FOX even calls out the GOP debaters fabrications

Or maybe Fox alone among news orgs actually has integrity
Oh, I think it can be guaranteed and demonstrated that is not the case.

edit...Here we go

Vermont High Schoolers vs Fox News | The Big Picture
A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
You just proved her point dumbass
So much for the Liberals' claims that Fox News is biased and 'not credible'....

LOL! WHAT am I thinking?! Libs only like Fox if they are NOT saying anything negative against Liberals / only if they criticize Conservatives. :p

About time they started telling the truth, don't you think?
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
You just proved her point dumbass

So whatcha ya gonna do when Mister "Climate Change" Murdoch takes over FOX? Move to Canada....wait. they took Syrian refugees! Maybe not.
So whatcha ya gonna do when Mister "Climate Change" Murdoch takes over FOX? Move to Canada....wait. they took Syrian refugees! Maybe not.

Only Liberals threaten to leave the country if Republicans win...

The problem is, THEY NEVER DO!
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
You just proved her point dumbass

So whatcha ya gonna do when Mister "Climate Change" Murdoch takes over FOX? Move to Canada....wait. they took Syrian refugees! Maybe not.
I don't care who runs Fox. Only you wackos in Never Never land find it important
I don't care who runs Fox. Only you wackos in Never Never land find it important

Yeah, Fox is the only media who is listed BY NAME in the Democrats' 'Liberal 101' playbook:

"Any media source that does not represent Liberals in a positive light are to be deemed 'not credible'...ESPECIALLY when it come to FOX NEWS!"

I don't blame any news channel for doing their job, and that's holding the attention of viewers long enough to sell commercials to sponsors. Fox viewers appreciate lies and bullshit, so that's what they get.
I don't care who runs Fox. Only you wackos in Never Never land find it important

Yeah, Fox is the only media who is listed BY NAME in the Democrats' 'Liberal 101' playbook:

"Any media source that does not represent Liberals in a positive light are to be deemed 'not credible'...ESPECIALLY when it come to FOX NEWS!"


Link or admit your are a liar.
Or maybe Fox alone among news orgs actually has integrity
Oh, I think it can be guaranteed and demonstrated that is not the case.

edit...Here we go

Vermont High Schoolers vs Fox News | The Big Picture
A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.
I don't blame any news channel for doing their job, and that's holding the attention of viewers long enough to sell commercials to sponsors. Fox viewers appreciate lies and bullshit, so that's what they get.
And CNN's viewers don't? :p
Oh, I think it can be guaranteed and demonstrated that is not the case.

edit...Here we go

Vermont High Schoolers vs Fox News | The Big Picture
A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
Oh, I think it can be guaranteed and demonstrated that is not the case.

edit...Here we go

Vermont High Schoolers vs Fox News | The Big Picture
A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.
Your attempts to insult are meaningless. I don't know what a lazy link is. therefore, I don't know the difference between a lazy link or lazy site, nor do I care or take the matter very seriously. I am however curious. So, what is a lazy link? Are you unable to communicate what it is? Maybe someone else can. I googled it and got nothing.
AP FACT CHECK: Republican debaters go astray | Fox News

WOW! Maybe Murdoch's semi-liberal son is beginning to call the shots at the FOS News Network?
Or maybe Fox alone among news orgs actually has integrity. You couldn't tell, of course. You wouldnt know integrity if it jumped up your ass.

No, it means they are becoming MORE HONEST, as the Aussy's son begins to take the reigns. I hear he is a big Climate Change believer. HOW ARE YOUR GOING TO HANDLE THAT RABBIT?
The question is how are you.
I dont watch Fox. It seems only left-wing loons really care whats on Fox.
A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
Yes they are fact checked by
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?
Verdict: Mostly true.
While there are pictures of Mrs Clinton waving cheerily on her arrival the fact remains that since she said so and no one has produced evidence she was never under sniper fire in Bosnia at any time we must rate it Mostly true.
Yes they are fact checked by
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?
Verdict: Mostly true.
While there are pictures of Mrs Clinton waving cheerily on her arrival the fact remains that since she said so and no one has produced evidence she was never under sniper fire in Bosnia at any time we must rate it Mostly true.

Oh for God's sake use some freakin' common sense! The Secret Service would NEVER have allowed the 1st Lady to go anywhere near sniper fire.

BESIDES even HILLARY admitted she lied:

LINK: Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -

Man, Liberals will even argue with Hillary when SHE corrects her own obfuscation.

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