Founded by Geniuses and Run by Idiots

If you live in a country in which unemployment checks are called "job creators", you might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.

If you live in a country in which reducing an expected 9% budget increase to a 7% increase over the previous year's budget is called a "catastrophic budget cut", you might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.

If you live in a country in which law-abiding gun owners are punished for the actions of criminals, you might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.

If you live a country in which a president who presided over 4 years of malaise, record unemployment, records numbers leaving the job market, record numbers on food stamps, and record numbers on disability gets re-elected for another 4 years, you might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.
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If you live in a country where the Chief Bureaucrat who oversees airport security claims that passengers will experience much longer security lines due to an eensy beensy budget cut (after the relevant agency had received a 10% increase in funding over a few short years and the number of flights has dropped considerably) while also allowing said agency to place a $50M order for new uniforms (which equates to $1,000 per employee and is more than the Marine Corps spends) might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by idiots.
If you live in a country where the White House cancels tours for the public due to an eensy beensy 5% cut in projected spending increases while the current first lady has a staff that is 1/3 larger than the prior one and spends $ millions on fancy vacation in Costa del Sol and might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by corrupt idiots.
If you live in a country where the White House cancels tours for the public due to an eensy beensy 5% cut in projected spending increases while the current first lady has a staff that is 1/3 larger than the prior one and spends $ millions on fancy vacation in Costa del Sol and might live in a country founded by geniuses and run by corrupt idiots.

I just saw this one this morning Boe, and unbelievable. The President spends multi millions flying to Florida to play golf with Tiger Woods, has not curtailed his own schedule, every trip costing us hundreds of thousands, and no alterations of vacation travels involving much staff and Secret Service protection, but he closes the White House to the public because the government 'can't afford it?" Unbelievable.

(At least the House cut their expenses elsewhere and have left the Capital building open for public visits and tours.)

But if you live in a country in which the focus is not to work to find solutions to the problem, but is rather to inflict the maximum amount of pain possible on the American people, you might have a country founded by geniuses but run by sadists.
I just saw this and it looked perfect for this thread:

Glanced at this mess again and wowie-zowie - its 99% fiction.

Really shows how much the rw's live in LaLaLand.

I DARE any one of you to do this thread again but ONLY write FACTS.

Betcha can't.
Glanced at this mess again and wowie-zowie - its 99% fiction.

Really shows how much the rw's live in LaLaLand.

I DARE any one of you to do this thread again but ONLY write FACTS.

Betcha can't.

Why don't you go back at show us where we got our facts wrong. Are you saying a United States Congressman, did not claimed the Asia Pacific island of Guam would “tip over and capsize” from the additional weight of 8,000 American troops and their families?
Really which one of the facts are you questioning?
Feel Free to point out the ones you are having a problem with.
I just saw this and it looked perfect for this thread:


You're right ...

cuz every single line is a lie.

And, no, I have no intention of wading through miles of lies and half truths to set y'all straight. I don't need to do that because every one of you already knows which ones are LIES. Doncha.

Bet that not one of you can back up your lies with FACTS. Bet you can't back up the lies of this graphic with FACTS.

If you're gonna post this shit, you should be able to prove what you say. You cannot do that because ...

I just saw this and it looked perfect for this thread:


You're right ...

cuz every single line is a lie.

And, no, I have no intention of wading through miles of lies and half truths to set y'all straight. I don't need to do that because every one of you already knows which ones are LIES. Doncha.

Bet that not one of you can back up your lies with FACTS. Bet you can't back up the lies of this graphic with FACTS.

If you're gonna post this shit, you should be able to prove what you say. You cannot do that because ...


wow, compelling arguement.

Bet it took you hours to think through the strategy, consider the angles, and execute what can only be seen as a massive brain fart.

Perhaps you can cut and paste something from that may allow you to regain a smidgeon of credability?
I just saw this and it looked perfect for this thread:


You're right ...

cuz every single line is a lie.

And, no, I have no intention of wading through miles of lies and half truths to set y'all straight. I don't need to do that because every one of you already knows which ones are LIES. Doncha.

Bet that not one of you can back up your lies with FACTS. Bet you can't back up the lies of this graphic with FACTS.

If you're gonna post this shit, you should be able to prove what you say. You cannot do that because ...


wow, compelling arguement.

Bet it took you hours to think through the strategy, consider the angles, and execute what can only be seen as a massive brain fart.

Perhaps you can cut and paste something from that may allow you to regain a smidgeon of credability?

Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |
You're right ...

cuz every single line is a lie.

And, no, I have no intention of wading through miles of lies and half truths to set y'all straight. I don't need to do that because every one of you already knows which ones are LIES. Doncha.

Bet that not one of you can back up your lies with FACTS. Bet you can't back up the lies of this graphic with FACTS.

If you're gonna post this shit, you should be able to prove what you say. You cannot do that because ...


wow, compelling arguement.

Bet it took you hours to think through the strategy, consider the angles, and execute what can only be seen as a massive brain fart.

Perhaps you can cut and paste something from that may allow you to regain a smidgeon of credability?

Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |

That article, like all the other ones flying around the right wing nutosphere at the moment, are missing some very important qualifications for that survey.

The survey in question doesn't say that "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read".

It says that 80% of NYC high school graduates that go to CUNY community colleges (2-year institutions that accept all applicants) need remedial classes.

47% of NYC high school graduates go on to 4-year colleges. Of the remaining kids who didn't get into a real college, 34% go to 2-year schools. The "80%" figure comes only from those kids - and leaves out the near-half of graduates that go to competitive 4-year colleges.

This is a perfect example of lying with headlines.
wow, compelling arguement.

Bet it took you hours to think through the strategy, consider the angles, and execute what can only be seen as a massive brain fart.

Perhaps you can cut and paste something from that may allow you to regain a smidgeon of credability?

Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |

That article, like all the other ones flying around the right wing nutosphere at the moment, are missing some very important qualifications for that survey.

The survey in question doesn't say that "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read".

It says that 80% of NYC high school graduates that go to CUNY community colleges (2-year institutions that accept all applicants) need remedial classes.

47% of NYC high school graduates go on to 4-year colleges. Of the remaining kids who didn't get into a real college, 34% go to 2-year schools. The "80%" figure comes only from those kids - and leaves out the near-half of graduates that go to competitive 4-year colleges.

This is a perfect example of lying with headlines.



That certainly beat Luddies "Liar, LIAR, Pants-on-Fire!" response.
Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |

That article, like all the other ones flying around the right wing nutosphere at the moment, are missing some very important qualifications for that survey.

The survey in question doesn't say that "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read".

It says that 80% of NYC high school graduates that go to CUNY community colleges (2-year institutions that accept all applicants) need remedial classes.

47% of NYC high school graduates go on to 4-year colleges. Of the remaining kids who didn't get into a real college, 34% go to 2-year schools. The "80%" figure comes only from those kids - and leaves out the near-half of graduates that go to competitive 4-year colleges.

This is a perfect example of lying with headlines.



That certainly beat Luddies "Liar, LIAR, Pants-on-Fire!" response.

Yo, DumDum ... I didn't respond to that article at all. Not even one word.

My comments have concerned the entire thread which is 98% lies that not one of you nutters can back up with facts.

Go ahead, take a look.


There's a difference.
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wow, compelling arguement.

Bet it took you hours to think through the strategy, consider the angles, and execute what can only be seen as a massive brain fart.

Perhaps you can cut and paste something from that may allow you to regain a smidgeon of credability?

Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |

That article, like all the other ones flying around the right wing nutosphere at the moment, are missing some very important qualifications for that survey.

The survey in question doesn't say that "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read".

It says that 80% of NYC high school graduates that go to CUNY community colleges (2-year institutions that accept all applicants) need remedial classes.

47% of NYC high school graduates go on to 4-year colleges. Of the remaining kids who didn't get into a real college, 34% go to 2-year schools. The "80%" figure comes only from those kids - and leaves out the near-half of graduates that go to competitive 4-year colleges.

This is a perfect example of lying with headlines.

You are correct that in the particular article, 80% of students going to community colleges lacked those basic skills. But the implication was that it is wasn't any better for those attending 4-year college or not going to college at all. The last stats I read are that 2 out of 3 HS graduates across the country are missing one or more benchmark levels on their SATs or ACTs and need remedial courses.

So can you show any statistics that show that the 47% are significantly better off or better prepared than the CUNY kids? Or those who don't attempt college at all?

However the numbers sort out, they are pathetic. And yes, I believe our government would serve us much better if it focused on delivering quality education than it serves us by limiting the size of soft drinks or worrying that the homeless might get too much salt and sugar in donated food.

It is quite possible things are run by idiots. Yes?

Edit: After further reivew, your 47% may also be high. Do you have a reliable source for that?

Just a quarter of students graduating from New York City high schools this year were prepared for college coursework, and fewer than half of all New York students enrolled in college four years after entering high school.

The figures are a part of the city's recently released High School Progress Reports, which reveals that fewer city schools received the highest A grade.
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Luddly waxed so eloquent on the last graphic, he should earn a freaking Pulitzer responding to this one :)


Backup for the rationale :)
80% of New York City graduates Unable to Read |

That article, like all the other ones flying around the right wing nutosphere at the moment, are missing some very important qualifications for that survey.

The survey in question doesn't say that "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read".

It says that 80% of NYC high school graduates that go to CUNY community colleges (2-year institutions that accept all applicants) need remedial classes.

47% of NYC high school graduates go on to 4-year colleges. Of the remaining kids who didn't get into a real college, 34% go to 2-year schools. The "80%" figure comes only from those kids - and leaves out the near-half of graduates that go to competitive 4-year colleges.

This is a perfect example of lying with headlines.

You are correct that in the particular article, 80% of students going to community colleges lacked those basic skills. But the implication was that it is wasn't any better for those attending 4-year college or not going to college at all.
That's certainly what the author was "implying".

But I dont see any reason to agree with that implication. Its intellectually dishonest to imply that the statistics would somehow be the same for people who successfully applied and were accepted to 4-year schools versus 2-year schools that are required by law to accept ALL applicants.
The last stats I read are that 2 out of 3 HS graduates across the country are missing one or more benchmark levels on their SATs or ACTs and need remedial courses.

So can you show any statistics that show that the 47% are significantly better off or better prepared than the CUNY kids? Or those who don't attempt college at all?
No, because in general 4-year schools don't release that information.

However the numbers sort out, they are pathetic. And yes, I believe our government would serve us much better if it focused on delivering quality education than it serves us by limiting the size of soft drinks or worrying that the homeless might get too much salt and sugar in donated food.

It is quite possible things are run by idiots. Yes?
If you're saying that Bloomberg is an idiot, I agree completely.

That doesn't change the fact that the article with the headline "80% of NYC high school graduates can't read" intellectually dishonesty and misleading.
This thread went inactive way too soon. So much idiocy. So little time.

This morning I'm watching my retirement funds gasping for oxygen as the market plummets in the wake of a terrible jobs report. And I'm watching one news report that hundreds of thousands more people have just given up looking for work while on another news report, somebody was applauding Obama because the unemployment rate ticked down another fraction.

And it occurred to me that only in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots, would anybody brag about an unemployment rate created by people dropping out of the work force because they can't find work?

Hell, if everybody would just go on welfare and stop looking for work, we could bring the unemployment rate down to zero. Then they would really have something to brag about.

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