Fox anchor: ‘We can all relate’ to surviving concentration camps

After the thousands of stories we have heard over and over, you don't think we can relate by now?
No, you cant,see because Identity Politics is a victim mongering ideology. If you can empathize and 'relate' to someone elses pain then that means their suffering is not special enough to be put up on that mantle of eternal pantheons of suffering and special victimization.

I used to weep when I read 'Ann Frank', but I guess that just means I am an evil person for even thinking I could relate to her and her families suffering.

Dear Gawd Save us from LIBTARDS!

You wept from the story. Just like you wept at Titanic but it wasnt because you could relate to bring dumped in an icy grave goofy ass

As a matter of fact I have had cold water experiences that left me with hypothermia and I have come near to drowning a couple of times in my life, so yes, I can kind of put those experiences together and understand the barbarity in telling people that they could not get onto half filled lifeboats because the officer in charge read the capacity sheets incorrectly.

Again, you demonstrate that you are a complete simple minded ass.
After the thousands of stories we have heard over and over, you don't think we can relate by now?
No, you cant,see because Identity Politics is a victim mongering ideology. If you can empathize and 'relate' to someone elses pain then that means their suffering is not special enough to be put up on that mantle of eternal pantheons of suffering and special victimization.

I used to weep when I read 'Ann Frank', but I guess that just means I am an evil person for even thinking I could relate to her and her families suffering.

Dear Gawd Save us from LIBTARDS!

You wept from the story. Just like you wept at Titanic but it wasnt because you could relate to bring dumped in an icy grave goofy ass

You wept because you had to pay for your own ticket

Because I relate to unused ticket :lol:
You have a crowbar shoved up your ass sideways? That's a pretty bold claim.

Yes one made by you along with Salon had something to do with what she said out of her own mouth.

You of the demagogue - sociopath party might be reprehensible liars and general scumbags, but that doesn't mean your bad people.

Oh, wait...

You realize that what you just did was demagoguery dont you? :ahole-1:

When did you join the Dems? Or did you just own your own "logic"?

It is only demagoguery if it is false, and what he said was not false.

Thanks for joining in on the demagoguery, welcome!
It is true and therefore not demagoguery, cretin.
After the thousands of stories we have heard over and over, you don't think we can relate by now?
No, you cant,see because Identity Politics is a victim mongering ideology. If you can empathize and 'relate' to someone elses pain then that means their suffering is not special enough to be put up on that mantle of eternal pantheons of suffering and special victimization.

I used to weep when I read 'Ann Frank', but I guess that just means I am an evil person for even thinking I could relate to her and her families suffering.

Dear Gawd Save us from LIBTARDS!

You wept from the story. Just like you wept at Titanic but it wasnt because you could relate to bring dumped in an icy grave goofy ass

You wept because you had to pay for your own ticket

Because I relate to unused ticket :lol:

Because you can relate to the disappointment of unused ovens.
After the thousands of stories we have heard over and over, you don't think we can relate by now?
No, you cant,see because Identity Politics is a victim mongering ideology. If you can empathize and 'relate' to someone elses pain then that means their suffering is not special enough to be put up on that mantle of eternal pantheons of suffering and special victimization.

I used to weep when I read 'Ann Frank', but I guess that just means I am an evil person for even thinking I could relate to her and her families suffering.

Dear Gawd Save us from LIBTARDS!

You wept from the story. Just like you wept at Titanic but it wasnt because you could relate to bring dumped in an icy grave goofy ass

As a matter of fact I have had cold water experiences that left me with hypothermia and I have come near to drowning a couple of times in my life, so yes, I can kind of put those experiences together and understand the barbarity in telling people that they could not get onto half filled lifeboats because the officer in charge read the capacity sheets incorrectly.

Again, you demonstrate that you are a complete simple minded ass.

Oh fuck off. People weep when they hear about sad shit not because they can relate. Relating can be done without crying.

Me: I hate traffic.

You: I can relate boo hoo:crybaby:
Yes one made by you along with Salon had something to do with what she said out of her own mouth.

You of the demagogue - sociopath party might be reprehensible liars and general scumbags, but that doesn't mean your bad people.

Oh, wait...

You realize that what you just did was demagoguery dont you? :ahole-1:

When did you join the Dems? Or did you just own your own "logic"?

It is only demagoguery if it is false, and what he said was not false.

Thanks for joining in on the demagoguery, welcome!
It is true and therefore not demagoguery, cretin.

The word used was "relate", not "sympathy".

1. (tr) to tell or narrate (a story, information, etc)
2. (often foll by to) to establish association (between two or more things) or (of something) to have relation orreference (to something else)
3. (often foll by: to) to form a sympathetic or significant relationship (with other people, things, etc)

sympathize with
Verb 1. sympathize with - share the suffering of
compassionate, condole with, feel for, pity
grieve, sorrow - feel grief
commiserate, sympathise, sympathize - to feel or express sympathy or compassion
care - feel concern or interest; "I really care about my work"; "I don't care"

There is little difference in the use of the words or their meaning. This is just another example of victim mongering.

As a person who lost relatives in concentration camps, I take offense. I realize that the speaker misspoke in trying to make her point, and don't think it is a big deal, but insinuating that everyone can relate to this specific and particular situation is wrong and deserves an apology and clarification from the speaker.

We have all lost relatives and can relate to other people who have lost relatives for whatever reason.

You are an idiot.
Oh fuck off. People weep when they hear about sad shit not because they can relate. Relating can be done without crying.

Sure it can be, but that wasnt the point, idiot.

The point is that relating is not a bad or insulting thing.

You may return to your jar of Vaseline now.
Its too hot outside for me today

I can relate waaaah :cry:


Yo retard, what does "empathy" mean?

Full Definition of empathy
  1. 1 : the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it

  2. 2 : the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this

It was the lack of empathy that allowed your Soviet heroes to put people in concentration camps.

It is your lack of empathy that makes you a sociopath.
This is all you have....keep it up! :eusa_dance:

Your slander has failed and you are again exposed as the hate filled retard that you are. :dunno:

First you accuse of demagoguery while demaogoging then you slander and accuse others of doing it to you. Its like a eight layer dip of accusations

Lol, as if no one can read the posts to see what a first class asinine fool you have been on this thread.

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