Former Secret Service Agent Issues ‘Challenge’ to Liberals

What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....
What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?
What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
Why is he/she a former Secret Service Agent?
Because he was disgusted having to provide security to Barack Obama (yes - he was on the Presidential Protection Detail or PPD) after listening to all of Barack lies in public and then hearing what Barack was saying and doing behind closed doors. He wants Constitutional government and he saw and heard Barack usurping the Constitution to form his own new marxist government.
Well that attempt to form a Marxist govt. sure did fail..
What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
I hope you are not procreating with that mouth..
What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
I hope you are not procreating with that mouth..

You have a lot to learn about pro-creating.......
What special knowledge does a government secret service agent have about the economy? Or anything else other than security?

What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
I hope you are not procreating with that mouth..

You have a lot to learn about pro-creating.......
I bet, I like practicing.......having the kids, eh...
What did Barrypuppet ever know about the economy? He was simply the figurehead of USA.INC......go out to a podium, read from the teleprompter and then go play some golf.......that's Barrypuppet's two terms.....

Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
I hope you are not procreating with that mouth..

You have a lot to learn about pro-creating.......
I bet, I like practicing.......having the kids, eh...

Well, if you are using your mouth to do it? You have nothing to worry about because that's not how it is done.
Red Herring again? Aren't you tired of eating the same thing over and over?

Barrypuppet is a joke in search of a punchline....just one big empty suit that took the place of another big empty suit. Barrypuppet has always done the bidding of his Wall Street masters...he has no power.
I hope you are not procreating with that mouth..

You have a lot to learn about pro-creating.......
I bet, I like practicing.......having the kids, eh...

Well, if you are using your mouth to do it? You have nothing to worry about because that's not how it is done.
Well obviously you've never tried in vitro-fertilization by whey of cunnilingus...But in all seriousness, it's not the procreation of kids by whey of oral stimulation, it's having kids with what comes from your mouth........
Well to be honest, I had a feeling you were going there. Deficit. Not debt. But here is the problem - you're buying into the liberal propaganda. You read "since taking office" and assume that means where we were BEFORE taking office (as any rational person would - which is exactly why they word it that way).

But here is what REALLY happened: in his first term (2009), Obama spent trillions upon trillions. It was crazy. Like nothing America has ever seen. To this day, he has deficit spent more each year than any president before him. But it's been less than what he previously did in 2009. And that's the disingenuous bullshit game that Dumbocrats like to play. He cut it 2/3's from HIS own WORST spending. But that 2/3's reduction is still more than any other president before him has spent.

So that would be like me brutally murdering 100 people in 2015. Then telling the American people that I cut crime by 75% because I "only" murdered 25 people in 2016. I've still killed a shit-load of people. I just killed less than I've killed before. That is the "logic" that Obama and the Dumbocrats are trying to sell the American people on (and sadly, it works with most liberals).

That's not entirely true, as he was only in office for a 8 months of that fiscal year, and wasn't even responsible for creating that annual budget. So how can you blame 2009 on him?
Because the budget is not what spends beyond the budget. The person sitting behind the Resolute Desk authorizing the spending beyond the budget is what creates the debt.

Not what spends beyond the budget? So what exactly are you saying that Obama spent so much money on beyond the budget? Now you need to be specific here, and you need to provide items that do not need to be approved by the Republican Congress beforehand. Otherwise all the stuff you list will be blood that is not just on Obama's hands but that of both parties.

There is a budget. The only way you can have a deficit (which is annual) that ultimately becomes the national debt (which is the total accumulative) is to spend beyond that budget. The budget (created by George W. Bush before leaving office for 2009) cannot spend beyond itself. It is an inanimate object. It is the person sitting in the Oval Office who approves the spending beyond that budget. It doesn't matter what Bush's budget was for 2009, if Obama had stuck to it, there wouldn't have been one penny in deficit for 2009.

Ok, then what do you say about the fact that Obama took over an economy that was in a nose dive and that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that was was the most contributing factor to that deficit and the overall addition to that national debt, was started before he even took office?

If you look at the article I posted, it shows that Obama actually decreased the deficit every year since he took office, which is ironic given the fact that Obamacare was supposed to waste so much money and contribute so much to the national debt. So you don't see it as a positive that the national deficit has steadily declined under Obama? That if things continue that we will eventually be in the black as a country?
Well for starters - it's not the responsibility of the executive branch to spend money or "rescue" the economy. There should have been no bailouts (and of course that goes for Bush as well).

And while a declining deficit is always a good thing - it's misleading because he's still spending way beyond other presidents. He's just spending slightly less than he was previously spending. And even that's deceiving because it's been a conservative house and senate putting pressure on him and blocking bills he wants to slow down that spending (which is why it is lower now than when he had Pelosi running the House and Reid running the Senate).

As much as I dislike Trump - I do love his plan for attacking these deficits. $19 trillion is insane and it has us on the brink of economic collapse.
That's not entirely true, as he was only in office for a 8 months of that fiscal year, and wasn't even responsible for creating that annual budget. So how can you blame 2009 on him?
Because the budget is not what spends beyond the budget. The person sitting behind the Resolute Desk authorizing the spending beyond the budget is what creates the debt.

Not what spends beyond the budget? So what exactly are you saying that Obama spent so much money on beyond the budget? Now you need to be specific here, and you need to provide items that do not need to be approved by the Republican Congress beforehand. Otherwise all the stuff you list will be blood that is not just on Obama's hands but that of both parties.

There is a budget. The only way you can have a deficit (which is annual) that ultimately becomes the national debt (which is the total accumulative) is to spend beyond that budget. The budget (created by George W. Bush before leaving office for 2009) cannot spend beyond itself. It is an inanimate object. It is the person sitting in the Oval Office who approves the spending beyond that budget. It doesn't matter what Bush's budget was for 2009, if Obama had stuck to it, there wouldn't have been one penny in deficit for 2009.

Ok, then what do you say about the fact that Obama took over an economy that was in a nose dive and that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that was was the most contributing factor to that deficit and the overall addition to that national debt, was started before he even took office?

If you look at the article I posted, it shows that Obama actually decreased the deficit every year since he took office, which is ironic given the fact that Obamacare was supposed to waste so much money and contribute so much to the national debt. So you don't see it as a positive that the national deficit has steadily declined under Obama? That if things continue that we will eventually be in the black as a country?
Well for starters - it's not the responsibility of the executive branch to spend money or "rescue" the economy. There should have been no bailouts (and of course that goes for Bush as well).

And while a declining deficit is always a good thing - it's misleading because he's still spending way beyond other presidents. He's just spending slightly less than he was previously spending. And even that's deceiving because it's been a conservative house and senate putting pressure on him and blocking bills he wants to slow down that spending (which is why it is lower now than when he had Pelosi running the House and Reid running the Senate).

As much as I dislike Trump - I do love his plan for attacking these deficits. $19 trillion is insane and it has us on the brink of economic collapse.
And the GOP helped him......They have given him all he ask for......and the GOP cut social security while asking for a raise....
Why is he/she a former Secret Service Agent?
Because he was disgusted having to provide security to Barack Obama (yes - he was on the Presidential Protection Detail or PPD) after listening to all of Barack lies in public and then hearing what Barack was saying and doing behind closed doors. He wants Constitutional government and he saw and heard Barack usurping the Constitution to form his own new marxist government.

Now he wasn't one of the ones that let the guy jump the fence and get inside the White House? Or he wasn't one of the ones that hired hookers in Columbia?

SS guys are not the sharpest pencils in the box. Years ago I and company somehow managed to get our limo right into the parking garage of the Hyatt in downtown Houston at the same time that Reagan's entourage was arriving. We were able to get out of our car walk right past Secret Service guys and go in to the hotel.......right past these stupid guys with the little ear phones and the dark glasses.

Might try finding a better reference for political ideation

But I do have to say most of them were pretty good looking
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Why is he/she a former Secret Service Agent?
Because he was disgusted having to provide security to Barack Obama (yes - he was on the Presidential Protection Detail or PPD) after listening to all of Barack lies in public and then hearing what Barack was saying and doing behind closed doors. He wants Constitutional government and he saw and heard Barack usurping the Constitution to form his own new marxist government.

Now he wasn't one of the ones that let the guy jump the fence and get inside the White House? Or he wasn't one of the ones that hired hookers in Columbia?

SS guys are not the sharpest pencils in the box. Years ago I and company somehow managed to get our limo right into the parking garage of the Hyatt in downtown Houston at the same time that Reagan's entourage was arriving. We were able to get out of our car walk right past Secret Service guys and go in to the hotel.......right past these stupid guys with the little ear phones and the dark glasses.

Might try finding a better reference for political ideation

But I do have to say most of them were pretty good looking
Great job James Bond. The thing is - their job wasn't to keep you out. Hence why you found it so easy to go in.
Because the budget is not what spends beyond the budget. The person sitting behind the Resolute Desk authorizing the spending beyond the budget is what creates the debt.

Not what spends beyond the budget? So what exactly are you saying that Obama spent so much money on beyond the budget? Now you need to be specific here, and you need to provide items that do not need to be approved by the Republican Congress beforehand. Otherwise all the stuff you list will be blood that is not just on Obama's hands but that of both parties.

There is a budget. The only way you can have a deficit (which is annual) that ultimately becomes the national debt (which is the total accumulative) is to spend beyond that budget. The budget (created by George W. Bush before leaving office for 2009) cannot spend beyond itself. It is an inanimate object. It is the person sitting in the Oval Office who approves the spending beyond that budget. It doesn't matter what Bush's budget was for 2009, if Obama had stuck to it, there wouldn't have been one penny in deficit for 2009.

Ok, then what do you say about the fact that Obama took over an economy that was in a nose dive and that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that was was the most contributing factor to that deficit and the overall addition to that national debt, was started before he even took office?

If you look at the article I posted, it shows that Obama actually decreased the deficit every year since he took office, which is ironic given the fact that Obamacare was supposed to waste so much money and contribute so much to the national debt. So you don't see it as a positive that the national deficit has steadily declined under Obama? That if things continue that we will eventually be in the black as a country?
Well for starters - it's not the responsibility of the executive branch to spend money or "rescue" the economy. There should have been no bailouts (and of course that goes for Bush as well).

And while a declining deficit is always a good thing - it's misleading because he's still spending way beyond other presidents. He's just spending slightly less than he was previously spending. And even that's deceiving because it's been a conservative house and senate putting pressure on him and blocking bills he wants to slow down that spending (which is why it is lower now than when he had Pelosi running the House and Reid running the Senate).

As much as I dislike Trump - I do love his plan for attacking these deficits. $19 trillion is insane and it has us on the brink of economic collapse.
And the GOP helped him......They have given him all he ask for......and the GOP cut social security while asking for a raise....

I can't argue with you there. Which is why Boehner was forced out. We're making progress cleaning up the cesspool that is the Republican Party. I wish the people on the left would do the same thing (the problem for them is, if they did, there wouldn't be a party left).
First off you lying sack, All those questions were answered, but you just didn't care for the responses because I wasn't going to play your childish grammar school rhetorical games. Secondly, I gave a response to the question, and that was the Dick Cheney said that, "Deficits don't matter." Again an answer you didn't want because it throws a monkey wrench into your game playing, idiotic schemes!
I have never seen anyone more scared of issue than you. You avoid simple questions like the plague because they leave you no room to wiggle out and run later on... :lol:

But at least it does show that you're smart enough to know that you're too dumb to debate the issues. That's saying something! A lot of people on your side are too dumb to even know that they are too dumb to debate the issues.
You never debate a damn thing. You put out your unsubstantiated opinions, call them facts, ignore actual substantiated facts from authoritative sources with bluster and taunts, declare yourself the victor and take victory laps. All the time ignoring the fact that your position has been eviscerated and soundly put down. It's enough for me to know your just a loser and a bag of hot air, OH self-proclaimed Constitutional expert!

You don't like my response to that set up question of yours that you lifted from that POS Blaze article, which was NOT the primary source? Tough shit! Deal with it or go piss up a rope! You choose which or go ask your mommy!

Why would only liberals have to answer? Liberals have a better record of managing the national debt.

Shit, you don't even have a fucking clue as to WHY we even have a national don't have a fucking clue about wave your little rainbow colored "demcrat" flag and spew bullshit. You are one incredibly stupid motherfucker.......seriously. As soon as I see you have posted in a thread, I put on the cyber boots because it's gonna get deep.
You must be related to Rot! Perhaps butt buddies at heart? And where exactly did you come to that idiotic conclusion..."Shit, you don't even have a fucking clue as to WHY we even have a national debt...." I said nothing of the sort you fucking troglodyte! Crawl back to your cave, Fool!

Hey, stupid post was directed at NY carbineer, ya numb fuck....but if I went back through your mind numbing posts of stupidity? I would probably have the same opinion of you. Don't fuck with me....I know and understand more than you could even wrap your tiny little mind around. I spend most of my time trying to wake people up as to what is really happening....I don't have the time nor the patience to waste on a stupid POS like you....get it? Or do I need to make it clearer but "dumbing" it down by not using so many multi-syllable words, ya ignorant douche.
Look at your post #45 and see who's tag is in the top Quote box shit for brains. Your mistake then Einstein! Now you were speaking of mind numbing what?
When I read the thread title, I figured the challenge to liberals was to see if liberals could really try to not be violent at any upcoming Trump events.

It's the violence that the leftists will engage in in Cleveland, while they burn the American flag, wave the Mexican and Palestinian flags, which will propel Trump into the White House.
Why is he/she a former Secret Service Agent?
Because he was disgusted having to provide security to Barack Obama (yes - he was on the Presidential Protection Detail or PPD) after listening to all of Barack lies in public and then hearing what Barack was saying and doing behind closed doors. He wants Constitutional government and he saw and heard Barack usurping the Constitution to form his own new marxist government.

Then glad he stopped being an agent, since their job is to well do their job, not decide who should and shouldn't be protected based on political views.

He didn’t stop being an agent…he was dismissed.
Well to be honest, I had a feeling you were going there. Deficit. Not debt. But here is the problem - you're buying into the liberal propaganda. You read "since taking office" and assume that means where we were BEFORE taking office (as any rational person would - which is exactly why they word it that way).

But here is what REALLY happened: in his first term (2009), Obama spent trillions upon trillions. It was crazy. Like nothing America has ever seen. To this day, he has deficit spent more each year than any president before him. But it's been less than what he previously did in 2009. And that's the disingenuous bullshit game that Dumbocrats like to play. He cut it 2/3's from HIS own WORST spending. But that 2/3's reduction is still more than any other president before him has spent.

So that would be like me brutally murdering 100 people in 2015. Then telling the American people that I cut crime by 75% because I "only" murdered 25 people in 2016. I've still killed a shit-load of people. I just killed less than I've killed before. That is the "logic" that Obama and the Dumbocrats are trying to sell the American people on (and sadly, it works with most liberals).

That's not entirely true, as he was only in office for a 8 months of that fiscal year, and wasn't even responsible for creating that annual budget. So how can you blame 2009 on him?

You do understand the debt owed to the Fed bankers is the responsibility of USA.INC and not us...right? USA.INC is a private corporation that was taken into receivership by the IMF with the 1950 bankruptcy after the Fed bankers bankrupted USA.INC after taking it into recievership wiht the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 where they confiscated the nation's gold. I am not employed by USA.INC....are you? USA.INC was created to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint" and they did it as a "for profit" venture but duped us into being responsible for the bill while skimming off the top thus the reason they run a deficit while amassing HUGE sums of wealth because they can pass their bookkeeping losses off on us. The CAFR is the "mack daddy", holy grail, mother lode of information where ALL corporations have to fill one out. Everything this "gubermint" provides is incorporated...even the Supreme Court is incorporated, The FBI is incorporated and why is that significant? Because if you are incorporated, you are under the Universal Commercial Code and admiralty law. Every state is "incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC...ALMOST every city, town and county is incorporated and they are subsidiaries of the state which like I said is a subsidiary of USA.INC whose headquarters are in the city/state that is Washington D.C. We have been made debt slaves to this massive corporate entity because we unknowingly gave them our consent through cohesion contracts that we didn't even realize that we were making. Our ignorance of how things REALLY are is why they have been able to get away with robbing us fuck Barrypuppet and all the other corporate officers that try to tell us they they "represent us"...these barristers have only one entity that they have to be loyal to and that is what is in the best interest of USA.INC which has been owned by international bankers since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Can you handle the truth? Because there it is...laid out for you in short form.

Wait, when is the last time you received a bill from China for the debt owed to them? Or from Russia? I've never gotten one... but I have used the health care system, driven on the paved roads, called the police...

Do you realize that you pay a mountain of taxes to provide for those? Do you realize that your income tax does not go towards paying anything that USA.INC provides? That all goes to the Fed bankers. Did you know that USA.INC has been skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement and has invested that in the stock markets both foreign and domestic and that the composite "gubermints" of USA.INC are currently sitting on about 145 TRILLION dollars in assets? They own majority stock in every Fortune 500 corporation and their's in the CAFR. USA.INC takes in 4 times more in dividend payments than it actually needs even with a bloated military to pay the bill...but they always run a deficit...and why is that? Because they can run up the company credit card, send the bill to us without touching a dime of the wealth they have accrued.

BTW, even the police departments are incorporated. Their main duty is to enforce acts, statutes and codes all designed to bring in money for the city, town or county that they work for......

I hope you don't take this personally, but when I read your posts, I see a vision of a guy wearing a tinfoil hat.

Ask him about 9/11. Or go to the Conspiracy section and prepare to be amused.

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