Fox News Has Dumped Lahaina And Has Moved On

Fox Business is totally different from the idiots on F&F.
Steve Doocie and company are just shills for the establishment.
They're not much different from Morning Joe.
Actually F&F is just a entertainment program.....Truth be told MJ is more of a "news show" if you want hard leftist parroting.

FB has more of the cause and effect news that I prefer.
Actually F&F is just a entertainment program.....Truth be told MJ is more of a "news show" if you want hard leftist parroting.

FB has more of the cause and effect news that I prefer.
If you want to watch sarcastic commentary then watch Morning Joe.

Two fucking retards that don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

That's morning Joe.

They make "The View" seem rational.
I heard but can't confirm that when fire crews opened the hydrants no water came out or had very low water pressure....
Sorry.....they went to the dark side long before they ambushed Trump in 2016.
The only difference is that CNN, MSNBC, and the other's are unwatchable.
Fox is working with the other channels, but they're at least willing to cover stories the other folks refuse to cover.
This only means you have to verify everything they publish, whereas the rest of them aren't even worthy of tuning in for one min.

FOX "ambushed" Trump in 2016? Shit dude................guess you never watched much of FOX during Trump's campaign and quite a ways into his presidency, as FOX seemed to be his mouthpiece. He'd call in on a regular basis as a candidate AND as president just to talk with them and go on about whatever bullshit he wanted. Sometimes even taking up the majority of the news show.
FOX "ambushed" Trump in 2016? Shit dude................guess you never watched much of FOX during Trump's campaign and quite a ways into his presidency, as FOX seemed to be his mouthpiece. He'd call in on a regular basis as a candidate AND as president just to talk with them and go on about whatever bullshit he wanted. Sometimes even taking up the majority of the news show.
You probably don't watch Fox much.

When Hillary was on Fox debating Trump, Megan Kelly, Bret Biaer, and Chris Wallace ambushed Trump in a planned attempt to help Hillary win the debate. It backfired on them.
Fox News was the first to call Virginia for Biden even though he was trailing by thousands of votes and only single digits reporting.
After that they stopped letting him go on the show.
Used to be they would have Trump call in a couple of times a week, but that all came to a screeching halt.
And they've never allowed anyone to say that Biden stole the election.
They always have claimed Trump led an insurrection at the Capital.
Now they've gotten rid of almost every conservative. Tucker Carlson was the latest, including his entire staff.
No mention of it on Fox & Friends.


But the rich in the Democrat Party seem to like getting what they want for free instead of working for it.

This comes from not learning a strong work ethic early on.
Sperm Bingo

That's what inheritance is, so it should be abolished, no matter what ideology the Daddy-parasites preach.

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