Fountain of Youth: Metropolitan Superstition(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an eco-mystic vignette I decided to post on the Environment section of USMB rather than the Writing section, since I'm intrigued by the notion that folkloric 'environmentalism storytelling' can somehow be 'integrated' into populism-oriented politics for our modern age of communication-based 'etiquette' (e.g., World Discussion Forum).

This vignette was inspired by the films The Emerald Forest and At Play in the Fields of the Lord.



Eric worked for Evian and delivered water-coolers and tanks to offices across Manhattan. He was a graduate of Florida State University where he double-majored in psychology and communications. Eric was a very big fan of environmental activism and therefore followed the activities of the eco-minded Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (which boasted its own handsome website!). Eric wrote in his diary about modern man's preoccupation with industry and commerce and resultant neglect of ecosystem vitality and chemical pollution.


One summer, Eric decided to take a vacation to the Amazon rainforest in South America where he believed he could locate the fabled Fountain of Youth (the legendary mystical body of water said to afford anyone who drank from it eternal youth and therefore immortality). The Fountain of Youth was rumored to be somewhere in Florida (according to the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon), but Eric believed it was located in the Amazon rainforest. Eric roamed around the Amazon for a few weeks in June before he stumbled upon a strange swamp-like clearing with a glowing pond by some archaic-looking stone structures.


One of the stone structures had an inscription, "Be warned for whoever shall drink from this water shall become both youthful eternally but also relentlessly greedy." Eric realized that the pond was indeed the Fountain of Youth marked with these stone-structures (complete with engravings!) by some ancient native/pygmy tribe. Eric also realized that the ominous warning engraved suggested that whoever drank from the pond (the Fountain of Youth!) should have a great sense of self-control, humility, and balance (lest they allow the vanity of immortality to make them incredibly power-hungry). Eric decided to leave the secret and well-hidden pond alone and not tell anyone about it, but when he returned to Manhattan, he decided to send an anonymous editorial to the NY Post in which he wrote, "Perhaps today's eco-minded organizations (e.g., Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) and eco-conscious politicians could consider how folkloric 'totems' such as the fabled Fountain of Youth serve to remind us of the 'reality' of mass regret!"




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