Fox News admits Red Wave turned into "Absolute Disaster"

Democrats don’t care that people lost their jobs or businesses to manufactured lockdowns and Vax mandates. Couldn’t attend the bedside of sick family,funerals or births of their loved ones They don’t care that they can’t afford food,gas or utilities. They care only about political power and wielding it against the public.
The Dem economy is roaring.
I honestly hope it happens, that's what these people want, and I think they should get it. It's the only way to illustrate once and for all that they have no answers.
I think they've decided they don't care if the nation dies as long as they get their free stuff. The day that stuff stops coming, it will allow them to REALLY unleash the evil in their souls. What they cannot grasp is that they too, will suffer the horrors they've created. My family will stand and resist them.
I think they've decided they don't care if the nation dies as long as they get their free stuff. The day that stuff stops coming, it will allow them to REALLY unleash the evil in their souls. What they cannot grasp is that they too, will suffer the horrors they've created. My family will stand and resist them.

They need to lie in the bed they've made, it's my greatest wish.
some conclusions from last night

1. the voters of Pennsylvania are either morons or being paid for their votes. They elected a guy to the senate who cannot even communicate.

2. the dem cheat machine is working overtime in close elections

3. the GOP did not get the tsunami they needed. The country has become a socialist dictatorship and the media is happy about that

4. If you are a normal person living in a blue state, get the hell out while you can.

5. Florida has become a sanctuary state for patriotic americans who love and respect our constitution.
I think they've decided they don't care if the nation dies as long as they get their free stuff. The day that stuff stops coming, it will allow them to REALLY unleash the evil in their souls. What they cannot grasp is that they too, will suffer the horrors they've created. My family will stand and resist them.

Where do I sign up for that free stuff?
Fillibuster needs to go regardless. Vote on the bills. Up or down. Present them and vote on them. No more desk drawer shit. :)
The changes the Ds have shown they will engage in will end any chance of hem ever losing power through elections, ever again. Be careful what you wish for. THAT situation WILL lead to Civil War, absolutely no way around it, other than maybe secession.
Like actually put forth ideas and alternatives for policy making...that help the voter you are trying to reach.
Not just push culture wars and be contrarian.
Yeah, that's the way Dims do it!

Who are you trying to kid with this stuff?
When are the repubs going to finally realize that trump doesn't give a flip about their party or the country? trump is in it for trump. He knew that many of the unsavory candidates he was endorsing were losers, but he did it anyway. Why? Because they kissed his ring and told him how smart he was and agreed with his Big Lie.

If the repubs want to continue to lose elections, then they should let the MAGA repubs lead the party. I am sure the Democrats are fine with it.
More like Trump was told WHO to nominate like Sessions, Barr, Comey, ALL DAVOS RATS. A president doesnt have any REAL POWER, it is mostly ceremonial , like the British royals. When it comes to REAL ISSUES ( that affect Agenda 2030) a president has to take a back seat and shut up ( Immigration, Economics, Biowarfare) else his grave will be next to JFK.
some conclusions from last night

1. the voters of Pennsylvania are either morons or being paid for their votes. They elected a guy to the senate who cannot even communicate.

2. the dem cheat machine is working overtime in close elections

3. the GOP did not get the tsunami they needed. The country has become a socialist dictatorship and the media is happy about that

4. If you are a normal person living in a blue state, get the hell out while you can.

5. Florida has become a sanctuary state for patriotic americans who love and respect our constitution.
You would do well to engage in some serious - and HONEST - introspection.

How do you dare to trash other AMERICANS simply because they refuse to believe as you do.

That's what America is all about - being able to decide for yourself the path you will take.

You come off as a far less "good" American than those you are trying to insult.

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