FOX News, "Fair and Balanced"? Not according to the people that work there.

I found the report on "Gretch the Grinch" to be hilarious!

The Gretch who saved Christmas?

Where would we be without Fox annually saving the celebration of Santa's Birthday?
Actually, I don't watch it much. I listen to their radio coverage. So, have a slice of fail to go with that assumption. When I HAVE watched FNC, I only see the bias in their commentary shows. They give a very even hand to the stories in how they report most times, or at least they counter it with stories that are from a leftist perspective at times on the same topic.

There is a back peddle worthy of daveman.
The Gretch who saved Christmas?

Where would we be without Fox annually saving the celebration of Santa's Birthday?
Actually, I don't watch it much. I listen to their radio coverage. So, have a slice of fail to go with that assumption. When I HAVE watched FNC, I only see the bias in their commentary shows. They give a very even hand to the stories in how they report most times, or at least they counter it with stories that are from a leftist perspective at times on the same topic.

There is a back peddle worthy of daveman.
It makes a funny sound when leftist memes and reality collide. :lol:
Actually, I don't watch it much. I listen to their radio coverage. So, have a slice of fail to go with that assumption. When I HAVE watched FNC, I only see the bias in their commentary shows. They give a very even hand to the stories in how they report most times, or at least they counter it with stories that are from a leftist perspective at times on the same topic.

There is a back peddle worthy of daveman.
It makes a funny sound when leftist memes and reality collide. :lol:

Damn it said I must spread reps around before I can rep daveman again.
Actually, I don't watch it much. I listen to their radio coverage. So, have a slice of fail to go with that assumption. When I HAVE watched FNC, I only see the bias in their commentary shows. They give a very even hand to the stories in how they report most times, or at least they counter it with stories that are from a leftist perspective at times on the same topic.

There is a back peddle worthy of daveman.
It makes a funny sound when leftist memes and reality collide. :lol:
like two empty oil drums dropped from a great height.
You are whining again, daveman. :lol: No way around it, no way to hide it, no way to excuse it ~~ you are a whiner.
He isn't happy about the way you post, Jake. So he's whining about it.


Maybe Jake will be your first! :lol:
Why are you obsessed with Fox? You act like they are the only ones who do this.

Only 6% of scientists are Republican.

Republicans are 90% white and vote in lockstep.

I am rdean and I live in an alternate universe.

Just once you should try posting about something that has nothing to do with any of your usual tripe. Call it a Christmas present to USMB. If you don't do Christmas because it is a right-wing-nut racist holiday call it a New Years present/resolution.

Just once.

Rdean's Letter to Santa.

Dear Old White Dude

I bet you vote Republican. 94% of kids my age agree you're a wealthy liar who robs poor working people of their right to have everything you have worked for.

So, this Christmas I would like:

All Republicans to die quickly and soon so we decent people can have their stuff.


If you aren't a liberal at 20, you have not heart, if you aren't a conservative by 30, you have no brain - Edmund Burke
Why are you obsessed with Fox? You act like they are the only ones who do this.

Only 6% of scientists are Republican.

Republicans are 90% white and vote in lockstep.

I am rdean and I live in an alternate universe.

Just once you should try posting about something that has nothing to do with any of your usual tripe. Call it a Christmas present to USMB. If you don't do Christmas because it is a right-wing-nut racist holiday call it a New Years present/resolution.

Just once.

Rdean's Letter to Santa.

Dear Old White Dude

I bet you vote Republican. 94% of kids my age agree you're a wealthy liar who robs poor working people of their right to have everything you have worked for.

So, this Christmas I would like:

All Republicans to die quickly and soon so we decent people can have their stuff.


If you aren't a liberal at 20, you have not heart, if you aren't a conservative by 30, you have no brain - Edmund Burke

I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.

As I became older, I realized life is not so simple. Every story is different. For every action, there is a negative reaction. I learned that you need to walk in the other guys shoes and find out why he is the situation he is.
How about all the pro-P-BO coverage by all the other networks which they publicly admitted they slanted the news? So the fuck what? I never claimed perfection. I do claim they are better than all other networks.

The ACORN pimp story is still fact BTW. Busted in a sting doesn't change the fact they condone AND assist criminal activity.

No it's not. It's been handily dismantled by several news outlets. And the "journalist" James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws. His cohort, Hannah Giles had to step in when O'Keefe was using his "journalistic skills" to spring a trap on a CNN reporter.

What's up next..a spirited defense of interweb "reporter" James Gannon?
James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.

Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.
James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.

Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

That "scheme" was the ACORN employee trying to get details out of O'Keefe. And O'Keefe leaves out the part where he gets suspicious and DD's out of the office. Several minutes after O'Keefe leaves the ACORN employee called a relative who was a police officer and gave him the story.

Former ACORN Employee Sues O'Keefe and Giles | Crooks and Liars
Daily Howler: Gerson said the right has been wrong--and the left as well

Not so clear is it?

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