FOX even calls out the GOP debaters fabrications

She used a false identity on-line. I could be Brad Pitt and you would never know it. How do you catch something like that Sherlock?

And? That's easily traceable. You could be smart liberal and I wouldn't know it. How do you catch a smart liberal, Sherlock?
She used a false identity on-line. I could be Brad Pitt and you would never know it. How do you catch something like that Sherlock?

And? That's easily traceable. You could be smart liberal and I wouldn't know it. How do you catch a smart liberal, Sherlock?

You think the FBI and the NSA have time to check the identity of every anonymous name someone uses online? Really? If you do, you should be Donald's campaign manager. You are both delusional.
And I bet they would have had more to go on if it hadn't been for the State Department shutting down a crucial investigation into both of those terrorists:

Sherlock can't do his job if you take away his magnifying glass!
If you do, you should be Donald's campaign manager

Oh? Is that why he's doing so well lately?

Earth to liberal. If I were capable enough to be Trump's campaign manager, I would be getting paid, and I most certainly wouldn't have time to waste on this forum with intellectually dissonant pariahs like you.
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AP FACT CHECK: Republican debaters go astray | Fox News

WOW! Maybe Murdoch's semi-liberal son is beginning to call the shots at the FOS News Network?

Ok now I may have to rethink the whole 'apocalypse' thing. Faux News is berating Republicans? 'oh lawdy, say it ain't so mista Belvedere'.

And the link below where some high school kids destroy Faux News is just too hilarious. Although it wasn't a very tough job in all sincerity.
After all, the content of the post was that FoxNews could be guaranteed and demonstrated to not be the only news organisation to have integrity. The link was but a source to confirm that assertion.
You think the FBI and the NSA have time to check the identity of every anonymous name someone uses online?

It's easy to trace an IP address you dimwit.

Really? with a court order. How many court orders will it take to stop all the nuts out there?

Facebook will force a court order to trace an IP address.

The lack of one hasn't stopped the US government before.
See these Republicans. Crying that Hillary must have lied when she said she heard sniper fire in a war zone.

Yet, they can't admit what we know are lies:

Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq.
Bush lied that tax cuts for the wealthy would create jobs.
Republicans lied about Obama being born in Kenya.
Republicans lied about Obama gunrunning to Mexico.

We know those are lies. Admit it. Go ahead. Why don't you admit it.
AP FACT CHECK: Republican debaters go astray | Fox News

WOW! Maybe Murdoch's semi-liberal son is beginning to call the shots at the FOS News Network?
Or maybe Fox alone among news orgs actually has integrity. You couldn't tell, of course. You wouldnt know integrity if it jumped up your ass.

No, it means they are becoming MORE HONEST, as the Aussy's son begins to take the reigns. I hear he is a big Climate Change believer. HOW ARE YOUR GOING TO HANDLE THAT RABBIT?

hey libtard- climate is always changing- for thousands of years. The hottest years were before cars.
A truly reprehensible display of ignorance, misinformation, and lies from the GOP candidates:

'A look at some of the claims in the latest Republican presidential debate and how they compare with the facts:

JEB BUSH: "We need to embed our troops in the Iraqi military."

THE FACTS: The U.S. is already doing that.

U.S. special forces are working side by side with Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State militants and American military advisers and trainers are working with Iraqi troops in various locations. To be sure, Bush has called for an intensification of the military effort in a variety of ways, but debate viewers would not know from his comment that U.S. troops are already operating with Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

His comment fits a pattern in the Republican race as a number of candidates criticize President Barack Obama's course against ISIS while proposing largely the same steps that are already underway.


TED CRUZ: "You would carpet bomb where ISIS is, not a city."

THE FACTS: The Texas senator's conviction that the Islamic State group can be routed with an air campaign of overwhelming force is hard to square with the reality on the ground. ISIS fighters are holed up in a variety of cities, amid civilians, raising questions about how he could direct a carpet bombing that only singles out the enemy.

He was asked in the debate if he'd be willing to cause civilian casualties in Raqqa, a major Syrian city that has become de facto capital of the Islamic State group's so-called caliphate. ISIS is also in control of the Iraqi city of Mosul.

CRUZ: "And even worse, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are proposing bringing tens of thousands of Syrian refugees to this country when the head of the FBI has told Congress they cannot vet those refugees."

THE FACTS: Cruz repeated inflated estimates of how many Syrian refugees the Obama administration plans to admit to the United States. Obama has announced plans to resettle about 10,000 refugees in the next year.

The vetting process for refugees takes, on average, about two years and is routinely longer for refugees from Syria and Iraq. The administration has said refugees being considered for resettlement in the United States are subject to additional scrutiny. The administration has declined to describe what the scrutiny involves, saying it is classified.


CARLY FIORINA, speaking of security threats to the U.S.: "We need the private sector's help because the government is not innovating, technology is running ahead by leaps and bounds...They must be engaged and they must be asked. I will ask them."

THE FACTS: They've been asked.

The Obama administration has been in discussions with technology companies, especially in Silicon Valley, over the last year about the use of encrypted communications and how the government can penetrate them for national security purposes. After the attack in San Bernardino, California, Obama again said he would urge high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape justice.

That's not to say the effort has been effective. But as in the case of candidates talking about the campaign against ISIS, Fiorina pitches something that is in motion.


CRUZ: "We didn't monitor the Facebook page of the San Bernardino terrorist because DHS thought it would be inappropriate."

THE FACTS: The Department of Homeland Security is able to look at social media case by case, but it would be unwieldy to do such searches on everyone applying for a visa and it's unclear whether looking at the Facebook pages of the shooters in the California attacks would have prevented them.'
A truly reprehensible display of ignorance, misinformation, and lies from the GOP candidates:


TED CRUZ: "You would carpet bomb where ISIS is, not a city."

THE FACTS: The Texas senator's conviction that the Islamic State group can be routed with an air campaign of overwhelming force is hard to square with the reality on the ground. ISIS fighters are holed up in a variety of cities, amid civilians, raising questions about how he could direct a carpet bombing that only singles out the enemy.

Wait, isnt bombing ISIS exactly Obama's strategy here?

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