Former President trump considers early 2024 repub nomination announcement...but

His standing in the polls is slumping primarily due to the January 6th committee hearings.
I have to believe that a day of reckoning is coming for Trump. He's been getting away with his financial crimes, sex crimes, business fraud, tax crimes, and his political crimes by lying for so long that he thinks he's invincible as if the past is an inevitable prologue of future events.

However, history is full of examples of men who were both wealthy and powerful who avoided the accountability that a common man would almost certainly face until the law and witnesses turned the tide and shattered their sense of being beyond the reach of people who could hold them accountable. Harvey Weinstein is a good example of this.

However, as much as I hate to admit it, people do literally and figuratively get away with murder. Having said that, there are murderers like the Golden State Killer (Joseph James DeAngelo), and the BTK Killer (Dennis Rader) who were eventually caught and imprisoned despite the fact that they flew under the radar of authorities for decades.

But men like Trump and women like Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes don't try to fly under the radar. They seek the limelight, and they ride the wave of the positive press as a means of furthering their con game of cheating trusting people. But when the limelight turns into a spotlight, all they have left is a disinformation campaign, despite the evidence to the contrary, to bolster their claims of innocence.

When Trump was president, he not only had the full force of the executive branch to defend him, he was essentially immune from charges being levied against him, and he didn't have to worry about prosecution. Is it any wonder why he tried to stay in power? But he's a private citizen now who apparently clings to his delusions of grandeur.

I think Trump has got a surprise coming. Hopefully, he's smarter than to hire Giuliani as his defense attorney. That goes for Sidney Powell too.
I have to believe that a day of reckoning is coming for Trump. He's been getting away with his financial crimes, sex crimes, business fraud, tax crimes, and his political crimes by lying for so long that he thinks he's invincible as if the past is an inevitable prologue of future events.

However, history is full of examples of men who were both wealthy and powerful who avoided the accountability that a common man would almost certainly face until the law and witnesses turned the tide and shattered their sense of being beyond the reach of people who could hold them accountable. Harvey Weinstein is a good example of this.

However, as much as I hate to admit it, people do literally and figuratively get away with murder. Having said that, there are murderers like the Golden State Killer (Joseph James DeAngelo), and the BTK Killer (Dennis Rader) who were eventually caught and imprisoned despite the fact that they flew under the radar of authorities for decades.

But men like Trump and women like Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes don't try to fly under the radar. They seek the limelight, and they ride the wave of the positive press as a means of furthering their con game of cheating trusting people. But when the limelight turns into a spotlight, all they have left is a disinformation campaign, despite the evidence to the contrary, to bolster their claims of innocence.

When Trump was president, he not only had the full force of the executive branch to defend him, he was essentially immune from charges being levied against him, and he didn't have to worry about prosecution. Is it any wonder why he tried to stay in power? But he's a private citizen now who apparently clings to his delusions of grandeur.

I think Trump has got a surprise coming. Hopefully, he's smarter than to hire Giuliani as his defense attorney. That goes for Sidney Powell too.
I hope you are right. I really think the Georgia indictment will come first.

trump has always committed crimes and ethical shortcomings out front and in public. He relies on the shock factor to ether delay or distort he dirty deeds and his punishment.
Why do metro elites look down on the people who feed America?
If you are referring to me, I am not looking down on rural Americans and I said nothing to indicate that I did. Because they can't face the reality of what was actually said, Trump Republicans are good at inventing what another person said, then criticize the person based on their imagination.

The fact remains, though, that rural voters are responsible for Donald Trump, who lost reelection by seven million votes, claimed the election was stolen from him, then led a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government culminating in the Jan. 6 riot which he encouraged with a seditious speech. Trump also is responsible for the current Supreme Court which has walled itself off from the American people and is busy dividing our nation.

Along with rural voters, Vladimir Putin also wanted Trump to be our President.
Oh please. Most of what you know is from liberal media
Tell me what I got wrong. Be specific, and a source to support your view would be nice.

Failure to answer means your remark is meaningless, and just another baseless accusation for which Republicans are famous.
Tell me what I got wrong. Be specific, and a source to support your view would be nice.

Failure to answer means your remark is meaningless, and just another baseless accusation for which Republicans are famous.
No, my failure to answer means I recognize a snobby, elitist liberal who so looks down on people who won’t vote for the Democrat - described by you as ignorant rural people - that I don’t want to waste my time.

Hint: if you REALLY want an answer from an intelligent, knowledgeable Republican, don’t start with all the hateful descriptions of Republicans.
Watch 2,000 Mules. Look at the paper audit in AZ.
You just discredited yourself.
2,000 Mules has already been widely discredited and relegated to loony-bin, foil helmet, conspiracy-theory bullshit.
It is a joke.
As for the AZ audit....what repeated audits found was that the vote increased slightly for Biden after the recount.
Other than that the auditors found NO evidence of fraud.
Don't believe it?
Present the evidence then.
I'll wait.
You just discredited yourself.
2,000 Mules has already been widely discredited and relegated to loony-bin, foil helmet, conspiracy-theory bullshit.
It is a joke.
As for the AZ audit....what repeated audits found was that the vote increased slightly for Biden after the recount.
Other than that the auditors found NO evidence of fraud.
Don't believe it?
Present the evidence then.
I'll wait.
No it has not been discredited. The digital evidence cannot not be debunked. Those repeated trips by the same people happened. The only plausible explanation is organized fraud just like Incest Joe told us.
Do you deny Dems 'harvested' ballots? No of course you don't. :itsok:
I deny that you or anybody else can prove the election was stolen so your claims are lies. Fraud can be found and cherry picked from both sides but not to the amount of system wide fraud.
best case scenario is he announces early, and then gets indicted and won't get out. that guarantees a gop bloodletting. Of course the dems have to convince Joe to retire, and there might be a way to do that with dignity.

And then the dems have to run a woman who will fight to codify Roe
I deny that you or anybody else can prove the election was stolen so your claims are lies. Fraud can be found and cherry picked from both sides but not to the amount of system wide fraud.
they are one trick horse faced pony soldiers.

But having them focus on that would be great for 24.
If you are referring to me, I am not looking down on rural Americans and I said nothing to indicate that I did. Because they can't face the reality of what was actually said, Trump Republicans are good at inventing what another person said, then criticize the person based on their imagination.

The fact remains, though, that rural voters are responsible for Donald Trump, who lost reelection by seven million votes, claimed the election was stolen from him, then led a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government culminating in the Jan. 6 riot which he encouraged with a seditious speech. Trump also is responsible for the current Supreme Court which has walled itself off from the American people and is busy dividing our nation.

Along with rural voters, Vladimir Putin also wanted Trump to be our President.
That is pure stupidity

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