Former White House advisor tells GOP they should abandon Trump

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci suggested that Republicans should consider a change to the top of their ticket ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.

It’s a remarkable divorce between Trump and an associate who was once one of his foremost public allies, but follows a familiar pattern of former aides turning on Trump. The turnover rate in the White House is the worst in modern American history, part of the reason being, Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

“To those asking, ‘What took so long?’ You’re right,” Scaramucci tweeted Monday. “I tried to see best in @realDonaldTrump based on private interactions and select policy alignment. But his increasingly divisive rhetoric — and damage it’s doing to fabric of our society — outweighs any short-term economic gain.”

The Hill reports, "Scaramucci accused the president of inciting hate and fracturing institutions and suggested the GOP may need to consider nominating someone else for 2020. He predicted other Republicans might begin to speak out if Trump's divisive rhetoric continues, claiming GOP officials have raised concerns privately."

“The racially charged comments, the divisive tweeting, the nonsense coming from the President is not helping the country,” Scaramucci said on “New Day.”

The Mooch" does not hold public office, so the impact of his statements may be marginal at best.

However, there is a trend and it does not bode well for the Republican Party. House Republicans left office at a historical rate for the 2018 midterm elections. 44 House Republicans quit, including the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

This year the lone African-American Republican in the House, Will Hurd from Texas, is quitting. Hurd is the third Texas Republican in the past two weeks to decide to spend more time with their families, and the eighth GOP member of the House to do so.

With the stock market tanking since March because of Trump's trade war with China, because of three mass killings in eight days linked to Trump's inflammatory rhetoric, more Republicans may be asking themselves, "What the hell am I doing?"

"The Mooch's" sentiments may be prescient.
Trump on Twitter:

Scaramucci, who like so many others had nothing to do with my Election victory, is only upset that I didn’t want him back in the Administration (where he desperately wanted to be). Also, I seldom had time to return his many calls to me. He just wanted to be on TV!
Mercedes Schlaap was on Fox today and when asked asked she said the Mooch thought he was boss of the White House and terrorized the staff so bad in the 10 days he was employed that Trump fired his ass
Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci suggested that Republicans should consider a change to the top of their ticket ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.

It’s a remarkable divorce between Trump and an associate who was once one of his foremost public allies, but follows a familiar pattern of former aides turning on Trump. The turnover rate in the White House is the worst in modern American history, part of the reason being, Trump is the least popular President in modern American history.

“To those asking, ‘What took so long?’ You’re right,” Scaramucci tweeted Monday. “I tried to see best in @realDonaldTrump based on private interactions and select policy alignment. But his increasingly divisive rhetoric — and damage it’s doing to fabric of our society — outweighs any short-term economic gain.”

The Hill reports, "Scaramucci accused the president of inciting hate and fracturing institutions and suggested the GOP may need to consider nominating someone else for 2020. He predicted other Republicans might begin to speak out if Trump's divisive rhetoric continues, claiming GOP officials have raised concerns privately."

“The racially charged comments, the divisive tweeting, the nonsense coming from the President is not helping the country,” Scaramucci said on “New Day.”

The Mooch" does not hold public office, so the impact of his statements may be marginal at best.

However, there is a trend and it does not bode well for the Republican Party. House Republicans left office at a historical rate for the 2018 midterm elections. 44 House Republicans quit, including the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.

This year the lone African-American Republican in the House, Will Hurd from Texas, is quitting. Hurd is the third Texas Republican in the past two weeks to decide to spend more time with their families, and the eighth GOP member of the House to do so.

With the stock market tanking since March because of Trump's trade war with China, because of three mass killings in eight days linked to Trump's inflammatory rhetoric, more Republicans may be asking themselves, "What the hell am I doing?"

"The Mooch's" sentiments may be prescient.

Screw him. Scaramucci as well as other Republicans were crawling around after Trump like mutant reptiles slithering through the grass, only because they thought they'd get rich and powerful on the President's coat tails. Like so many other never-Trumpers, Scaramucci is a back-stabbing weasel.

Pretty obvious why they call him "The Mooch", ain't it?
Who’s the next gop oh wait trump just killed the party. The democrats are going to cheat because they want power god I hope that this country divides and cause havoc when everyone is poor and trying to survive the idiotic socialist ideology

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Trump supporters have their head shoved right up their ass
Trump supporters have their head shoved right up their ass
There are 2 types of Democrats...

The first are anti American globalist who hate America and Americans and want fundamentally transform America into a global socialist police state run by oligarchs out of Europe.

The second are ignorant fools who believe and repeat the lies told to Americans by the 1st.
Didn't he last about a week in that position? About the same amount of time he was on Celebrity Big Brother.
Trump supporters have their head shoved right up their ass
There are 2 types of Democrats...

How is that relevant?
It is more relevant then your NPC comment.

Can't even refute what I say. You're so triggered by it, you take the time not to Quote the whole thing.

Please explain why your one liner comment is relevant. I'd love to read it...


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