FOX News, "Fair and Balanced"? Not according to the people that work there.

He isn't happy about the way you post, Jake. So he's whining about it.

His whining defines him; always has.
You two are so cute together. :lol:

BTW, neither one of you has offered any proof that my amusement, which your frail egos refuse to accept, is actually whining. And no, both of you pointing to each other and saying "But he says it is!" is not proof. :lol:

Now, once again, I'm laughing at you. And once again, predictably, you will say I'm whining. :lol:
Hey daveman - what's your opinion of posts 187 and 188?
How about all the pro-P-BO coverage by all the other networks which they publicly admitted they slanted the news? So the fuck what? I never claimed perfection. I do claim they are better than all other networks.

The ACORN pimp story is still fact BTW. Busted in a sting doesn't change the fact they condone AND assist criminal activity.

No it's not. It's been handily dismantled by several news outlets. And the "journalist" James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws. His cohort, Hannah Giles had to step in when O'Keefe was using his "journalistic skills" to spring a trap on a CNN reporter.

What's up next..a spirited defense of interweb "reporter" James Gannon? mean like you guys are defending "journalist" Julian Assange? :lol:
Who is calling him a journalist? If anything, he more closely fits the description of 'publisher'.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I guess you are right....screw the soldiers

The kid who grew up down the street from me joined the Marines out of High School and was in Iraq in 2004-2006. He was trained as a Sniper. Now, obviously, he made a bad choice by joining the Marines to defend his country....nobody gets rich joining the Marines.

His second "bad choice" was becoming a sniper. He could have beein trained in IA, communications, mechanics where he could have had good job skills when he got out. But nobody wants to hire a sniper.

He left the Marines, got married, had a child and found that the job market had dried up while he was in the service. BAD choice on his part. If he had gotten a job out of High School rather than join the Marines, he would have a good job by now rather than being on public assistance.

But I guess you know best daveman.....we need to hold these guys accountable for the bad choices they made...or maybe he didn't work hard enough
His whining defines him; always has.
That, and his pictures. Gotta have pictures. Doesn't have words.

He loves his pictures! Most folks with child-like intellects do so like their pictures.
In honor of daveman:

I guess daveman thinks the fire fighters and police and first responders on 9-11 made bad choices also.
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

Yes, but the fact still remains that most enlisted make money that is LESS than middle class.

Check out the basic pay rates sometime. They're not doing it for the cash, they're doing it because they love this country.

How can that be a "poor choice"?

Besides.........ever lived in a military town? Seems like there are people around every corner whose sole objective in life is to part military people from their money. Main reason that every command has a financial counselor. It's to help fight parasites like that.
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James O'Keefe got to spend some time in the pokey for breaking real laws.
Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

That "scheme" was the ACORN employee trying to get details out of O'Keefe. And O'Keefe leaves out the part where he gets suspicious and DD's out of the office. Several minutes after O'Keefe leaves the ACORN employee called a relative who was a police officer and gave him the story.

Former ACORN Employee Sues O'Keefe and Giles | Crooks and Liars
Daily Howler: Gerson said the right has been wrong--and the left as well

Not so clear is it?

Which of the 5 or 6 examples is that?
Even when you were a conservative, you were swallowing lefty stereotypes. :lol:

People aren't poor because they deserve it. People are poor because they made the wrong choices, haven't worked hard enough, or haven't taken advantage of all the opportunities afforded them.

You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.
Not for the prostitution profit hiding scheme ACORN was helping cook up. It was for tresspassing in the offices of Mary Landrieu when investigating whether or not her staff disconnected their phones to prevent angry calls from her constituents coming in over her support for the health care takeover.

And I've watched the tapes. ACORN did exactly what they were accused of: conspiring with a supposed pimp to hide a pimp's resources and enable more children to be brought into the country as sex slaves.

Kinda clear cut to me.

That "scheme" was the ACORN employee trying to get details out of O'Keefe. And O'Keefe leaves out the part where he gets suspicious and DD's out of the office. Several minutes after O'Keefe leaves the ACORN employee called a relative who was a police officer and gave him the story.

Former ACORN Employee Sues O'Keefe and Giles | Crooks and Liars
Daily Howler: Gerson said the right has been wrong--and the left as well

Not so clear is it?

Which of the 5 or 6 examples is that?

:disbelief: The right wing STILL defending O'Keefe?
That "scheme" was the ACORN employee trying to get details out of O'Keefe. And O'Keefe leaves out the part where he gets suspicious and DD's out of the office. Several minutes after O'Keefe leaves the ACORN employee called a relative who was a police officer and gave him the story.

Former ACORN Employee Sues O'Keefe and Giles | Crooks and Liars
Daily Howler: Gerson said the right has been wrong--and the left as well

Not so clear is it?

Which of the 5 or 6 examples is that?

:disbelief: The right wing STILL defending O'Keefe?

Wouldn't know, I am just asking questions. Since your response is to attack rather than inform my guess is I hit a nerve.
You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.

And yet we still have active duty military on food stamps, we still have our soldiers and sailors getting out of the service and finding no jobs.

Is that laziness or bad planning on their part?
You are military.

Did soldiers who joined the military and now struggle economically make poor choices or is it that they did not work hard enough?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.

Most of the people who lived off base were married.

Does this mean that people who are E-6 and below should stay single while enlisted?
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.

And yet we still have active duty military on food stamps, we still have our soldiers and sailors getting out of the service and finding no jobs.

Is that laziness or bad planning on their part?

We have active duty on food stamps because the only qualification for food stamps is how much money you make, not how many times you get fed by your employer. Not sure if that says something bad about the military, or something bad about the food stamp program.
Obviously, they made poor choices. Military pay is enough to live on, if you live within your means.

I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.

Most of the people who lived off base were married.

Does this mean that people who are E-6 and below should stay single while enlisted?

Financially, the answer to that is probably yes. That said, I can find married e-1's who are not going begging for food stamps and other assistance because they understand the basic economics that they should live within their means. They are extremely rare, but the fact that they exist at all proves that the problem is not the lack of pay, it is that their peers are young, dumb, and full of cum. If they refuse to live sensibly they will either learn, or not last long in the military, or anywhere else.
Let it go.

don't go all refudiating on me, pal.

he might be the new shakespeare.

Pejorative is a real word, and has been for a long time.

Pejorative | Define Pejorative at
Pejorative - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Should I add you to the list of posters who I should limit my vocabulary with?

ah, you looked it up. good for you.

please don't limit your "vocabulary". i hope i will read great sarah-palin-like word creations from you in the future.

in conjunction with lecturing about the meaning of the butchered word.

prejoritive. :lol:
I agree.

Everyone I know who is struggling in the military has gone out and spent more than they should have, or they are trying to live off base. I always had money in my pocket, and even carried around uncashed checks for weeks at a time. (That was back before direct deposit was common, even though it was available to me.) I had friends that had car payments and living off base, who were struggling to eat before the end of the pay period, even though we had free meals every day.

And yet we still have active duty military on food stamps, we still have our soldiers and sailors getting out of the service and finding no jobs.

Is that laziness or bad planning on their part?

We have active duty on food stamps because the only qualification for food stamps is how much money you make, not how many times you get fed by your employer. Not sure if that says something bad about the military, or something bad about the food stamp program.

So your position is that soldiers who receive food stamps are lazy moochers?

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