Fox News admits Red Wave turned into "Absolute Disaster"

I don't think so. But I don't want the stock market to keep dropping either.
If Nancy stays and Schumer gets a solid majority, the filibuster will be gone and the Left will take full control. That will mean no more Republican control. Our choices the will be stark, indeed. Some of us will fight. That is guaranteed

Now the repubs could still narrowly take the Senate and House, but the Red Wave did not happen. Even with inflation at a 40 year high, the repubs have not seen the expected congressional wins.
There is still this..."“We have the worst inflation in four decades, the worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in U.S. history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened"\

and folks like you still support that...sad
If Nancy stays and Schumer gets a solid majority, the filibuster will be gone and the Left will take full control. That will mean no more Republican control. Our choices the will be stark, indeed. Some of us will fight. That is guaranteed

I honestly hope it happens, that's what these people want, and I think they should get it. It's the only way to illustrate once and for all that they have no answers.
Dem's are in control, they're doing so well right now. :rolleyes: I love paying above $4.00 a gallon for gas and watching 10's of thousands disappearing from my retirement, it's great! We definitely need more Dem control to finally achieve utopia!!

At the moment, they're not. But Republicans, who have a history of screwing up the economy, failed to convince America they can do better.
At the moment, they're not. But Republicans, who have a history of screwing up the economy, failed to convince America they can do better.

But they are in control, I hope they get the 51 seats, let's see what they can do, they've done a great job so far!
If Nancy stays and Schumer gets a solid majority, the filibuster will be gone and the Left will take full control. That will mean no more Republican control. Our choices the will be stark, indeed. Some of us will fight. That is guaranteed
Fillibuster needs to go regardless. Vote on the bills. Up or down. Present them and vote on them. No more desk drawer shit. :)
Who "dominated" anything?
I’m not saying the democrats dominated republicans. I’m just saying the one issue voters where pro choice voters, when it’s usually pro life voters
The truth of this midterm election is that unlike most midterms, the general public were passionate about it. Most probably because of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

Most midterms are ignored by the majority of the people - that always favors the party that's out of the White house because they're the ones who are the most pissed off. This turnout approached a presidential Election year turnout.

Thanks SCOTUS!!!
When are the repubs going to finally realize that trump doesn't give a flip about their party or the country? trump is in it for trump. He knew that many of the unsavory candidates he was endorsing were losers, but he did it anyway. Why? Because they kissed his ring and told him how smart he was and agreed with his Big Lie.

If the repubs want to continue to lose elections, then they should let the MAGA repubs lead the party. I am sure the Democrats are fine with it.
Democrats couldn’t careless about the country or its voters.
Dem's are in control, they're doing so well right now. :rolleyes: I love paying above $4.00 a gallon for gas and watching 10's of thousands disappearing from my retirement, it's great! We definitely need more Dem control to finally achieve utopia!!
Poor Oil Companies....record profits and yet it's all the Dems' you. :heehee:

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