four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer


Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
hangin' with my bro e.coli
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.
Just like the Bundy bunch - domestic terrorists.

But, they're also silly twits, using their guns as a replacement for their non-existent dicks.

They should have been charged.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.

Damn fool could have gotten himself shot.

Maybe the next time he pulled that, he did get shot. Or beaten up with a baseball bat.

They're just rabid idiots.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.
Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

Let me guess, you come from the throne room of King James.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.

I don't believe you either.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Rheana Murray, ABC News—Fast food employees who thought they were being robbed by a group of gun-toting men locked themselves in a freezer to hide, police said.

It turned out the men, some of them from the group Open Carry Texas, were just staging a demonstration of their right to bear arms, Fort Worth, Texas, Police Sgt. Raymond Bush told

“When police showed up, there were four to six men carrying rifles,” he said. “The employees were in fear for their lives.”

No arrests were made and the gun owners went home after their demonstration.

Employees spotted the men outside the restaurant. Once police arrived and reassured the workers they were in no danger, at least one employee posed with the group for a photo.

The demonstration was staged by Open Carry Tarrant County, the local chapter of Open Carry Texas, OCT's CJ Grisham told

Grisham denied reports employees hid in the freezer, claiming they were the result of a customer's false 911 call.

"There are a lot of people in that area who completely disagree with gun rights," he said. "They have been doing this to us for months now - call the police with false reports of us waving around guns, scaring people."

Fort Worth police said they stand by their report.

Open Carry Texas, which often stages demonstrations, says its mission is to educate Texans about gun safety and encourage citizens to feel safe around gun owners who bear arms in public.
Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

Let me guess, you come from the throne room of King James.


Matter of fact, an uncle of mine five generations ago actually fought against King George.

He would eventually go on to become one of our republic's first 10 presidents.
You must come from one candy ass place then. If enjoying your 2A rights is terrorism I feel sorry for you.

You know, when I used to work third shift in a convenience store, I met a similar "activist" one night who wore a ski mask over his head.

He said he was just wearing it to try to educate convenience store workers on the danger of people who walk into convenience stores in the middle of the night wearing ski masks over their heads.

I didn't believe him.

I don't believe you either.

Whatever floats your boat, tough guy.
I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

Let me guess, you come from the throne room of King James.


Matter of fact, an uncle of mine five generations ago actually fought against King George.

He would eventually go on to become one of our republic's first 10 presidents.

My great, great, great, great, aunts daughter was the other 9.
So let me get this right..... it is completely legal to carry firearms in Texas in the open. Everyone knows it. The people in question have been doing it for months in the area.

Yet 911 was called for no reason by some asshole that was either brain dead or lying, and you retards think the men LEGALLY carrying firearms should have been arrested or think it is appropriate to call them terrorists?

You must realize words have meanings and that using them incorrectly over and over destroys that meaning, right?

This country has a problem and it is not the people carrying firearms legally that are the problem.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

Once again for the completely stupid. It is COMPLETELY legal to carry rifles in the open in Texas and has been for quite some time. The men in question have been doing it for months in that specific area.

But to the point of criminals. 99.999 percent of crime with firearms is committed with HANDGUNS. Hidden handguns until the perp is IN the store. Criminals do not walk around in PUBLIC with rifles sling over their shoulders. Absolutely no crime happens where 4 men walk about in public with rifles before they rob somewhere.
How the hell were the employees to know that the men with guns were law abiding citizens? I can understand their fear.

I can't.

I sat next to a guy carrying a gun in Starbucks right here in San Francisco once, I didn't once think he was going to pull it out and start shooting people.
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I'm as pro-Second Amendment as anyone, but these four butt clowns are NOT the guys I want advancing arguments for the Right to Bear Arms:

Gun Advocates Spook Fast Food Workers Into Hiding in Freezer

I don't know who these "patriots" think they are, but where I come from, we call them TERRORISTS.

Let me guess, you come from the throne room of King James.


Matter of fact, an uncle of mine five generations ago actually fought against King George.

He would eventually go on to become one of our republic's first 10 presidents.


nice try
good ole ABC

pumping out the crap on these civilians who is doing NOTHING WRONG...

we might as well read the National Inquire if we want "real news"
Too bad the employees were not armed

They could have opened fire and claimed they felt threatened. An employee has a right to stand his ground

I'm sure the NRA would have defended them

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