FOX even calls out the GOP debaters fabrications

yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
Yes they are fact checked by
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?
Verdict: Mostly true.
While there are pictures of Mrs Clinton waving cheerily on her arrival the fact remains that since she said so and no one has produced evidence she was never under sniper fire in Bosnia at any time we must rate it Mostly true.
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?

Who knows, who cares? Maybe that's what someone told her at the time.

The lies that bother me:

Tax cuts going mostly to the wealthy bring jobs.
They hate us for our freedom.
The mess after Katrina was Obama's fault.
Obama was handed a stable and democratic Iraq.

99% of everything the GOP says are lies. Big lies. Lies that damage the country.
Maybe the link just didn't work for you. It contains an almost nine-minute video of high school students examining how FOX distorts and manipulates the news. It is extremely objective and the students explain ethics in journalism and how FOX ignores specific ethical standards.
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".

The way I understand it is - that a lazy link is a hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?

Who knows, who cares?

YOU SHOULD. It's about integrity and shows who the person is. The Bosnia thing is just one of many in her 'resume'. She lies get away with whatever she has done wrong or to make herself look good. If she will shamelessly do so when NOT the President, even after she has been caught doing so, it should worry you what she will do as President!
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
Yes they are fact checked by
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?
Verdict: Mostly true.
While there are pictures of Mrs Clinton waving cheerily on her arrival the fact remains that since she said so and no one has produced evidence she was never under sniper fire in Bosnia at any time we must rate it Mostly true.
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?

Who knows, who cares? Maybe that's what someone told her at the time.

The lies that bother me:

Tax cuts going mostly to the wealthy bring jobs.
They hate us for our freedom.
The mess after Katrina was Obama's fault.
Obama was handed a stable and democratic Iraq.

99% of everything the GOP says are lies. Big lies. Lies that damage the country.

That is called Political Debate spin and both sides do it and yes it damages the country, especially when voters don't look into facts, let alone any of the subjects.
It is up to us as voters to look into facts about it.
There was WMD's found. - fact - said by our own pentagon.
Under President Kennedy tax cuts to the wealthy did bring jobs.
I have not heard the blame game of Katrina being Obama's fault. Sandy yes, but not Katrina.
Was Iraq voting and became democratic before Obama took office? Yes
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".

The way I understand it is - that a lazy link is a hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.

A hyper link is for ease of use for the reader.
It takes you to the exact same place as your outlined procedure. Why is that a negative in your opinion?
well fact check Fox news, this statment:

"CRUZ: "We didn't monitor the Facebook page of the San Bernardino terrorist because DHS thought it would be inappropriate."

THE FACTS: The Department of Homeland Security is able to look at social media case by case, but it would be unwieldy to do such searches on everyone applying for a visa and it's unclear whether looking at the Facebook pages of the shooters in the California attacks would have prevented them.

While attacker Tashfeen Malik, 29, did use social media and spoke online of martyrdom and jihad, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., has said such posts weren't public. Facebook did find a profile under an alias linked to Malik with a post pledging the allegiance of her husband, 28-year-old Syed Farook, and herself to the leader of the Islamic State group minutes before the attack. Facebook notified law enforcement."

Cruz' statement was spot on, the department admitted there was a secret policy that they would not look at the social media activity for those requesting marriage visas. So sorry Fox, you're wrong on one of the one's you picked. I know this one off the top of my head because it was reported in the national news on Monday.

Secret U.S. policy prevented immigration officials from reviewing visa applicants' social media

"Secret U.S. policy prevented immigration officials from reviewing visa applicants' social media"
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Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".

The way I understand it is - that a lazy link is a hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.

A hyper link is for ease of use for the reader.
It takes you to the exact same place as your outlined procedure. Why is that a negative in your opinion?

I just gave the definition of it is all, because Camp asked.
Where do you get the idea that I think it is negative or any other thing about it?
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?

Who knows, who cares?

YOU SHOULD. It's about integrity and shows who the person is. The Bosnia thing is just one of many in her 'resume'. She lies get away with whatever she has done wrong or to make herself look good. If she will shamelessly do so when NOT the President, even after she has been caught doing so, it should worry you what she will do as President!
Uh oh, talk about integrity, clearly you have none.

You left out this part: Maybe that's what someone told her at the time.

Why? It didn't fit your narrative?

No, don't answer. You have no integrity.
yeah? and when they do it with Hillary and Obama the left goes off the deep end accusing Fox of lying.

so what are we suppose to take serious from you guys?

The Dems are always Fact Checked. But you don't read it. You just rely on FOX rumors and accusations. Fact Checkers are the enemy of the GOP.
Yes they are fact checked by
Did Hillary Clinton endure sniper fire in Bosnia?
Verdict: Mostly true.
While there are pictures of Mrs Clinton waving cheerily on her arrival the fact remains that since she said so and no one has produced evidence she was never under sniper fire in Bosnia at any time we must rate it Mostly true.

So where does she lie? Gee, biting yourself in the ars again...
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".

The way I understand it is - that a lazy link is a hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.

A hyper link is for ease of use for the reader.
It takes you to the exact same place as your outlined procedure. Why is that a negative in your opinion?

I just gave the definition of it is all, because Camp asked.
Where do you get the idea that I think it is negative or any other thing about it?

You're right, my bad. It was the weasel.
I apologize.
You left out this part: Maybe that's what someone told her at the time.

Why? It didn't fit your narrative?

No, don't answer. You have no integrity.

Ummm....Hillary, as I pointed out, has already ADMITTED it was a LIE! I didn't leave out anything. MAYBE you are calling Hillary a liar for admitting she lied?! :p
You left out this part: Maybe that's what someone told her at the time.

Why? It didn't fit your narrative?

No, don't answer. You have no integrity.

Ummm....Hillary, as I pointed out, has already ADMITTED it was a LIE! I didn't leave out anything. MAYBE you are calling Hillary a liar for admitting she lied?! :p
She said she may have made a mistake.

Now you're the one lying and you know it. Too bad you have no shame.
Until FOX does the same to the Democrats then all the lefties here will back to their standard hate FOX mantra.
She said she may have made a mistake.

Now you're the one lying and you know it. Too bad you have no shame.

She said she 'mis-spoke'. That is as close as you will EVER Hillary say 'I lied'.

I'm lying? YOU are pulling 'maybe's out of your ass to try to defend her lies:

'Video shows tarmac welcome, no snipers | PolitiFact'


"In a speech in Washington and in several interviews last week Clinton described how she and her daughter, Chelsea, ran for cover under hostile fire shortly after her plane landed in Tuzla, Bosnia."

LINK: Hillary Clinton calls Bosnia sniper story a mistake

- So you are asking us to believe that SOMEONE TOLD HER she ran for cover, even though it never happened?

"She said she had a "different memory" about the landing. "So I made a mistake. That happens. It proves I'm human, which, you know, for some people, is a revelation."

- WTF is a 'different memory'?! Clinton just admitted that she is DELUSIONAL!

- NO, she did not 'make a mistake - she lied her ass off! And no, you're not 'human' - you're a LIAR...and that's NOT a 'revelation' to anyone!

Come on redean, be a man! Be honest enough to admit that you are WRONG and that Hillary LIED!
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Fox never used the word "fabrications", it's a fabrication of the left wing blogs. If you look closely at the alleged "facts" offered by the left wing A.P. you will find, surprise, surprise that they aren't "facts" at all, they are opinions. The sad fact of life is that most of the information the left is used to accepting as "facts", from comedy channel editorials by Stewart and Colbert to CBS's fabrication of fake documents, is mostly editorialized garbage that they want to believe.
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Fox never used the word "fabrications", it's a fabrication of the left wing blogs. If you look closely at the alleged "facts" offered by the left wing A.P. you will find, surprise, surprise that they aren't "facts" at all, they are opinions and editorials.

ahhhh, lies. I was being kind to say Fabrications. But Lies would be a better definition. THEY FEAR PATROL AT THE GOP IS IN FULL SWING!
You couldn't understand what I said, even though it was very simple. Like you.
Guess I don't know what a lazy site is. I thought it meant an unworkable site. My bad.
So, what is a lazy site?
I said lazy link. You can't read. No wonder you can't provide any content.

That is the link, he did not type it in.
I simply clicked on the link and the page came right up. The link worked fine, so I am confused as to the meaning of "lazy link".

The way I understand it is - that a lazy link is a hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.
Thank you. It sounds like Iceweasel didn't know what he was talking about. The point is when I clicked on the link I ended up at the site the person who posted the link intended.
Thank you. It sounds like Iceweasel didn't know what he was talking about. The point is when I clicked on the link I ended up at the site the person who posted the link intended.
You don't understand simple words. I said "A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?"

Have a grade schooler walk you through it.
Thank you. It sounds like Iceweasel didn't know what he was talking about. The point is when I clicked on the link I ended up at the site the person who posted the link intended.
You don't understand simple words. I said "A lazy link with no content? Do you know how to post content so people who give a fuck about your opinion won't have to leave the site?"

Have a grade schooler walk you through it.
There was 8:55 minutes of video content. And it was darn good content that happened to make FOX News look unethical and far from fair and balanced.

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