Founder of the Tea Party received bailouts and unemployment haha


Wow, where to start...

The Got News article you posted has nothing to do with this article. The Got News article alleged that a staffer for Cochran paid blacks to vote.


There is no breaking news...just bitter teapers crying because they lost an election. Nothing is proven, no breaking news beyond the fact that teapers want to destroy the GOP.

Nothing has been proven. Are you really this stupid?


Considering the

consider this coming a troll

you two are trolls in a pea pod

nothing more


Ok, I will be a troll as long as you admit the story you posted isn't a smoking is simply a story about a group suing over the election...nothing more.


I am sure your teaper buddies will come to your defense. I don't know how...but I am sure they will find a way. Maybe Kosh will help you out with a drone post and the racist element of the Tea Party will spew some racist nonsense.

But that still doesn't change the fact that you are pathetic. :lol: Got News???
Steph...seriously. You are an embarrassment to conservatives everywhere. PLEASE be sure to identify yourself as a Teaper for now on, I don't want people to confuse your nonsense with true conservatism!

What a crock of shit and just piss poor journalism! I except nothing less from the Daily Commies. First, like student loans, taxes (where it be state, federal or municipal) are non-dischargable, not subject to the chapter 7 auto stay and don't even need a judgement or even file in court to cease your assets, property or wages. You can't get rid of back taxes. So the Daily Commies are lying.

Second there is no one founder of the tea party. It was movement that popped up based on an ideology of limited government (NOT NO GOVERNMENT), lower taxation, responsible government spending and reasonable regulation.

Most have never heard of this woman and I doubt she started anything. Nevertheless, even if she preaches for limited government and against TARP, why should she not be able to take advantage of unemployment benefits. When I was laid off in Feb (got a new job in April. I sure as hell got my unemployment benefits for March!

What a crock of shit and just piss poor journalism! I except nothing less from the Daily Commies. First, like student loans, taxes (where it be state, federal or municipal) are non-dischargable, not subject to the chapter 7 auto stay and don't even need a judgement or even file in court to cease your assets, property or wages. You can't get rid of back taxes. So the Daily Commies are lying.

Second there is no one founder of the tea party. It was movement that popped up based on an ideology of limited government (NOT NO GOVERNMENT), lower taxation, responsible government spending and reasonable regulation.

Most have never heard of this woman and I doubt she started anything. Nevertheless, even if she preaches for limited government and against TARP, why should she not be able to take advantage of unemployment benefits. When I was laid off in Feb (got a new job in April. I sure as hell got my unemployment benefits for March!
so, why aren't the Tea Baggeds for responsible taxation, responsible spending and reasonable regulation?
Here in Nevada it was found that one of the Bundy bunch Cop killer party members is on permanent disability. Then of course the Ayn (Alisa Rosenbaum) Rand Medicare.

The Bundy standoff was about not allowing the government to cease private property. Something liberals used to support before they went to Marxism!

Second, why shouldn't a person be allowed to be on permanent disability and be conservative? If one is permanently disabled, like my brother-in-law (a hopeless liberal) who has MS, who is anyone to fault him or her from using certain benefits. Trust me they aren't a lot and that person will live close or below the poverty level. If it wasn't for myself and my father-in-law my brother-in-law would be fucked.

Most conservatives, including Tea Partiers, believe this: Help the helpless not the hopeless! That is why tea partiers and conservatives are ALWAYS the biggest givers to charity!

What a crock of shit and just piss poor journalism! I except nothing less from the Daily Commies. First, like student loans, taxes (where it be state, federal or municipal) are non-dischargable, not subject to the chapter 7 auto stay and don't even need a judgement or even file in court to cease your assets, property or wages. You can't get rid of back taxes. So the Daily Commies are lying.

Second there is no one founder of the tea party. It was movement that popped up based on an ideology of limited government (NOT NO GOVERNMENT), lower taxation, responsible government spending and reasonable regulation.

Most have never heard of this woman and I doubt she started anything. Nevertheless, even if she preaches for limited government and against TARP, why should she not be able to take advantage of unemployment benefits. When I was laid off in Feb (got a new job in April. I sure as hell got my unemployment benefits for March!

Wow, you are just a mess. You are a self hating Jew, a racist and a welfare queen! :lmao:

But you are right about it not being a big deal. Are you a Teaper?
I am a corporate lawyer for a top 20 bank! I make a decent living! Call me racist if you choose but I do think there are inherent and yes genetic differences between the races!

Sent from my iPhone using
I am a corporate lawyer for a top 20 bank! I make a decent living! Call me racist if you choose but I do think there are inherent and yes genetic differences between the races!

Sent from my iPhone using

LOL, there is a huge difference between believing in differences between races and spewing vitriolic nonsense in concert with racists who hate you as much - if not more than blacks. I'm sorry, you intrigue me...that is just fucking hilarious.

You must be a Tea normal person could be so confused.

Given that you live in Chicago...I will give you a little bit of a break...I can understand running scared of blacks in that jungle. But still...fucking hilarious!
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Lots of tee potties get food stamps. In fact, isn't that one of the questions on their admittance questionnaire along with, Did you graduate from the 2nd grade?

Even Ben Carson was on food stamps -
“By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps," Carson wrote in his book "Gifted Hands." "She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”


So Ben Carsons mom wasnt a lazy moocher but everyone else is :lol:
LOL, there is a huge difference between believing in differences between races and spewing vitriolic nonsense in concert with racists who hate you as much - if not more than blacks.
The weak liberal argument is always scream racism. You can't argue your point so you scream racist!

I'm sorry, you intrigue me...that is just fucking hilarious.
I am glad I can entertain!

You must be a Tea normal person could be so confused.
I sympathize with the tea party, but I am not one. They speak in too much absolutes and I don't believe in absolutes!

Given that you live in Chicago.
One of the greatest cities in the getting ruined by liberals!

..I will give you a little bit of a break...I can understand running scared of blacks in that jungle. But still...fucking hilarious!
I grew up with Blacks my entire life. I work with many and I have called many my friend. If you go to the wrong neighborhood whether you white or black, doesn't matter your in trouble. I walk down the street next to blacks often and have thought my safety was in jeopardy!

My issues is with the Black community as a whole:
(1) They refuse to address the violence in their community. It is always someone else's fault.
(2) They kill each other in record numbers, but have black unity if a white or Hispanic does something to one of their own. Many refused to take off the blinders and see the truth. They rather do what white juries used to do to them, convict them based solely on the the color of the victim and assume innocence solely on the color of the "accused."
(3) I am sick of the black community refusing to accept responsibility and stand on once own feet.
(4) I am sick of the black community blaming the white man for the state of their school rather than the Democratic policies that have lead to this,
(5) I am sick of the black community not caring about the character or intelligence of their political candidates and only caring about race and party affiliation.

The black community needs to stand on their own and if that makes me racist for saying so, then so be it!
My issues is with the Black community as a whole:
(1) They refuse to address the violence in their community. It is always someone else's fault.

That is your opinion. It is easy to say the black community does nothing but complain, but you are wrong. That is just you spewing the nonsense screamed by partisan hacks and hate groups...hate groups that want you dead just as much as blacks.
(2) They kill each other in record numbers, but have black unity if a white or Hispanic does something to one of their own. Many refused to take off the blinders and see the truth. They rather do what white juries used to do to them, convict them based solely on the the color of the victim and assume innocence solely on the color of the "accused."

again, you are simply subscribing to hate politics and always making excuses for white crime. If there is black crime, you blame the entire black race...if there is white crime you ignore it. If it is white on black crime, you always excuse it, using the same old hate tactics and partisan nonsense saying that all blacks find it unacceptable. You take cases that are clear as mud and refuse to look at the other point of view...then again...when it is white on black crime, you do the same thing, refuse to take off your blinders.
(3) I am sick of the black community refusing to accept responsibility and stand on once own feet.
How you think Al Sharpton represents the entire black community? Again, you just spew partisan hate politics. Show me where blacks blame whites.
(4) I am sick of the black community blaming the white man for the state of their school rather than the Democratic policies that have lead to this,
How are they blaming the white man? Or are you just pissed because blacks don't vote for your policies? Your argument makes no sense.

(5) I am sick of the black community not caring about the character or intelligence of their political candidates and only caring about race and party affiliation. goes both ways...but you just want to point your finger at blacks while keeping your blinders on. Why do you hold blacks to a higher standard than whites?
The black community needs to stand on their own and if that makes me racist for saying so, then so be it!

All communities need to stand on their own two feet. I wonder how the white community blaming blacks for all of the ills of the world equated to standing on their own two feet in your book. You are a racist because you spew vile racist nonsense. Wasn't it you who neg'd me a while back...calling me a ****** because I simply disagreed with you?

Try holding whites to the same high level you hold blacks. Look at your meth problem, trailer trash, hate crimes, murders, robberies, thefts...they do occur in the white community...quite often. You can play the proportion game all you want...whites commit heinous crimes...mass shootings, pedophilia...they even rape! Take off your blinders and quit excusing white crime because of the evil blackie. Quit looking at gang related, ghetto crime and attributing it to all blacks. Learn history, learn how blacks serve time and are arrested when whites are not...but of course, your blinders won't allow you to see this. Hate is a funny thing. Self hating Jew hate is even funnier.
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Did anyone (or everyone) notice that as head of the so-called Tea Party Patriots, Martin pays herself a $450,000 annual salary? What do you suppose she does that's worth $37,500 per month? And how much do you want to bet that she has an expense account independent of her salary?

It sounds to me like the Tea Party Patriot members are being taken to the cleaners.
Lots of tee potties get food stamps. In fact, isn't that one of the questions on their admittance questionnaire along with, Did you graduate from the 2nd grade?

Even Ben Carson was on food stamps -
“By the time I reached ninth grade, mother had made such strides that she received nothing but food stamps," Carson wrote in his book "Gifted Hands." "She couldn’t have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy.”


So Ben Carsons mom wasnt a lazy moocher but everyone else is :lol:

Even more proof that these racist belongs in the far left Taliban.
what a thread filled with the brilliance of the left circle jerk going on

not pretty to watch

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