Founded by Geniuses and Run by Idiots

Great examples of why the Founders purposefully limited the voting impact of Luddites.
If you live in a country in which parents are not allowed to give their children peanut butter sandwiches for their school lunches, but the government enables young girls to take morning after pills without their parents' consent … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
You know that when you live in a country that as of January this year, declared it illegal to unlock your own Smart Phone in order to access a different carrier--$1 million dollar fine and up to 5 years in prison. . . .

You know that when even the blind have to petition the government to allow them to have a book read out loud to them. . . . .

See: The Most Ridiculous Law of 2013 (So Far): It Is Now a Crime to Unlock Your Smartphone - Derek Khanna - The Atlantic

You not only live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots, the idiots are taking away your individual liberties, choices, options, and opportunities, one by one.
If you live in a country where the president blames the republicans for the sequester when it was actually his idea you might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by lying crooks.

We DO live in a country where 47% of the voters apparently do not know that Congress must send a bill to the White House for signature and that if enough of the members of Congress refuse to do their job and instead leave for yet another vacation (at YOUR expense, morons), not a hell of a lot will get done.


Haven't read more than a few of these but what I read is just chocked full of false equivalencies and downright falsehoods.

A lot like the idiotic thread that states bicycle helmets cause obesity.

What does a regurgitation of what the Democrats did during the Bush administration have to do with this particular topic?

I wondered how long it would take a left wingnut to come in here and go off-topic.

:eek:I could of swore it was going to be at least another 2 minutes away...guess I was wrong.
I just saw this and it looked perfect for this thread:


You're right ...

cuz every single line is a lie.

And, no, I have no intention of wading through miles of lies and half truths to set y'all straight. I don't need to do that because every one of you already knows which ones are LIES. Doncha.

Bet that not one of you can back up your lies with FACTS. Bet you can't back up the lies of this graphic with FACTS.

If you're gonna post this shit, you should be able to prove what you say. You cannot do that because ...

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: time you watch TV make sure you turn up the really helps. And when you read the papers...take off the blinders. Thats if you know how of course.

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