Fox News admits Red Wave turned into "Absolute Disaster"

You would do well to engage in some serious - and HONEST - introspection.

How do you dare to trash other AMERICANS simply because they refuse to believe as you do.

That's what America is all about - being able to decide for yourself the path you will take.

You come off as a far less "good" American than those you are trying to insult.
I believe homosexuals should be put to death.

Now the repubs could still narrowly take the Senate and House, but the Red Wave did not happen. Even with inflation at a 40 year high, the repubs have not seen the expected congressional wins.

Marc Thiessen was full of bull. 8% inflation is not good but it is not the disaster that Republicans claim it is. Crime is still way below where it was in the ;90s and red states have the worst crime rate. This is nothing but lies that Republicans have conned many people into believing.
Marc Thiessen was full of bull. 8% inflation is not good but it is not the disaster that Republicans claim it is. Crime is still way below where it was in the ;90s and red states have the worst crime rate. This is nothing but lies that Republicans have conned many people into believing.
So the dems talking points are all true?
If Republicans win the world will end (Clyburn)
If republicans win abortions will be illegal nationwide
If republicans win, our democracy is over.

1. Inflation is bad, that's why the Fed is raising rates
2. Crime is worse. Its just that dem prosecutors don't prosecute crimes, so the perps walk and commit more crimes
3. Bidens war on energy is also a disaster
4. Open borders is also a disaster

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