Former Witch Speaks Out About Halloween

Born again back slider. All fall short.

Don't we all? But yeah I'm from a Christian website who banned me because they thought I had the spirit of Jezebel in me for being a Potter fanatic and celebrating Halloween when that wasn't even in their rules. :rolleyes:
Some make it a CHOICE to be a "backslider." Others make an EFFORT to follow Christ. You do have the CHOICE

What makes you think he doesn't make an effort, he never said that. He was just making an obvious statement that all of us fall short except for Christ.
You know, I wasn't originally going to say anything about this,.. but if you guys really think that as a child Jesus wouldn't have loved carving a pumpkin and dressing up and trick-or-treating and getting candy if given the opportunity, you Christians (meaning your kind of) are even more mixed up then I thought.
Jesus would have followed this witch BEFORE her conversion?
You have a LOT to learn

We are COMMANDED to not worship God the way the pagans worship their gods (demons)
Catholics and Protestants agree that to be saved, you have to be born again. Jesus said so: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). When a Catholic says that he has been “born again,” he refers to the transformation that God’s grace accomplished in him during baptism.

Are you Catholic? If you're not, I'm not sure why you are posting this to me. I come from a Catholic background so I am aware that they see being born again in a very different way. But since that isn't the topic here, it's probably best for that topic to go on a thread of its own.
What makes you think he doesn't make an effort, he never said that. He was just making an obvious statement that all of us fall short except for Christ.
When you say "I am a backslider" you're giving yourself PERMISSION to continue in sin.

A Christian either moves FORWARD or spiritually dies.

A growing embryo will ALWAYS advance. If it isn't GROWING, it dies
No, I never said that. This isn't the dark ages anymore. Halloween is about carving pumpkins, dressing up, and going to parties or getting candy. Lighten up already! :rolleyes:
Did you even watch the short video before commenting? Your responses tell me you're responding to the topic without even watching the video

I'm sorry I struck a nerve with you, but I will always speak the truth as I understand it.

If you feel the need to correct me, ONLY the proper use of Scriptures will reach me
Don't we all? But yeah I'm from a Christian website who banned me because they thought I had the spirit of Jezebel in me for being a Potter fanatic and celebrating Halloween when that wasn't even in their rules. :rolleyes:
Banned from Christian website? That is Hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:Nothing like the forgiving nature, eh?
Did you even watch the short video before commenting? Your responses tell me you're responding to the topic without even watching the video

Because I'm tired of this shit that's why. It's too cringeworthy and anybody who thinks Halloween is evil is obviously delirious. :rolleyes: (My opinion anyways.)
Banned from Christian website? That is Hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:Nothing like the forgiving nature, eh?

It's alright I understand their beliefs but trying to force it on somebody else is a whole different subject.

When you say "I am a backslider" you're giving yourself PERMISSION to continue in sin.

A Christian either moves FORWARD or spiritually dies.

A growing embryo will ALWAYS advance. If it isn't GROWING, it dies

Hey, I never said that sin was a good thing, but there's nothing sinful about how Halloween is celebrated today.
Because I'm tired of this shit that's why. It's too cringeworthy and anybody who thinks Halloween is evil is obviously delirious. :rolleyes: (My opinion anyways.)

It's alright I understand their beliefs but trying to force it on somebody else is a whole different subject.

Hey, I never said that sin was a good thing, but there's nothing sinful about how Halloween is celebrated today.
I've decided to put you on ignore. You claim to be a Christian but LOVE dabbling in the occult and witchcraft.
I've decided to put you on ignore. You claim to be a Christian but LOVE dabbling in the occult and witchcraft.

Whatever. What ever happened to agreeing to disagreeing? I need to tag mudwhistle on this because I'm curious about his thoughts on all of the kooks in this thread. :rolleyes:
Are you Catholic? If you're not, I'm not sure why you are posting this to me. I come from a Catholic background so I am aware that they see being born again in a very different way. But since that isn't the topic here, it's probably best for that topic to go on a thread of its own.

You brought it up, buttercup.. You asked if he was a real born again Christian. The fundamentalist think their version of born again is different.
I used to know a girl from Spain who was living here during an American Halloween. She was Catholic of course.

She thought the way we celebrate Halloween was disgusting. I asked her how she celebrates it.

She said it was a somber day where families "go to visit their relatives sleeping in the grave" then go home for a meal with extended family.

Even though I know what this woman in the video is saying is the TRUTH, I did have some respect for my Spanish friend's culture.
Never understood sadness related to death. Fuck this ball of dirt
You brought it up, buttercup.. You asked if he was a real born again Christian. The fundamentalist think their version of born again is different.

All of us already know that Catholics view being born again in a very different way. He answered my question, so again, I'm still not sure why you felt the need to say something that we all already know? Maybe you just want to have that discussion? If so, as I said it would probably be better on a thread of its own.
No, I never said that. This isn't the dark ages anymore. Halloween is about carving pumpkins, dressing up, and going to parties or getting candy. Lighten up already! :rolleyes:
That's correct. But it seems to me so many make it about gutting people and committing slasher murders, usually with a sharp object.

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