FOX News Dana Perino introduces "the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton"

How would you like her to introduce this woman on national television

Oh, I dunno. One might expect her to introduce her in a way that reflects the sentiment that she reads and echoes from the teleprompter about Clinton's infamous shenanigans over at FOX on national television. If we're talking about proper human relations. That's the moral thing to do. That's consistency.

But..that's only if one expects any sort of intellectual honesty or truth in mainstream media.

Of course, here she's hanging out over at the Clinton Global Initiative. So...when in Rome and she's ''amazing.'' Ta daaaa....lolol...
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No shit.
I did not see that coming.
I like Perino, no way she did this without some serious selling out for money.
I have seen her ripping Hillary to pieces on multiple shows.
Now calling her "Amazing"???
That is coming from either a place of coercion from her masters, or she sold out for some serious cash.
Either way - lost a LOT of respect from me.

I read that book Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA way back in the day when I was researching all that stuff. One of the authors, Terry Reed was a Democrat and had a number of attempts on his life and death threats. So it clearly wasn't about partisan politics, since BOTH major parties are implicated in that book.

Others have tried to uncover what happened in Mena. Again, including left-leaning journalists. So what people need to get through their heads is that it's not a partisan thing, it boils down to simply caring about truth and our country.

The Clintons are as corrupt and evil as it gets. I have ZERO trust or respect for anyone who praises the Clintons, or is friends with them.
No, they're. NOT "all on the same damn team"

People follow a spectrum and are not all at your place or Hillary's as if those are the only two positions available.

I see it as just being gracious. It doesn't mean she supports Hillary's goals.

How would you like her to introduce this woman on national television
MisterBeale a "funny" doesn't qualify as a rebuttal. You know I'm right, but you need to be one of those people who needs to justify his "not a dimes worth of difference" position without actually making a case. The reality is there's a huge difference between the right and left.

I would put Dana as a moderate Republican. A rino if you prefer that term. But that doesn't mean she's scheming with the Clinton's and the Obama's to accomplish their agenda.

Like I said, her comment was simply being gracious while standing before a national audience

graciousness noun (POLITENESS)politeness and good manners: His humility and graciousness have won our hearts. She impressed others as a person of extraordinary graciousness and kindness.
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ItI read that book Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA way back in the day when I was researching all that stuff. One of the authors, Terry Reed was a Democrat and had a number of attempts on his life and death threats. So it clearly wasn't about partisan politics, since BOTH major parties are implicated in that book.

Others have tried to uncover what happened in Mena. Again, including left-leaning journalists. So what people need to get through their heads is that it's not a partisan thing, it boils down to simply caring about truth and our country.

The Clintons are as corrupt and evil as it gets. I have ZERO trust or respect for anyone who praises the Clintons, or is friends with them.

Agreed. All of it is connected. BCCI, Mena, Iran-Contra, Noriega, 9/11, Enron, Haiti, organized crime, probably Epstein and human trafficking as well. . . (And Robert Mueller's name seems to keep popping up over and over in all that,) and I'd not be surprised if JFK is tied in there too, but that seems to predate much of the Clinton/Bush Crime family. If you use an independent search engines, and use many of these terms, you can find oodles of information, from independent reporters and researchers.

Much of it makes many of it look like this. . .


But there are lots of concrete findings, hearings and books on the topic, and too much smoke to make it not all be real.

But yeah, it is all cloak and dagger, carried out, much like Biden and his son carried out their shenanigans. They are all pros at this shit.

I am positive there is fire in there somewhere.
MisterBeale a "funny" doesn't qualify as a rebuttal. You know I'm right, but you need to be one of those people who needs to justify his "not a dimes worth of difference" position without actually making a case. The reality is there's a huge difference between the right and left.

I would put Dana as a moderate Republican. A rino if you prefer that term. But that doesn't mean she's scheming with the Clinton's and the Obama's to accomplish their agenda.

Like I said, her comment was simply being gracious while standing before a national audience

graciousness noun (POLITENESS)politeness and good manners: His humility and graciousness have won our hearts. She impressed others as a person of extraordinary graciousness and kindness.

This is not a matter of politeness. The question is, why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why associate with people who are thoroughly corrupt and evil? As jwoodie said in post #24, she could have declined the invitation.
This is not a matter of politeness. The question is, why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why associate with people who are thoroughly corrupt and evil? As jwoodie said in post #24, she could have declined the invitation.
In 2008 I was at Maumee Bay State Park. Just outside of Toledo Ohio.

I was just there walking the nature trails with a couple friends.

Out of nowhere a large, fancy black bus pulled into the parking lot. None of us had any idea what it was about, until a lot of fancy looking people in dark suits came out of the bus. People started gathering around and we too stuck around to see what was going on.

Obama stepped off the bus and we found ourselves among the small crowd.

He walked up to me and smiled and extended his hand. I smiled and shook his hand, and that was the end of that.

Should I have spit in him? Should I have refused to shake his hand? I did neither. I smiled and shook his hand. But he didn't get my vote.

Does that make me a rino? Does that mean I'm part of the conspiracy to help the Democrats make this a one party country?

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In 2915 I was at Maumee Bay State Park. Just outside of Toledo Ohio.

I was just there walking the nature trails with a couple friends.

Out of nowhere a large, fancy black bus pulled into the parking lot. None of us had any idea what it was about, until a lot of fancy looking people in dark suits came out of the bus. People started gathering around and we too stuck around to see what was going on.

Obama stepped off the bus and we found ourselves among the small crowd.

He walked up to me and smiled and extended his hand. I smiled and shook his hand, and that was the end of that.

Should I have spit in him? Should I have refused to shake his hand? I did neither. I smiled and shook his hand. But he didn't get my vote.

False comparison. This was not a chance meeting. I'll repeat what I said in my previous post: why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why knowingly associate with someone who is thoroughly corrupt and evil, let alone heap praise on them?

There's a difference between politeness, and going out of one's way to praise and associate with someone.
False comparison. This was not a chance meeting. I'll repeat what I said in my previous post: why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why knowingly associate with someone who is thoroughly corrupt and evil, let alone heap praise on them?

There's a difference between politeness, and going out of one's way to praise and associate with someone.
Dana should have introduced her as the nastiest bitch in politics and the greatest serial killer the world has ever
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Dana should have introduced her as the nastiest bitch in politics and the greatest aerial killer the world has ever se

Ok, this is the third time you've ignored the question. I'll ask it one last time, because honestly I couldn't care less what that person does, for me this is not about her, it's about the sham that partisan politics is....

Last time, please answer it: why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why knowingly associate with someone who is thoroughly corrupt and evil, let alone heap praise on them?
You know I'm right, but you need to be one of those people who needs to justify his "not a dimes worth of difference" position without actually making a case. The reality is there's a huge difference between the right and left.
I've studied interest group dynamics in government. I've also done a lot of working and reading into. . . . other areas.

It can be two things that appear to be different at once. But the reality is more what Natural Citizen has laid out.

Yes, you are correct, in their presentation to the public state, and in media, there are slight variations in policy, but, neither "side" cares, really all that much, about what their partisan follows care about, and on these issues. They all play the public like useful idiots.

They use emotion to play the electorate, and the illusion of choice, when the factions behind our politics are very different than the one folks believe they are voting for

However, I disagree with you, things are not what they appear.AND, you do not get to tell me what I do, or do not believe. Natural Citizen has the lay of the land, in my opinion. I believe he is far more media savvy. I laugh? Because even my son is more in tune with reality than you are, he does not waste his time watching government/corporate, CIA influenced propaganda. 🙄

This topic? And this thread? I have to be honest with you. . . sort of is a mystery to me. I don't watch that much corporate/government TEE VEE. I have no clue who it is about. I don't know who this Dana Perino person even is. I get most of my information about what is going on, from real people, not establishment shills. If they are on cable, corporate TEE VEE still, they are doing what they are told by huge corporations and institutional investors. . . but. . .

. . . . I don't even trust Tucker, TBH. 🙄


‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media​

The CIA and the News Media 2.0​

Episode 432 - The CIA and the News Media 2.0

Corbett • 11/14/2022
"By now, Corbett Reporteers know all about the CIA's infiltration of the news media, from Wisner's Wurlitzer and the CIA's global propaganda network to the Church Committee revelations and the CIA whistleblowers of the 1980s. We were told that the CIA stopped all that (which is a lie, of course). But do you know how the CIA is manipulating the media today? Join James on today's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he exposes the incredibly brazen trick behind The CIA and the News Media 2.0."


Ok, this is the third time you've ignored the question. I'll ask it one last time, because honestly I couldn't care less what that person does, for me this is not about her, it's about the sham that partisan politics is....

Last time, please answer it: why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why knowingly associate with someone who is thoroughly corrupt and evil, let alone heap praise on them?
Answer: I don't know.
I'm "Friendly" with many Christians who are not where I am doctrinally. Why? I assume God will bring them along at His pace. And, they might have something they can teach me.

I CAN be friendly with JWs, Mormon, Protestants and even Catholics without agreeing with them in everything.

It's not that complicated

I don't know what small part of that organization she might agree with.

And I watched that short clip repeatedly and I just don't find it offensive. Sorry if that offends. But she's not a part of "the conspiracy". At least none of you have convinced me. Not in the least
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Let me give you an example. When ever the conservatives have complete control of the government, they don't do shit about immigration. But when they don't have control over the government, they bitch and whine about it, as if it is the most important thing ever!

When the hard left is not in control of the government, they front to their base, like they are going to give them student debt relief and universal medical care. . . but when they have complete control?

It's WAR TIME BABY! :113:

Both sides play the same damn game.


Hell they do that shit with abortion and guns all the time too. 🙄

Why? Because the institutional investors and global oligarchs that own BOTH parties know what they are doing, run the spooks, own the most powerful GD tool for propaganda on Earth, the TEE VEE and all the media.

Ok, this is the third time you've ignored the question. I'll ask it one last time, because honestly I couldn't care less what that person does, for me this is not about her, it's about the sham that partisan politics is....

Last time, please answer it: why is she part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the first place? Why knowingly associate with someone who is thoroughly corrupt and evil, let alone heap praise on them?
You seem to want me to take on the role of DEFENDING this woman. I am not. I don't know her motives any more than you. But I don't see this grand conspiracy some here need to believe in. People have their own personal motives for doing what they do.

I did find this. Maybe the persecution of this journalist is as important to her as the obvious persecution of President Trump is to me.

Perino discussed Gershkovich's continued detainment by Russia under what the U.S. says are completely bogus charges of spying.

"He is quite beloved by his colleagues," Perino said, after Latour recalled receiving the news earlier this year that Gershkovich had been taken. Arrested in March, Gershkovich has had his pre-trial detention extended multiple times and faces a high probability of conviction in Moscow's slanted court system.

This is something I can agree with. Can you?
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Answer: I don't know.
I'm "Friendly" with many Christians who are not where I am doctrinally. Why? I assume God will bring them along at His pace. And, they might have something they can teach me.

I don't know what small part of that organization she might agree with.

And I watched that short clip repeatedly and I just don't find it offensive. Sorry if that offends. But she's not a part of "the conspiracy". At least none of you have convinced me. Not in the least

I get the feeling that you don't realize how corrupt the Clintons are. I've mentioned this on other threads, but you might not know this... In the early days of the internet, I had an anti-Clinton website, for many years. So because of that site, I was always doing lots of research, and adding more and more scandals and crimes (they got away with) to that site.

In doing that research on the Clintons, I learned that BOTH parties are involved in major corruption and cover-ups. For example, what Mister Beale brought up earlier on the thread, the Mena operation, which is connected to numerous other crimes that most people are blissfully unaware of.

I really don't think you would be bringing up the 'comparison' between media personalities who claim to be conservatives knowingly associating with evil criminals like the Clintons.... with Christians being friendly with other Christians who disagree on certain doctrines..... if you realized how evil these people actually are.

But you're not going to suddenly believe what we're saying, by reading a couple paragraphs. It took me years and YEARS of research to come to the conclusion I have today. So I'm not foolish enough to think you'll agree with us simply by reading a few posts. I would hope you would do your own research, but some of this stuff goes back decades, so..... I don't know what to tell you.

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