FOX News, "Fair and Balanced"? Not according to the people that work there.

James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.

Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

You watched doctored propaganda. Not the tapes that showed O'Keefe was not presenting himself as a pimp, not the parts where they questioned him, not the parts where they reported him.

Just an example of fine Rightwing journalistic standards
Fox, like other media outlets, manipulates (not "find positive ways") image. Here's one for you, QWB: tell your viewers what "public option" and "government option" means: they are the same thing. Then tell the viewers Fox wants them to hate the "government option" while the approve of the "public option."

And for the rest of the far right agenda-driven wackaloons: all laws are mandates. Grow up.


Fox was opposed to the public option under any name, which is why they used the more prejoritive term.

Sorry, I forgot how I was talking to, prejoritive means negative.


James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.

Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

You watched doctored propaganda. Not the tapes that showed O'Keefe was not presenting himself as a pimp, not the parts where they questioned him, not the parts where they reported him.

Just an example of fine Rightwing journalistic standards
Oh? How about those fine folks at NBC and side saddle fuel tanks?

You want to talk journalistic integrity, we can start there. Maybe the MSNBS bias for Obama pre-election where they had only 10% positive coverage for McCain.

Spare me your hypocrisy.
James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.

Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

You watched doctored propaganda. Not the tapes that showed O'Keefe was not presenting himself as a pimp, not the parts where they questioned him, not the parts where they reported him.

Just an example of fine Rightwing journalistic standards

Will Breitbart, O'Keefe, and Giles come clean about the ACORN pimp hoax? | Media Matters for America

Last September 12, when the story of undercover ACORN surveillance videos was just breaking, conservative activist Hannah Giles, who starred in the clips as a wannabe prostitute, appeared on Fox News. Host Greg Gutfeld was positively giddy during his Giles interview, as he mocked the ACORN employees who were caught on tape giving Giles and her undercover partner, James O'Keefe, all kinds of misguided advice on how a prostitute could pay* taxes on her late-night income.

But, of course, we now know Gutfeld had the story all wrong. As I noted last week, and as blogger Brad Friedman had pointed out previously, James O'Keefe never wore his crazy hustler outfit to meet with community organizers. Instead, the '70s-style blaxploitation pimp costume O'Keefe helped make famous was a propaganda tool used after the fact to deceive the public about the undercover operation.

Yet in the very infancy of the ACORN scandal, Fox News host Gutfeld was peddling a false story about O'Keefe's pimp costume, a false story that quickly morphed into accepted fact. (Eventually, after an avalanche of repetition, didn't pretty much everyone believe O'Keefe was decked out as a pimp?)
Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

You watched doctored propaganda. Not the tapes that showed O'Keefe was not presenting himself as a pimp, not the parts where they questioned him, not the parts where they reported him.

Just an example of fine Rightwing journalistic standards
Oh? How about those fine folks at NBC and side saddle fuel tanks?

You want to talk journalistic integrity, we can start there. Maybe the MSNBS bias for Obama pre-election where they had only 10% positive coverage for McCain.

Spare me your hypocrisy.

Only 10% positive coverage on McCain?

Even Sarah Palin does better than that (not Rush Limbaugh though)

I imagine you have a link for us
"during that September 12 broadcast, Giles said nothing to set the record straight. That night, she sat and listened to Gutfeld tell the phony pimp story, and she became complicit in the lie. Obviously, Giles knew her undercover pal didn't look like he just came from a costume party when he walked into ACORN outposts with his undercover camera. But on Fox News, when Gutfeld spread that tale, Giles did nothing to correct the record.

Soon, her undercover cohort joined in the misinformation campaign. Two days later, O'Keefe appeared on Fox & Friends decked out as a pimp. Host Steve Doocy announced that O'Keefe was "dressed exactly in the same outfit that he wore to these ACORN offices up and down the Eastern Seaboard."

O'Keefe made no effort to correct Doocy's falsehood.

And then one week later, writing in The Washington Times, O'Keefe and Giles' mentor, conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, whose website Big Government first hosted the ACORN clips, added to the misinformation movement. He wrote that O'Keefe had been "dressed as a pimp" while "getting" tax advice inside ACORN offices.

It was all part of a campaign, often fueled by winks and nods, to plant the indelible image of O'Keefe strolling into inner-city ACORN workplaces on summer afternoons decked out in his furry pimp costume and clueless employees not batting an eye. "
The same dance played out on November 16, 2009, when Hannity again hyped the tapes. His guests that night were O'Keefe and Giles (transcript from Nexis):

HANNITY: All right. You were both dressed as -- and by the way, you are the least convincing pimp in the entire world. I mean, I just don't -- I don't get it.

O'KEEFE: It's pretty outrageous. It's ridiculous. And look at the way that Hannah's dressed. They didn't blink an eye.

HANNITY: And by the way, Hannah, you are the least convincing prostitute. I want that to be clear, too, in the entire world.

But in all honesty, it is outrageous.

Not only did Giles and O'Keefe fail to correct Hannity's false implication that O'Keefe had worn the pimp outfit while secretly filming, but O'Keefe enthusiastically agreed the whole thing was "pretty ridiculous
I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.
You are whining again, daveman. :lol: No way around it, no way to hide it, no way to excuse it ~~ you are a whiner.
He isn't happy about the way you post, Jake. So he's whining about it.

His whining defines him; always has.
You two are so cute together. :lol:

BTW, neither one of you has offered any proof that my amusement, which your frail egos refuse to accept, is actually whining. And no, both of you pointing to each other and saying "But he says it is!" is not proof. :lol:

Now, once again, I'm laughing at you. And once again, predictably, you will say I'm whining. :lol:
How about all the pro-P-BO coverage by all the other networks which they publicly admitted they slanted the news? So the fuck what? I never claimed perfection. I do claim they are better than all other networks.

The ACORN pimp story is still fact BTW. Busted in a sting doesn't change the fact they condone AND assist criminal activity.

No it's not. It's been handily dismantled by several news outlets. And the "journalist" James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws. His cohort, Hannah Giles had to step in when O'Keefe was using his "journalistic skills" to spring a trap on a CNN reporter.

What's up next..a spirited defense of interweb "reporter" James Gannon? mean like you guys are defending "journalist" Julian Assange? :lol:
I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

People are getting poorer due to a decade of flat wages despite very high productivity. . Now when figuring real dollars CORE Inflation is used, CORE Inflation does not include the inflation in the cost of energy or food. Actually median incomes went down when the inflationary costs of energy and food are included.
So what choices would have been right? How much more productivity can be sucked out of these workers and exactly what opportunities did these people miss? Good paying jobs just kept disappearing thanks to offshore outsourcing and companies recruiting illegals to
further enhance their bottlom-line.
Now I'm curious... How many hours a day or week RW spends watching Fox that he can come to these conclusions or is all his info from anti-fox outlets?
I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.
I was the opposite. I was a conservative in my 20's and became liberal as I got older. In my 20's, I bought into the simplicity of conservativism. Everything is black and white. There is a simple solution to every problem. People are poor because they deserve it.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

People are getting poorer due to a decade of flat wages despite very high productivity. . Now when figuring real dollars CORE Inflation is used, CORE Inflation does not include the inflation in the cost of energy or food. Actually median incomes went down when the inflationary costs of energy and food are included.
So what choices would have been right? How much more productivity can be sucked out of these workers and exactly what opportunities did these people miss? Good paying jobs just kept disappearing thanks to offshore outsourcing and companies recruiting illegals to
further enhance their bottlom-line.
What choices would have been right? Not spending more than you earn, not racking up debt you can't pay, getting education and training.

You know...common sense stuff. Damn shame it's not all that common any more.
How about all the pro-P-BO coverage by all the other networks which they publicly admitted they slanted the news? So the fuck what? I never claimed perfection. I do claim they are better than all other networks.

The ACORN pimp story is still fact BTW. Busted in a sting doesn't change the fact they condone AND assist criminal activity.

No it's not. It's been handily dismantled by several news outlets. And the "journalist" James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws. His cohort, Hannah Giles had to step in when O'Keefe was using his "journalistic skills" to spring a trap on a CNN reporter.

What's up next..a spirited defense of interweb "reporter" James Gannon?
Who is your guess as to Gannon/Guckert's White House "friend'? I've always assumed Rove.
Fox, like other media outlets, manipulates (not "find positive ways") image. Here's one for you, QWB: tell your viewers what "public option" and "government option" means: they are the same thing. Then tell the viewers Fox wants them to hate the "government option" while the approve of the "public option."

And for the rest of the far right agenda-driven wackaloons: all laws are mandates. Grow up.


Fox was opposed to the public option under any name, which is why they used the more prejoritive term.

Sorry, I forgot how I was talking to, prejoritive means negative.


Let it go.

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