Four day public schools.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Another attack by anti-Americans who want to balance their state budgets and destroy our children. They cut funding, lay off teachers and aides, give vouchers to private schools and now they want to cut learning to four days. In higher education they cut out some classes, lay off teachers and raise tuition and lower it for children of illegal aliens who get to pay in-state tuition? Do this four day learning apply to Charter schoold and private schools that get government vouchers?

To balance the budget, we should just deport illegal aliens and their children which is costing us billion in education and taking from American children. Yes we can deport anchor babies. They are also citizens of Mexico according to the Mexican Constitution.

Bad teachers are not failing our children. Bad government is failing our children.

(Children do not learn at the same speed. Children that are slow in put into a slow learning class so as not to hold back those who learn at a faster speed. It just takes some kids longer to grasp the concepts of math, English, etc and non-English speaking students take another special class. Cut those classes and let their parents be responsible for their learning English before they start school.)
I thought the 4 day week was coupled with longer school days?

Anyhow- some good points there. Except the fact that there are too many bad teachers in the system and firing them is nigh to impossible thanks to the tenure system.
And yes- those bad teachers are failing our children.
Part of the savings in a four day school week is the decreased operating cost of the building which would be closed on the off day. I cannot see that much of a savings due to teachers coming in to work. Want to talk about a holiday, spend time in the classroom without students. Another problem is the complaints from parents who would have to find a place for their kids on the off day. They freak out as it is on a snow day. I suppose the four day week would be made up for by longer days. Fine with me as long as my pay stays the same. I like three day weekends.
If America spent what Mexico does on schools, America would save alot of money.
The point of school is for our children to learn, right? How much more are they going to absorb by staying an extra hour and a half for those four days? After 6 -7 hours of classroom time, they're tuned out.
The point of school is for our children to learn, right? How much more are they going to absorb by staying an extra hour and a half for those four days? After 6 -7 hours of classroom time, they're tuned out.


At the end of the day, they are ready to depart Dodge. And so am I.
If one blames the teachers for the failure of the system then one needs to look in the mirror for that is the reason for the failure of the system. Teachers cant make kids who dont want to learn, learn. Teachers cant fixed mixed up screwed up family lives. Teachers cant fix drug problems. Teachers cannot fix those kids who simply refuse not to be a total disruption. Yet thats what we want them to do. Yes there are some bad ones. That goes for ALL professions. Until the family structure gets back to normal and parents start parenting again rather than having the schools try to do it, anybody with 1/4 of a brain can simply point to the teachers. They are an easy target. If you are so heck bent of firing the bad ones then if you take away tenure, how are you going to protect the good ones? Merit pay? Perhaps bonuses of $25,000 or something for good performance?
When we start looking at our teachers as targets of demonization(as we do now), something is dreadfully wrong in this country. Imagine a carpenter trying to build a house of out rotten boards. Thats what we are expecting them to do. But then we complain about it. Tough going.
Years ago, when I was in high school, I only went to school 4 days a week. All the other kids went to school 5 days a week but I took every Friday off. Used to really piss my parents off and the principal but after awhile they quit bitching about it. I told them all it was for religious purposes.
so the teachers will take the pay cut for losing those teaching days, yea, that I would like to see, aint happening.

I agree with HG more school not less.

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