Former Senator: 'Legitimate Gun Owners' Should Form Their Own NRA


They were refering to the natural human right of self defense. We are allowed to defend ourselves against others and against government, no matter how you bitch and moan about it. This is a natural right enshrined in the Second amendment.

Surviviable at close range? They didnt have real medical practices back then you thundering idiot.

They also did not have methods of free speech except spoken word or printing press, but the 1st amendment was extended to then. There were no phones but warrant protection was extended to that method of communication.

You really are an idiot.

Gary Hart = Monkey Business

Or is it

Monkey Business = Gary Hart

Leave it to Loco, you never fail at finding the shinning jewel of dumb ass turds...

Take the assault rifles off the market, do it today...

The Adam Lanza's of the world will find a way...

Banning Assault Rifles does not solve the problem...

Just admit it Loco, you're not interested in the solution...

That's kinda funny - in a deranged sort of way. Who needs assault weapons and high-capacity clips/magazines?


Do you comprehend anything?

Pitiful would be a complement, ask for forgivness...
Gun shots from muskets were usually survivable in the revolutionary and civil war age? Someone doesn't know their history.
Gun shots from muskets were usually survivable in the revolutionary and civil war age? Someone doesn't know their history.
I would think they were even less survivable than today due to infections and generally bad medical practices.

Yeah seriously man, it was worse to get a non-fatal musketball a lot of the time just because you were likely to get all manner of horrible illness like ganggreen or some other horrible infection from the doctor hacksawing whatever part of your body got the ball in it. I don't mind anti-gun propaganda (like I don't mind pro-gun propaganda) as long as it makes sense but that one does not.
Gun shots from muskets were usually survivable in the revolutionary and civil war age? Someone doesn't know their history.
I would think they were even less survivable than today due to infections and generally bad medical practices.

Yeah seriously man, it was worse to get a non-fatal musketball a lot of the time just because you were likely to get all manner of horrible illness like ganggreen or some other horrible infection from the doctor hacksawing whatever part of your body got the ball in it. I don't mind anti-gun propaganda (like I don't mind pro-gun propaganda) as long as it makes sense but that one does not.

I don't consider honest arguments in either direction propaganda. But I completely agree otherwise.

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