would have been infrastructure controlled by US.
Nope. The only way tarsands make money is shipping that sludge to the free trade zone.
Keystone XL will bypass refineries in the Midwest because those refineries only pay $29 a barrel. The refineries supply a lot of gasoline in the region. Do you know what free trade zone means? Do you understand that nobody wants Canadian tarsands?

57 percent of crude imports into the US come from canada.
You know that the pipeline would have supplied gulf coast refineries, don't you?

You keep talking about midwest refineries as if that matters. Midwest refineries were apparently incapable of handling this type of production.
Yes and be shipped overseas. 5 Midwest refineries completely refitted their refineries to be able to refine tarsands. Stop guessing and pay attention to the facts.

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