Former Republican: How the GOP Turned Into a Racket Ripping Off Vulnerable Americans


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
As with many religions, political parties have a tendency to start as a movement, transform into a business, and finally degenerate into a racket designed to fleece the yokels. One organization which has gone out of its way to illustrate this evolution is the Republican Party. And it has done so with a national scope and fundraising apparatus that would have made Jimmy Swaggart or Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker mute with awe.

By "Republican Party" I mean both the formal party and its extended apparat: talk radio and the Fox News empire, pressure groups like the Family Research Council, allegedly "educational" 501(c)3 organizations like the Heritage Foundation, direct mail outfits descended from the original Richard Viguerie mother ship, polling firms like Rasmussen's, and the Tea Party itself (the latter nevertheless asserts its non-affiliation with the GOP despite its having sponsored the Florida Republican presidential candidates' debate in 2011).

True believers in this multi-faceted scam are usually careful to make a (false) distinction between the institutional GOP and the so-called conservative movement. The Republican Party and its grandees, according to this fable, are not "true conservatives." By 2008, the operatives of the racket were already saying this about George W. Bush, but that assessment required them to perform the mental gymnastics of forgetting that only a few years earlier, they were eager to nominate Dubbya to the next available vacancy in the Trinity.

Having abandoned the apostate Bush, the true believers were off on a quixotic hunt for the next messiah: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Hermann Cain, the resurrected Newt Gingrich. Each pasteboard messiah having eventually fallen to earth with a thump, the congregation settled for the colorless but ostensibly electable Mitt Romney (Romney may have been the purest true conservative in the operational sense, given his genius for separating rich donors from their money). That pragmatic decision came to naught in November 2012, but it wasn't long before the faithful, and all the movement's con artists who cling to the faithful like flees to a dog, were off on a pilgrimage to find the next conservative Wunderkind. Chris Christie, maybe? On second thought, perhaps he lacks the soothing, good-natured bonhomie of Dutch Reagan. Would it be Marco Rubio, evidently qualified to rebrand the party for a rising demographic because both his names end in vowels? Perhaps not. Or maybe even Ben Carson, who, like Herman Cain, has never been elected to public office, but who generates (also like Cain) the required evangelical fervor? The search continues for the anointed one, much to the amusement of satirists.

Former Republican: How the GOP Turned Into a Racket Ripping Off Vulnerable Americans | Alternet
There are no conservatives in power.

Anybody who thinks the GOP is fiscally conservative doesn't know his history.
Noticing how the "usual suspects" who always have something to say, staying out of this thread as if this was a "roach motel". Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.

Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc. but what they won't acknowledge that no other networks have suffered double dips in their ratings since the reelection of President Obama.

I'm glad to hear this is because a lot more folks are waking up and realizing that Fake Faux News has been very dishonest to actually lying as we'll as not reporting at all the real news.

Yes on this board I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts, the truth if it was shaped as a big ass frying pan being slammed on their head repeatedly.

You're entitled to your own opinion (something in very short supply from righties), but you're not entitled to your alternative version of the facts.
Noticing how the "usual suspects" who always have something to say, staying out of this thread as if this was a "roach motel". Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.

Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc. but what they won't acknowledge that no other networks have suffered double dips in their ratings since the reelection of President Obama.

I'm glad to hear this is because a lot more folks are waking up and realizing that Fake Faux News has been very dishonest to actually lying as we'll as not reporting at all the real news.

Yes on this board I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts, the truth if it was shaped as a big ass frying pan being slammed on their head repeatedly.

You're entitled to your own opinion (something in very short supply from righties), but you're not entitled to your alternative version of the facts.

Says the leftie who does nothing but repost tired progressive talking points.
Noticing how the "usual suspects" who always have something to say, staying out of this thread as if this was a "roach motel". Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.

Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc. but what they won't acknowledge that no other networks have suffered double dips in their ratings since the reelection of President Obama.

I'm glad to hear this is because a lot more folks are waking up and realizing that Fake Faux News has been very dishonest to actually lying as we'll as not reporting at all the real news.

Yes on this board I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts, the truth if it was shaped as a big ass frying pan being slammed on their head repeatedly.

You're entitled to your own opinion (something in very short supply from righties), but you're not entitled to your alternative version of the facts.

Says the leftie who does nothing but repost tired progressive talking points.

Just admit it, if you're one of those "paid" posters, besides offering nothing more than a quick sound bite, original thoughts aren't part of your DNA makeup that is why you couldn't offer up a more definitive argument to begin with.

Here is how most posters like yourself post:

1. Quick sound bite to attack the poster, make it personal
2. Don't acknowledge the argument being presented
3. Now try to discredit factual news as being legitmate by offering talking points
4. Try not to provide actual links to support your argument because chances are there is no real factual evidence to back up your rebuttal
5. Try to side track the initial argument being presented, by trying to get the other person to fall for a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the initial argument
6. If race is part of the discussion, then attack using plenty of racial stereotypes, thus adding fuel to the fire where other posters like you will begin to pile on like flies on shit
7. What was the article about?

Sounds about right? Sometimes I don't mind playing on your level and throwing red meat your way. But for the most part, I don't bother nor feel like wasting time with people who choose to remain ignorant to the truth.
Noticing how the "usual suspects" who always have something to say, staying out of this thread as if this was a "roach motel". Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.

Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc. but what they won't acknowledge that no other networks have suffered double dips in their ratings since the reelection of President Obama.

I'm glad to hear this is because a lot more folks are waking up and realizing that Fake Faux News has been very dishonest to actually lying as we'll as not reporting at all the real news.

Yes on this board I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts, the truth if it was shaped as a big ass frying pan being slammed on their head repeatedly.

You're entitled to your own opinion (something in very short supply from righties), but you're not entitled to your alternative version of the facts.

Says the leftie who does nothing but repost tired progressive talking points.

Just admit it, if you're one of those "paid" posters, besides offering nothing more than a quick sound bite, original thoughts aren't part of your DNA makeup that is why you couldn't offer up a more definitive argument to begin with.

Here is how most posters like yourself post:

1. Quick sound bite to attack the poster, make it personal
2. Don't acknowledge the argument being presented
3. Now try to discredit factual news as being legitmate by offering talking points
4. Try not to provide actual links to support your argument because chances are there is no real factual evidence to back up your rebuttal
5. Try to side track the initial argument being presented, by trying to get the other person to fall for a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the initial argument
6. If race is part of the discussion, then attack using plenty of racial stereotypes, thus adding fuel to the fire where other posters like you will begin to pile on like flies on shit
7. What was the article about?

Sounds about right? Sometimes I don't mind playing on your level and throwing red meat your way. But for the most part, I don't bother nor feel like wasting time with people who choose to remain ignorant to the truth.

[ame=]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult - YouTube[/ame]
As with many religions, political parties have a tendency to start as a movement, transform into a business, and finally degenerate into a racket designed to fleece the yokels. One organization which has gone out of its way to illustrate this evolution is the Republican Party. And it has done so with a national scope and fundraising apparatus that would have made Jimmy Swaggart or Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker mute with awe.

By "Republican Party" I mean both the formal party and its extended apparat: talk radio and the Fox News empire, pressure groups like the Family Research Council, allegedly "educational" 501(c)3 organizations like the Heritage Foundation, direct mail outfits descended from the original Richard Viguerie mother ship, polling firms like Rasmussen's, and the Tea Party itself (the latter nevertheless asserts its non-affiliation with the GOP despite its having sponsored the Florida Republican presidential candidates' debate in 2011).

True believers in this multi-faceted scam are usually careful to make a (false) distinction between the institutional GOP and the so-called conservative movement. The Republican Party and its grandees, according to this fable, are not "true conservatives." By 2008, the operatives of the racket were already saying this about George W. Bush, but that assessment required them to perform the mental gymnastics of forgetting that only a few years earlier, they were eager to nominate Dubbya to the next available vacancy in the Trinity.

Having abandoned the apostate Bush, the true believers were off on a quixotic hunt for the next messiah: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Hermann Cain, the resurrected Newt Gingrich. Each pasteboard messiah having eventually fallen to earth with a thump, the congregation settled for the colorless but ostensibly electable Mitt Romney (Romney may have been the purest true conservative in the operational sense, given his genius for separating rich donors from their money). That pragmatic decision came to naught in November 2012, but it wasn't long before the faithful, and all the movement's con artists who cling to the faithful like flees to a dog, were off on a pilgrimage to find the next conservative Wunderkind. Chris Christie, maybe? On second thought, perhaps he lacks the soothing, good-natured bonhomie of Dutch Reagan. Would it be Marco Rubio, evidently qualified to rebrand the party for a rising demographic because both his names end in vowels? Perhaps not. Or maybe even Ben Carson, who, like Herman Cain, has never been elected to public office, but who generates (also like Cain) the required evangelical fervor? The search continues for the anointed one, much to the amusement of satirists.

Former Republican: How the GOP Turned Into a Racket Ripping Off Vulnerable Americans | Alternet

I read Lofgren's excellent book back in January.

The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted
I care about what a former Republican has to say as much I do a Former President billy Clinton..

that would bezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Noticing how the "usual suspects" who always have something to say, staying out of this thread as if this was a "roach motel". Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.

Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc. but what they won't acknowledge that no other networks have suffered double dips in their ratings since the reelection of President Obama.

I'm glad to hear this is because a lot more folks are waking up and realizing that Fake Faux News has been very dishonest to actually lying as we'll as not reporting at all the real news.

Yes on this board I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts, the truth if it was shaped as a big ass frying pan being slammed on their head repeatedly.

You're entitled to your own opinion (something in very short supply from righties), but you're not entitled to your alternative version of the facts.

Says the leftie who does nothing but repost tired progressive talking points.

Just admit it, if you're one of those "paid" posters, besides offering nothing more than a quick sound bite, original thoughts aren't part of your DNA makeup that is why you couldn't offer up a more definitive argument to begin with.

Here is how most posters like yourself post:
1. Quick sound bite to attack the poster, make it personal
original thoughts aren't part of your DNA makeup
2. Don't acknowledge the argument being presented
What argument?
3. Now try to discredit factual news as being legitmate by offering talking points
Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board. Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc
4. Try not to provide actual links to support your argument because chances are there is no real factual evidence to back up your rebuttal
Try not to provide actual links to support your argument because chances are there is no real factual evidence
5. Try to side track the initial argument being presented, by trying to get the other person to fall for a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the initial argument
Fake Faux News has seen a double dip in ratings across the board.
Now I know you will have those who would argue that they still beat this network and this one and etc.

6. If race is part of the discussion, then attack using plenty of racial stereotypes, thus adding fuel to the fire where other posters like you will begin to pile on like flies on shit
I see quite a few knuckle draggers who will not acknowledge the facts
7. What was the article about?

A former republican bashing republicans.
Sounds about right? Sometimes I don't mind playing on your level and throwing red meat your way. But for the most part, I don't bother nor feel like wasting time with people who choose to remain ignorant to the truth.

That's very funny!
You just described yourself!

See 'my' responses in bold ?

Who authored those responses?

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