Former President Trump is Launching TRUTH Social to Combat Tyranny of Big Tech's Twitter and Facebook Censorship

the topic is trumps new social media platform.

you can call it what you want but to say the topic is about lying, it's only because you're in here doing it.
When you name your site TRUTH you leave yourself open to charges of lying
I like the sound of that. [Former President Donald Trump]
Future President Donald Trump

Anyway...I wonder if there will be a charge to join. Big mistake if so.

Read he's going to have movies, blogs, etc...and try to take on Amazon. LOL.

What are those streaming services going to be named? Truthflix? PrimeFlix, TrumpEntertainment? I'm sure while those hoarding toilet paper can dredge up enough to purchase all these perks cuz thems patriots that wanna show support but do nothing else. Sorry, but.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Those are some good points.

A charge to join would be unlikely, I imagine. Of course, there are always upgrades like USMB offers.

The name of the streaming is:
Along with social media service, TMTG also plans to launch a subscription video on demand service called TMTG+, which it says will feature 'non-woke' entertainment programing, news, podcasts and more.

Since I am Trump's biggest fan, I will certainly be checking out whatever he comes up with. I suspect I will like his political policies much better than his social media or streaming service.

Good ole Mac…still throwing his favorite word around…..TRUMPISM
Excellent, thought-provoking post. Thanks.

Take a look at their proposed TOS.....freedom of speech, my ass.....:heehee:
It's here.
It seems that the gripes about it are that one is not allowed to criticize the platform or the employees who work for it.
Whoop-dee-doo, that's not the kind of censorship I am worried about.

Think this new new Truth Social deserves some looking at before people who support Trump put money into it. if you cant afford to lose any money. not saying good or bad not my area of expertise.
Always good advice before investing in anything, but if you want to make some big bucks, you have to take a chance once in a while. My riskier investments include Bitcoin funds, marijuana funds/companies, buying oil, airlines, Boeing, Ford, and cruise lines during the worst drop of the early pandemic. They all paid off handsomely except for the pot. Should've known better - bunch of stoners. I bought some DWAC at 20 today, and within two hours it was at 45. I didn't even research, as the price was rising quickly. No biggy if I lose it all.


He is the living, breathing expression of their rage, frustration, bigotry and paranoia. Their big, loud, vulgar, orange FUCK YOU to the world.
But what is your take on special purpose acquisition companies? I ask you because you are a finance planner? & this looks fishy.

Trump announces he is launching his own social media platform called TRUTH Social to 'stand up to the tyranny of big tech': Ex-president's enterprise will also create subscription video service​

  • Former President Donald Trump has plans to launch his own social media network, TRUTH Social, to compete with Silicon Valley
  • 'We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced,' Trump said
  • The network will launch in early 2022 under a merger between Trump Media & Tech Group and Digital World Acquisitions Corp
  • The merged companies will also launch a subscription video service
  • It comes as Twitter and Facebook faced backlash for banning Trump following the January 6 Capitol Hill riot

Currently available for pre-order at the App store:

1. TRUTH Social Will Have a Limited Launch at First

2. TRUTH Social Is Valued at Up to $1.7 Billion

3. Donald Trump Jr. Says, ‘We’re Going to Cancel Cancel Culture’

4. Reaction to TRUTH Social Was Divided

5. A Few Details Have Come Out About Other People Involved in the Social Media Venture

I can't wait to see y'all's memes!


It’s called Truth because Pravda was already taken. Highly Orwellian considering Trump was thrown off Twitter for not telling the truth!
They don't allow holocaust denial and mass murder fantasies anywhere. It's the only reason the right dreams of a place where they can say whatever sick shit they want but somehow be shielded from any blowback.
You know what is wrong with what you say? The truth can be like that, we should take no chances.
I really don't understand why anyone supports a deranged psycho who lost the House, the Senate, and the White House.
Because they're losers themselves. Lets get real here. Most of these trumpanzees have never been accepted anywhere. Now, finally, they have a group of like minded human garbage where they can bounce their racist, anti-intellectual "ideas" and conspiracy theories off of.
So there will just be a bunch of trumpanzees trading meme's, discussing the latest conspiracy theories, and some Nazi's and other assorted domestic terrorists.
I suspect there will also be a lot of anti-Trump trolls, kind of like here. :)

Trump will rake in some money which will be considered a success in Trump world.
I do admire success myself. I wish everyone could make lots money and be successful. The Left seems to think that successful people make money off of the oppression of others. That's not how it works. Everyone has equal opportunity to be successful.

Please, creating an account called donaldtrump or mikepence at a Beta website where anyone can choose their user name is not much of a hack. Betas are used for testing. What a ridiculous slam piece from none other than the WaPo.
But what is your take on special purpose acquisition companies? I ask you because you are a finance planner? & this looks fishy.
Full disclosure: My broker/dealer doesn't offer them, so all I know is what I've learned in conversations.

That said, I don't really get the draw. You're investing into an empty shell that then takes that money to look to IPO a private company? Who's doing the research? What are their parameters? Are their standards the same as for a regular IPO? And what if you disagree with the purchase(s) it makes? And how liquid is this thing? What's their exit strategy? I do know the internal fees are high, partially because the sponsor gets a nice slice up front.

I'd need to know more, but I haven't been interested enough to pursue it. That could change, though. I have heard they're increasing in popularity.
I do admire success myself. I wish everyone could make lots money and be successful. The Left seems to think that successful people make money off of the oppression of others. That's not how it works. Everyone has equal opportunity to be successful.

So the person who is born into poverty has the same opportunity as the person that gets millions of dollars from their family and then millions more to bail them out of their mistakes?

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