FOX Fair and Balanced?


Since 2010™
Jan 4, 2010
Let's take a look:

- 5 2012 GOP Presidential cadidate prospects are on FOX's payroll

- FOX aggressively fought against health reform, and every other major piece of legislation pushed by the dems

- FOX continues to batter President Obama, the dems, and anything remotely progressive nearly every night

- Not one liberal host

- NewsCORP (the owners of FOX), donated a million dollars to a right-wing group the "Chamber of Commerce", and the Republican Governors Association

- They promote the "tea party" as often as possible, even on the "news" shows.

- FOX hosts and contributors fundraise for republican candidates

- They repeat republican talking points 24/7, without bothering to check the facts

How do people, with a straight face, say FOX is real, balanced news? Liberals don't hate FOX.. They just hate the fact that they brand themselves as "News", and people believe them. Just come out as a media tool of the conservative movement and republican party already!

MSNBC has many conservatives on their payroll. CNN has many libs and cons on theirs. FOX devotes themselves to 24/7 demonization of Obama and the Democratic party.

They aren't news. Just stop lying already!
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We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

The liberals won't be happy until there's not one single voice anywhere that differs with their agenda. Their attacks will continue forever.

Let 'em. Every time they whine about Fox News, their ratings go up... :lol:
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

I don't admit nothing. But I have asked Management to meet you whiny assed librul needs. Now how's about that ad in the NYT? Surely that will help you in your shear effort to brang down fox news. donchyathink?
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

So state your beef? Conservatives have Fox News all you other DUmmies have MSNBC. What's yer beef? Chicken?
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

The liberals won't be happy until there's not one single voice anywhere that differs with their agenda. Their attacks will continue forever.

Let 'em. Every time they whine about Fox News, their ratings go up... :lol:

Actually, Beck has lost 1/3 of his audience since January. But I'll let that slide.

But no, that's not the point of this thread. I'm glad FOX is around.. It gives the tea party an outlet to express their views - 24/7. I only wish they would admit to being a partisan organization.
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We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

What? I'm looking for a point that has to do with this thread. I dont hate Hip Hop Harry dumbass and it gets better ratings than Fox.

Let play the game, liberals hate ratings....GTFOH:lol:

No defense, just attacks...on nothing
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

So state your beef? Conservatives have Fox News all you other DUmmies have MSNBC. What's yer beef? Chicken?

MSNBC employs conservatives. And has a conservative show. And doesn't go around donating millions to democratic campaigns. And doesn't campaign for democrats. And they actually have a news part of their network.. FOX has "fox and friends" and the other biased "news" programs. There is a huge diff between fox and msnbc. Nice try to deflect though.
Let's take a look:

- 5 2012 GOP Presidential cadidate prospects are on FOX's payroll

That's an interesting point.
How many of them really have a shot at the nomination?

John Bolton?...Who?

Newt Gingich?...More baggage than LAX at Thanksgiving.

Mike Huckabee?...Get real.

Rick Santorum?...Yeah, right.

Sarah Palin?...Maybe a 10-1 shot.

But hey...At least that bunch can point to a list (albeit rather brief in some cases) of some kind of positive accomplishments in their lives, whereas the only criteria that CCPNBC seems to have, in order to be one of their hosts and/or regular guests, is be a total flame-out failure.
Let's take a look:

- 5 2012 GOP Presidential cadidate prospects are on FOX's payroll

That's an interesting point.
How many of them really have a shot at the nomination?

John Bolton?...Who?

Newt Gingich?...More baggage than LAX at Thanksgiving.

Mike Huckabee?...Get real.

Rick Santorum?...Yeah, right.

Sarah Palin?...Maybe a 10-1 shot.

But hey...At least that bunch can point to a list (albeit rather brief in some cases) of some kind of positive accomplishments in their lives, whereas the only criteria that CCPNBC seems to have, in order to be one of their hosts and/or regular guests, is be a total flame-out failure.

Then who the heck is gonna be your nominee?! Besides Romney, those are your frontrunners!

Riight. Go look up the education of all MSNBC hosts. They are anything but failures. And one (Joe) is considered to be a potential presidential candidate in the future. But again, nice try to deflect from the issue at hand - FOX.
guess what everybody Fox news ain't fair and balanced to the whiney assed libruls views and younglefty is whining about it again.. and again,,,, and again,,,,, and again..
That's an interesting point.
How many of them really have a shot at the nomination?

John Bolton?...Who?

Newt Gingich?...More baggage than LAX at Thanksgiving.

Mike Huckabee?...Get real.

Rick Santorum?...Yeah, right.

Sarah Palin?...Maybe a 10-1 shot.

But hey...At least that bunch can point to a list (albeit rather brief in some cases) of some kind of positive accomplishments in their lives, whereas the only criteria that CCPNBC seems to have, in order to be one of their hosts and/or regular guests, is be a total flame-out failure.

Then who the heck is gonna be your nominee?! Besides Romney, those are your frontrunners!

Riight. Go look up the education of all MSNBC hosts. They are anything but failures. And one (Joe) is considered to be a potential presidential candidate in the future. But again, nice try to deflect from the issue at hand - FOX.
I'm not a republican, and a leftist wackaloon like you doesn't get to determine who the RNC's frontrunners are....You say-so and that of other nutter sites like HRPuffinstuffPost count for zilch.
They can never explain what is fair and balanced about Fox news....NEVER! It's like saying the Redskins report is fair and balanced knowing dam well it aint.
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

Thank you for saying the Mc D's plays Fox News, I'll be sure to mention that.

I doubt it was true before, but maybe after the corporate compares and contrasts?

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