Hannity Betrays His Viewers; Urges Them To Get Vaccinated - WTF??

Hannity Betrays His Viewers; Urges Them To Get Vaccinated - WTF??​

Betrayal? C'mon. Getting the vaccine should be a GOOD thing. WE all waited over a year for it. Who ever knew that it would turn out to be so many questions about it legitimately concerning many people for which they can't not only not get good answers to, but are mocked and ridiculed and called names just for asking.
So help me out here.

Are you just too stupid to understand that what matters is the proportion of vaccinated people getting covid compared to those unvaccinated? Or are you trying to fool yourself?
You help Me out here. Are you too stupid to see that people who are getting the vaccine are still getting Covid? Or do you just bury your head in the sand when the news doesn't go like you want it to?

Are you too stupid to understand that if you are vaccinated, that allegedly you are not at risk, and are you TOO FUCKING STUPID to realize that in America, each person gets to assess their own level of risk?

95.5% of the people who get the virus survive the virus. The survivors ALSO have immunity.

Bidens fucking immunization goals are a fucking joke. Or are you too fucking stupid to understand that?
Betrayal? C'mon. Getting the vaccine should be a GOOD thing. WE all waited over a year for it. Who ever knew that it would turn out to be so many questions about it legitimately concerning many people for which they can't not only not get good answers to, but are mocked and ridiculed and called names just for asking.
Questions to which they could find they answers....like these below? But they are too lazy or dont like the answers?
Are you too stupid to see that people who are getting the vaccine are still getting Covid?
How many vs unvaccinated? In what proportion? How does the umber getting hospitalized and dying compare to the unvaccinated?

There, i helped you out. Go look it up and stop being dumb.
Questions to which they could find they answers....like these below? But they are too lazy or dont like the answers?

How many vs unvaccinated? In what proportion? How does the umber getting hospitalized and dying compare to the unvaccinated?

There, i helped you out. Go look it up and stop being dumb.
How many? Anyone who comes into contact with covid apparently. So, how many died from the vaccine? The number of vaccinated deaths is outpacing the number of Covid deaths.

But thanks for proving to the whole form that when confronted, you change the goalpost like a little pussy.

"Fox News host Sean Hannity declared late Monday he “believes in science” and the “science of vaccines” as he urged viewers to get inoculated against COVID-19. “Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough,” he said from his anchor desk. “Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths.” Late last year, host Tucker Carlson told his own viewers to be nervous about the vaccine -- However, with coronavirus fast becoming a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” some are changing their tune. Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, also Fox News hosts, made similar statements, dismissing safety conspiracy theories.

On Monday, the network was called out after it came to light that it has in essence implemented a vaccine passport program to protect its own workers, even as its hosts rail against the same practice globally."

WTF Hannity bro?? You use to be on the side of freedom and liberty but now you are sounding just like the Deep State Commie left.....you trust the science of vaccines?? Really? Are you talking about the same big tech-big pharma science that is controlled by Dr. Fauci and financed by Soros??

How are you going to claim "we had enough deaths" -- yet push people to get the vaccine?? First of all, not that many people die from COVID; basically only 10,000 or so people actually died from COVID -- the rest were fake numbers falsified by hospitals for illegal profit. However, the vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of people as well as changed their DNA and turned them into mutants and let's not forget the tracking microchips -- and now you are urging your viewers to inject themselves with this big tech poison??

Sean Hannity is making sense for a change. In this case he is right.
Who cares?

If and when they make the law a vax card to travel, it will be challenged in court.
So what if its challenged in court? That doesnt mean you wont have to do it if you guys dont get your shit together.

"Fox News host Sean Hannity declared late Monday he “believes in science” and the “science of vaccines” as he urged viewers to get inoculated against COVID-19. “Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough,” he said from his anchor desk. “Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths.” Late last year, host Tucker Carlson told his own viewers to be nervous about the vaccine -- However, with coronavirus fast becoming a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” some are changing their tune. Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, also Fox News hosts, made similar statements, dismissing safety conspiracy theories.

On Monday, the network was called out after it came to light that it has in essence implemented a vaccine passport program to protect its own workers, even as its hosts rail against the same practice globally."

WTF Hannity bro?? You use to be on the side of freedom and liberty but now you are sounding just like the Deep State Commie left.....you trust the science of vaccines?? Really? Are you talking about the same big tech-big pharma science that is controlled by Dr. Fauci and financed by Soros??

How are you going to claim "we had enough deaths" -- yet push people to get the vaccine?? First of all, not that many people die from COVID; basically only 10,000 or so people actually died from COVID -- the rest were fake numbers falsified by hospitals for illegal profit. However, the vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of people as well as changed their DNA and turned them into mutants and let's not forget the tracking microchips -- and now you are urging your viewers to inject themselves with this big tech poison??

God you are fucking S-T-U-P-I-D.

"Fox News host Sean Hannity declared late Monday he “believes in science” and the “science of vaccines” as he urged viewers to get inoculated against COVID-19. “Please take COVID seriously, I can’t say it enough,” he said from his anchor desk. “Enough people have died. We don’t need any more deaths.” Late last year, host Tucker Carlson told his own viewers to be nervous about the vaccine -- However, with coronavirus fast becoming a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” some are changing their tune. Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer, also Fox News hosts, made similar statements, dismissing safety conspiracy theories.

On Monday, the network was called out after it came to light that it has in essence implemented a vaccine passport program to protect its own workers, even as its hosts rail against the same practice globally."

WTF Hannity bro?? You use to be on the side of freedom and liberty but now you are sounding just like the Deep State Commie left.....you trust the science of vaccines?? Really? Are you talking about the same big tech-big pharma science that is controlled by Dr. Fauci and financed by Soros??

How are you going to claim "we had enough deaths" -- yet push people to get the vaccine?? First of all, not that many people die from COVID; basically only 10,000 or so people actually died from COVID -- the rest were fake numbers falsified by hospitals for illegal profit. However, the vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of people as well as changed their DNA and turned them into mutants and let's not forget the tracking microchips -- and now you are urging your viewers to inject themselves with this big tech poison??

What freedom and liberty are taken from you by wearing a mask? This comment, though not original by you, is STUPID.
What freedom and liberty are taken from you by wearing a mask? This comment, though not original by you, is STUPID.
Sooooo....the argument of "It's my body....my decision" only applies to certain instances?
What's the matter with you free speech suppressors? Hannity can have whatever opinion he wants. Neither you are I are beholden to follow. It's a part of the freedom we love in America, well except for Marxists,

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