Former Senator: 'Legitimate Gun Owners' Should Form Their Own NRA

Im not surprised you have such a low opinion of Thomas Jefferson.

You mean that quote:

The tree of corporate gun lobbyists must be watered with your donations and fertilized with bullshit?

No. I mean his rather publicized viewpoint that sometimes the citizens have to rise up against government. In fact, it's enshrined in a document we call the Declaration of Independence. Im surprised your unfamiliar with it.

It's not something that should be done lightly, but there are times when it is not only necessary to do so, but right and just to do so.

Enshrined in the Declaration of Independence? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing document. I repeat - not a governing document. It has no force of law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

The United States Supreme Court and The Declaration of Independence
I like the Second Amendment Foundation myself, their not as wishy washy as the NRA.
Well why don't you pussies get on with it instead of just talking about it? No time like the present. You all say we are a communist country now so get cracking liberating us. It must so totally suck to live in such fear.

Not sure why you don't seem to understand that it's not something to be done lightly.

Unlike you, we aren't advocating revolution. We are advocating a restoration of the Republic.

The Founders were pleading their cause to restore their rights for decades. I suspect we will too. And I hope that we will succeed without ever needing to use force.

And no. I don't live in fear. Faith casts out fear. So does love. Which is why I am not afraid to speak the truth and warn people of what is coming. Because when you are prepared, there is no need to fear.
You mean that quote:

The tree of corporate gun lobbyists must be watered with your donations and fertilized with bullshit?

No. I mean his rather publicized viewpoint that sometimes the citizens have to rise up against government. In fact, it's enshrined in a document we call the Declaration of Independence. Im surprised your unfamiliar with it.

It's not something that should be done lightly, but there are times when it is not only necessary to do so, but right and just to do so.

Enshrined in the Declaration of Independence? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing document. I repeat - not a governing document. It has no force of law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

The United States Supreme Court and The Declaration of Independence

The principles of the Declaration are true. They don't have to be laws to be true.

If and when the time ever comes for independence, we will be obeying a higher law than a tyrannical government.
Some of these posters remind me of Terry Jones, Pat Robertson and Huckabee.
No. I mean his rather publicized viewpoint that sometimes the citizens have to rise up against government. In fact, it's enshrined in a document we call the Declaration of Independence. Im surprised your unfamiliar with it.

It's not something that should be done lightly, but there are times when it is not only necessary to do so, but right and just to do so.

Enshrined in the Declaration of Independence? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing document. I repeat - not a governing document. It has no force of law.

Declaration of Independence Is Not Law

The United States Supreme Court and The Declaration of Independence

The principles of the Declaration are true. They don't have to be laws to be true.

If and when the time ever comes for independence, we will be obeying a higher law than a tyrannical government.

Religious delusion is not a higher law.
Well why don't you pussies get on with it instead of just talking about it? No time like the present. You all say we are a communist country now so get cracking liberating us. It must so totally suck to live in such fear.

Not sure why you don't seem to understand that it's not something to be done lightly.

Unlike you, we aren't advocating revolution. We are advocating a restoration of the Republic.

The Founders were pleading their cause to restore their rights for decades. I suspect we will too. And I hope that we will succeed without ever needing to use force.

And no. I don't live in fear. Faith casts out fear. So does love. Which is why I am not afraid to speak the truth and warn people of what is coming. Because when you are prepared, there is no need to fear.

Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.
Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.

Yeah..."Something" like camping out in a public park, smoking dope and doing a drum circle. :lol:
By John Stephens

Former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart on Wednesday called on what he termed "legitimate gun owners" to form a new organization separate from the National Rifle Association (NRA), one that shares the belief that military-style assault weapons have no place in U.S. society.

"Of the legitimate gun owners who do have, according to the Supreme Court, the right to protect their homes by owning guns -- and sportsmen -- I suggested to them that they form their own organization that is separate from the predominate National Rifle Association, which refuses to cooperate, at least up to now, in controlling the military or military-like weapons that have no place in home security or in the field," Hart continued.

Hart also wrote about the NRA's defense of assault weapons in a blog post published Monday on The Huffington Post:

The National Rifle Association, which claims to speak for America's gun owners, makes only one argument for assault weapons: if "they" take away our assault weapons, then "they" will come for our sporting guns. Never mind that the mysterious "they," purposely left vague to serve the needs of paranoia, is the government of the United States whose president and members of Congress are all elected by a majority of American citizens. read more ...

More: Gary Hart, Former Senator: 'Legitimate Gun Owners' Should Leave NRA, Start New Group (VIDEO)

Gary Hart = Monkey Business

Or is it

Monkey Business = Gary Hart

Leave it to Loco, you never fail at finding the shinning jewel of dumb ass turds...

Take the assault rifles off the market, do it today...

The Adam Lanza's of the world will find a way...

Banning Assault Rifles does not solve the problem...

Just admit it Loco, you're not interested in the solution...

Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.

Yeah..."Something" like camping out in a public park, smoking dope and doing a drum circle. :lol:

It so sucks that I can't put you on ignore with the rest of the assholes.
To liberals legitimate gun owners might mean those who gave up their guns or have guns but no bullets. They are free to form any organization they wish. They can have all gay gun owners or membership restricted to the divorced or members who only date redheads. Everyone of them can claim legitimacy.
Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.

Yeah..."Something" like camping out in a public park, smoking dope and doing a drum circle. :lol:

It so sucks that I can't put you on ignore with the rest of the assholes.
It so sucks that wankers like you can't do anything more than camp out in a public park, smoke dope and do a drum circle, to claim that you're "doing something about it". :rofl:
Last edited:
Well why don't you pussies get on with it instead of just talking about it? No time like the present. You all say we are a communist country now so get cracking liberating us. It must so totally suck to live in such fear.

Not sure why you don't seem to understand that it's not something to be done lightly.

Unlike you, we aren't advocating revolution. We are advocating a restoration of the Republic.

The Founders were pleading their cause to restore their rights for decades. I suspect we will too. And I hope that we will succeed without ever needing to use force.

And no. I don't live in fear. Faith casts out fear. So does love. Which is why I am not afraid to speak the truth and warn people of what is coming. Because when you are prepared, there is no need to fear.

Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.

yet you oppose us doing things everyday by taking positions that put us in peril.
To liberals legitimate gun owners might mean those who gave up their guns or have guns but no bullets. They are free to form any organization they wish. They can have all gay gun owners or membership restricted to the divorced or members who only date redheads. Everyone of them can claim legitimacy.

it's Captain Hyperbole to the rescue.
By John Stephens

Former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart on Wednesday called on what he termed "legitimate gun owners" to form a new organization separate from the National Rifle Association (NRA), one that shares the belief that military-style assault weapons have no place in U.S. society.

"Of the legitimate gun owners who do have, according to the Supreme Court, the right to protect their homes by owning guns -- and sportsmen -- I suggested to them that they form their own organization that is separate from the predominate National Rifle Association, which refuses to cooperate, at least up to now, in controlling the military or military-like weapons that have no place in home security or in the field," Hart continued.

Hart also wrote about the NRA's defense of assault weapons in a blog post published Monday on The Huffington Post:

The National Rifle Association, which claims to speak for America's gun owners, makes only one argument for assault weapons: if "they" take away our assault weapons, then "they" will come for our sporting guns. Never mind that the mysterious "they," purposely left vague to serve the needs of paranoia, is the government of the United States whose president and members of Congress are all elected by a majority of American citizens. read more ...

More: Gary Hart, Former Senator: 'Legitimate Gun Owners' Should Leave NRA, Start New Group (VIDEO)

Gary Hart = Monkey Business

Or is it

Monkey Business = Gary Hart

Leave it to Loco, you never fail at finding the shinning jewel of dumb ass turds...

Take the assault rifles off the market, do it today...

The Adam Lanza's of the world will find a way...

Banning Assault Rifles does not solve the problem...

Just admit it Loco, you're not interested in the solution...

That's kinda funny - in a deranged sort of way. Who needs assault weapons and high-capacity clips/magazines?
Not sure why you don't seem to understand that it's not something to be done lightly.

Unlike you, we aren't advocating revolution. We are advocating a restoration of the Republic.

The Founders were pleading their cause to restore their rights for decades. I suspect we will too. And I hope that we will succeed without ever needing to use force.

And no. I don't live in fear. Faith casts out fear. So does love. Which is why I am not afraid to speak the truth and warn people of what is coming. Because when you are prepared, there is no need to fear.

Sounds like wimp talk to me but then again it so much safer to be a keyboard commando than an actual commando. I know what you are talking but what are you doing? Protecting your stuff? Complaining that you may be less comfortable in the future? The founders bet their lands, their possessions and their very lives on American freedom, what a bunch of shrinking violets to claim to take up their mantle. You and the rest talk like spoiled brats rather than patriots. You can bet your ass that if I thought the country was in such mortal peril as you guys claim here every day I would be doing something about it.

yet you oppose us doing things everyday by taking positions that put us in peril.

Not responsible for your unreasoning paranoia, that is 100% your affair.

Gary Hart = Monkey Business

Or is it

Monkey Business = Gary Hart

Leave it to Loco, you never fail at finding the shinning jewel of dumb ass turds...

Take the assault rifles off the market, do it today...

The Adam Lanza's of the world will find a way...

Banning Assault Rifles does not solve the problem...

Just admit it Loco, you're not interested in the solution...

That's kinda funny - in a deranged sort of way. Who needs assault weapons and high-capacity clips/magazines?
It's the Bill of RIGHTS, not the Bill of NEEDS, nitwit.

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