FOX Fair and Balanced?

You know what?

I don't think Fox is "fair and balanced,"

but I KNOW that they're just trying to WEIGH the scale toward a middle.

Every other news agency is so left,

and they've gone overboard.

There IS no "fair and balanced" outlet, anymore;

they're all Right or Left,

and they've Left me Right out in the cold for news.

I don't listen to any of them, anymore.

I don't have NEWS in my life, anymore.

There was a time that investigative reporters were All That, 'cuz they cut through all of the crap.

We're so far past any of that, with supposed "news" agencies owned by the slant their owners want to put on anything.

We don't HAVE news, anymore.

We're TREATED to slants on all that is.

If they don't like it?

It doesn't exist.

FUCK that!!!

SOME thangs either ARE or they AREN't, and I'd sort of like to know the TRUTH, without having to worry about filtering it all through a lens of POVs.

Did I say that I refuse to listen to supposed "news?"
I like watching Fox. It's entertaining. It's an awesome baromter of how stupid people are, knowing that this is what they base their facts off of - watching ten minutes of sean hannity and then telling their friends about it. I can't get enough of it.
I like watching Fox. It's entertaining. It's an awesome baromter of how stupid people are, knowing that this is what they base their facts off of - watching ten minutes of sean hannity and then telling their friends about it. I can't get enough of it.

It's amazing how anyone who disagrees with your viewpoint is stupid.

I guess considering another possibility is difficult for some people. Personally, I enjoy it. What's the point of life if we want to lie to ourselves and not learn and pretend we know everything there is to know?

To each his own I suppose.
That cons on this board even equate ratings with integrity is wholly laughable. I never understood that arguement... just because something is popular, doesn't make it right.

humm now that the lefts media mechanisms are in the shitter, yes I scan see how that would bother them and their proponents and now its no longer how many watch you see............its now about the usual counter factual unverifiable 'quality of the watcher'....

In fact, it is usually unpopular things that tend to be the most full of integrity and truthful, because people don't want to hear truth. Truth is boring to those who just want sunshine pumped up their arse all day about how awesome their ideology is and how the 'enemy' is so stupid and wrong, and 'lets look at them and laugh at how ridiculous they are.' The whole rhetorical style reminds be of when I was little, being on an elementary playground during recess, when kids were trying to make fun of one another.

' rhetorical style' of what???

I don't have the energy to spell this out for you. Figure it out.
There you have it...WillowTree is definately your typical "Repturd Teabagger"...Has no good arguments and swears alot to make up 4 it...Lol as if it makes him or her...or maybe both...look bigger??? Haha bout the only cool thing that I see in fox is that they always have good lookin girls who like 2 show off there legs!!! But foreal any1 who has a brain has 2 admit that FOX news is very biased!!!!

And MSNBC is not?

Ed Shultz....?
Chris Mathews,who makes no qualms about his man love for Obama.
Keith Olberman>
Rachel Maddow.:lol:
That cons on this board even equate ratings with integrity is wholly laughable. I never understood that arguement... just because something is popular, doesn't make it right.

humm now that the lefts media mechanisms are in the shitter, yes I scan see how that would bother them and their proponents and now its no longer how many watch you see............its now about the usual counter factual unverifiable 'quality of the watcher'....

In fact, it is usually unpopular things that tend to be the most full of integrity and truthful, because people don't want to hear truth. Truth is boring to those who just want sunshine pumped up their arse all day about how awesome their ideology is and how the 'enemy' is so stupid and wrong, and 'lets look at them and laugh at how ridiculous they are.' The whole rhetorical style reminds be of when I was little, being on an elementary playground during recess, when kids were trying to make fun of one another.

' rhetorical style' of what???

I don't have the energy to spell this out for you. Figure it out.

uh huh, I bet you don't. :rolleyes:
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

And in airports, there is routinely CNN. What's your point?

Ratings, I think, come from the Nielson's don't they? It seems archaic given the technology of today and the probable abillity to track accurately the viewing habits of those with Satellite or cable.
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

The liberals won't be happy until there's not one single voice anywhere that differs with their agenda. Their attacks will continue forever.

Let 'em. Every time they whine about Fox News, their ratings go up... :lol:

Actually, Beck has lost 1/3 of his audience since January. But I'll let that slide.

But no, that's not the point of this thread. I'm glad FOX is around.. It gives the tea party an outlet to express their views - 24/7. I only wish they would admit to being a partisan organization.

Does MSNBC admit to being partisan? CNN? Just wondering.
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

TASS was number one in the Soviet Union (and that is not the only similarity).
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

The liberals won't be happy until there's not one single voice anywhere that differs with their agenda. Their attacks will continue forever.

Let 'em. Every time they whine about Fox News, their ratings go up... :lol:

Yeah...cause the OP calls for Fox News to be shut, wait. She didn't.
There you have it...WillowTree is definately your typical "Repturd Teabagger"...Has no good arguments and swears alot to make up 4 it...Lol as if it makes him or her...or maybe both...look bigger??? Haha bout the only cool thing that I see in fox is that they always have good lookin girls who like 2 show off there legs!!! But foreal any1 who has a brain has 2 admit that FOX news is very biased!!!!

I don't have bags therefore I don't tea bag unlike you who most probably does have bags and who proably does dip them.. moron.

Ummm...garment bags, Willow. You have garment bags.
You have to give FAUX media some credit, at least it's clear that they are not news but propaganda for the corporations, and republicans who support corporate ideology over working people and democracy in America.

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey
We're going on how many years now? Lying libturd whining and bitching and a shitting in their drawers cause Fox News is NUMBER one in Cable news. It is so phucking pathetic donchyathink?

really pitiful, this must be the nine millionth thread started on how the libturd dimcrappers think Fox News ain't so fucking fair and balanced. Jeeez whydonchya take out a full page ad in the NYT everyday. They sure could use the revenue.

It just proves conservatives can't do without FOX. Also, if you've ever been in a fast food joint, say McDonalds, you will notice they play FOX. I would suspect a lot of their viewership comes from places like this.. Not actual viewers.

I know the truth hurts you, Willow. I'm sorry.
FOX isn't news.. You know that. Just admit it already.. It's ok, really!

I don't admit nothing. But I have asked Management to meet you whiny assed librul needs. Now how's about that ad in the NYT? Surely that will help you in your shear effort to brang down fox news. donchyathink?

If Fox is so popular, why would they care?
guess what everybody Fox news ain't fair and balanced to the whiney assed libruls views and younglefty is whining about it again.. and again,,,, and again,,,,, and again..

Willow humps for Fox. Obviously. Too bad there's a limit to font size, right?
Let's take a look:

- 5 2012 GOP Presidential cadidate prospects are on FOX's payroll

- FOX aggressively fought against health reform, and every other major piece of legislation pushed by the dems

- FOX continues to batter President Obama, the dems, and anything remotely progressive nearly every night

- Not one liberal host

- NewsCORP (the owners of FOX), donated a million dollars to a right-wing group the "Chamber of Commerce", and the Republican Governors Association

- They promote the "tea party" as often as possible, even on the "news" shows.

- FOX hosts and contributors fundraise for republican candidates

- They repeat republican talking points 24/7, without bothering to check the facts

How do people, with a straight face, say FOX is real, balanced news? Liberals don't hate FOX.. They just hate the fact that they brand themselves as "News", and people believe them. Just come out as a media tool of the conservative movement and republican party already!

MSNBC has many conservatives on their payroll. CNN has many libs and cons on theirs. FOX devotes themselves to 24/7 demonization of Obama and the Democratic party.

They aren't news. Just stop lying already!

While CNN and MSNBC may have conservative's on their payroll (though I will have to have more than the word of a poster on USMB to believe it), the opinion hosts such as Maddow, Oberman, Wolf Blitzer are far from fair and balanced. You seem to be unable to separate an opinion show (Hannity, Oreily) and the actual news (Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace) on Fox.
NBC is owned by far left Corp GE.
If you want any credibility, you should present both sides honestly, not from a partisan standpoint. You may actually learn something like the fact that partisan politics have so divided this country and the Politicians on both sides of the aisle only have their self preservation in mind in an effort to maintain and gain more power.
Fox news is an easy target because most news programs lean left, while Fox leans right. There needs to be a balance in the media just as their needs to be in politics. Look at this country now to see what a party majority can do; not a pretty picture and it seems like a majority of Americans agree.

I don't see the 3 network news programs "leaning" either way. They continue to report news, period. I also don't see much bias on CNN. Every talk show has a panel of both conservatives and liberals discussing the subject of the program, or of the day. The "left-leaning" accusation that is intended to encompass every news outlet other than FOX, was started guessed it, FOX.
Why is the left so interested in who is going to beat their 0ssiah in 2012 lately?

Was there some big blog entry on HuffyPuffy that told the leftist masses to go forth and ask the question?

Well since the Republicans and the loony fringers all have their soldiers gathered at the gate, we're entitled to start building our own armies. Tell you what: You stick to Brietbart, NewsMax, WND, Gateway Pundit, American Thinker, Townhall, and the myriad others where you get YOUR opinions, and we'll stick to ours (occasionally visiting yours just to see what the lies of the day are).
That cons on this board even equate ratings with integrity is wholly laughable. I never understood that arguement... just because something is popular, doesn't make it right.

In fact, it is usually unpopular things that tend to be the most full of integrity and truthful, because people don't want to hear truth. Truth is boring to those who just want sunshine pumped up their arse all day about how awesome their ideology is and how the 'enemy' is so stupid and wrong, and 'lets look at them and laugh at how ridiculous they are.' The whole rhetorical style reminds be of when I was little, being on an elementary playground during recess, when kids were trying to make fun of one another.

No wonder Fox News is so unpopular with the left:)

It's unpopular because it's nothing more than a propaganda machine.

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