Fox News Haters Just Got Some Seriously BAD NEWS! This Changes Everything.

He imagined something. I reported something only imagined by Fox with links to prove what I said. How is that Ironic?

Actually, I proved your link to be partisan crap. Fox reported accurately.

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
Depends on what variables you plug into your machine. When they do polling they take into account as many variables as possible to come up with the most accurate conclusion.

These are the givens:

1. Fox is the most popular basic cable news network.

2. Most Americans get their news from basic cable news networks. So we start with that as our "pool".

Nope. They don't. Basic cable news in total has about 2.8 million viewers. That's less than 1% of Americans.

And all of your 'math' comes tumbling down.
Obama is using the same security as Bush and every president before him according to what was available at the time.

That is irrelevant,

You lied that Fox falsely reported that Obama has a 500 person entourage. In fact Fox reported accurately and you were AGAIN caught lying and posting hate sites as if they were legitimate sources.


You actually believe Obama spent $200,000,000.00 a day when taking a trip overseas?

You do, don't you?

You actually believe Obama spent $200,000,000.00 a day. Have you personally ever been evaluated? Perhaps it's time.

I have cited with left wing sources the fact that Obama travels with a huge entourage.

You lied - you got caught.

That's just part of being a sycophant - you will be exposed as a liar, regularly.
fox isn't news.

Of course not, they don't even check with George Soros before running a story.

news sources punish reporters who lie. fox news says lies are ok if they're good for ratings.

The one lying is you, as usual.

fox news sued for the right to fire employees for NOT lying the way they're told to.

Oh did they, you fucking lying pile of shit?


that isn't news.

and the ratings don't make them worth spit. it just means there are a lot of stupid people.

You're a fucking lying pile of shit.

And that's not news either.
Nope. They don't. Basic cable news in total has about 2.8 million viewers. That's less than 1% of Americans.

And all of your 'math' comes tumbling down.

Ah yes Skylar, you get your facts the democrat way - you make them up out of thin air...


Cable Industry Data NCTA

Mindless partisan moron.

You just cited ALL cable video content. We are talking about basic cable news.

You get that basic cable news isn't ALL cable video content right?

hey, ignorant sociopath, Uncensored2008 I didn't say they sued for the right to lie to their viewsers. I understand that you don't know how to read. The lawsuit was to defend themselves for firing a reporter for not lying for them.

she sued saying the firing was for her not saying what they wanted her to (which was a lie). the Court said she wasn't a whistleblower and didn't have whistleblower protection....

ergo, they fired her for not lying. and the only reason that snopes said it's not accurate is because it wasn't the national fake news, but a local affiliate.

next time try reading with comprehension.

and no one but rightwingnut freaks gives a rat's patoot about soros, you loser.
You just cited ALL cable video content. We are talking about basic cable news.

You get that basic cable news isn't ALL cable video content right?


Uh stupid - you do GET that "basic" is the foundational level - right? If you have cable at all, you have basic, you might not have HBO, but you have basic.

I realize you check your brain at the door and simply recite with Soros programs you to recite - but holy fuck are you stupid at times....
ABC, CBS, and NBC Nightly News get about 20x as many viewers as Fox Noise, dingbats. It's proven that Foxbots get less well informed the more they watch it. Ditto Rush and all the hate talkers. "There WAS no video, Obama had 2 years of control, Barney caused the meltdown, BENGAZEEE!, the rich pay all the taxes, IRS" etc. What a joke...
You just cited ALL cable video content. We are talking about basic cable news.

You get that basic cable news isn't ALL cable video content right?


Uh stupid - you do GET that "basic" is the foundational level - right? If you have cable at all, you have basic, you might not have HBO, but you have basic.

You never bothered to read the conversation you were responding to, did you slick? The claim being refuted is this: [bold added for the willfully blind or intellectually dishonest)

Skylar said:
Silhouette said:
...2. Most Americans get their news from basic cable news networks. So we start with that as our "pool".

Nope. They don't. Basic cable news in total has about 2.8 million viewers. That's less than 1% of Americans.
Which of course you know. As you just omitted the bolded part line from your quote only minutes ago.

And no, most Americans don't get their news from basic cable news networks. Basic cable news networks get about 2.8 million viewers including all demos. That's less than 1% of Americans. Which as you know is far less than the majority.

Well, I hope you know this. Given your blunder above, I may be pushing the bounds of credulity with such an assumption.
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hey, ignorant sociopath, Uncensored2008 I didn't say they sued for the right to lie to their viewsers. I understand that you don't know how to read. The lawsuit was to defend themselves for firing a reporter for not lying for them.

she sued saying the firing was for her not saying what they wanted her to (which was a lie). the Court said she wasn't a whistleblower and didn't have whistleblower protection....

ergo, they fired her for not lying. and the only reason that snopes said it's not accurate is because it wasn't the national fake news, but a local affiliate.

next time try reading with comprehension.

and no one but rightwingnut freaks gives a rat's patoot about soros, you loser.

What you did Jillian, is what you always do - lied through your fucking teeth.

You are hyper-partisan and have no integrity - ergo you lie.

{WTVT did not run the report, and later argued in court that the report was not "breakthrough journalism." Wilson and Akre then claimed that WTVT's actions constituted the news broadcast telling lies, while WTVT countered that it was looking only for fairness. According to Wilson and Akre, the two rewrote the report over 80 times over the course of 1997, and WTVT decided to exercise "its option to terminate their employment contracts without cause,"[3] and did not renew their contracts in 1998. WTVT later ran a report about Monsanto and rBGH in 1998, and the report included defenses from Monsanto.[2]}

Jane Akre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

See, what you do is what all you mindless fucks do - you recite shit from the Soros hate sites - your "source" which you didn't list - for obvious reasons - is DailyKOS. You lie again that you don't care about Soros - but then his hate sites are the ONLY source you ever use.

Note that despite the lies by KOS (which you repeat) that Akre was "fire," in fact she finished her contract with the local station. Then the Soros funded and produced hateumentary "The Corporation."

All you do is lie - because you hold party above all.
so says the compulsive liar and loon. :cuckoo:

isn't it time for your meds?

Isn't it funny that one of us supports our claims with valid cites?

You on the other hand, tend to avoid discussing where you get your ideas...

Of course ANYONE wanting to know what you think, can simply browse to one of the Soros hate sites - and everything you and your fellow drones are posting will be right there.

Funny that....
You never bothered to read the conversation you were responding to, did you slick? The claim being refuted is this: [bold added for the willfully blind or intellectually dishonest)

You made a false and utterly stupid claim. In your zeal to promote your filthy party - you decided to make up figures and post them as if they were legitimate.

Hey, you're a democrat - you lie.

Which of course you know. As you just omitted the bolded part line from your quote only minutes ago.

And no, most Americans don't get their news from basic cable news networks. Basic cable news networks get about 2.8 million viewers including all demos. That's less than 1% of Americans. Which as you know is far less than the majority.

Well, I hope you know this. Given your blunder above, I may be pushing the bounds of credulity with such an assumption.

Except of course that I showed you that basic cable has 54 million, not 2.8 - you simply made up a figure that you thought would further the agenda of your party - with utterly no regard for actual facts.

Hey, you're a democrat - you lie.
Now ...

I opened this thread, because I wanted the Left to come in here and rant for pages and pages about "THE LIES!" that they feel Fox News represents... so that after a REASONABLE period of time, we could all count up the actual examples that they would post; as reasonable people would naturally do, in support of their would-be assertions.

Now having just reconciled the thread... the total number of "lies" that the Left has offered up in evidence against Fox News, in the nearly 15 pages of bilge DEMANDING THAT "FOX NEWS LIES" IS TRUE... is:

Except of course that I showed you that basic cable has 54 million, not 2.8 - you simply made up a figure that you thought would further the agenda of your party - with utterly no regard for actual facts.
And where did I say 'basic cable has 2.8 million'?

As I remember I said that basic cable NEWS has 2.8 million VIEWERS. And this in response to a claim that most Americans get their news from basic cable news.

Skylar said:
Silhouette said:
...2. Most Americans get their news from basic cable news networks. So we start with that as our "pool".

Nope. They don't. Basic cable news in total has about 2.8 million viewers. That's less than 1% of Americans. completely fucked up
. You didn't read what you were replying to. And even now can't accurately paraphrase my claims.

And of course, for the argument that I act made, we both know I'm right:

Combined, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC averaged 1.8 million viewers total-day (down 5% from 2013) and 2.85 million in primetime (down 4%). Among adults 25-54, they were down 8% in total-day and 5% in primetime.

Fox News Dominates Cable News Ratings in 2014 MSNBC Tumbles Variety

2.8 million is less than 1% of the population. Which obviously isn't a majority. Which you'd know if you'd bothered to read what you replied to. But even now, you refuse to.

But you keep polishing that turd. I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Obama is using the same security as Bush and every president before him according to what was available at the time.

That is irrelevant,

You lied that Fox falsely reported that Obama has a 500 person entourage. In fact Fox reported accurately and you were AGAIN caught lying and posting hate sites as if they were legitimate sources.


You actually believe Obama spent $200,000,000.00 a day when taking a trip overseas?

You do, don't you?

You actually believe Obama spent $200,000,000.00 a day. Have you personally ever been evaluated? Perhaps it's time.

I have cited with left wing sources the fact that Obama travels with a huge entourage.

You lied - you got caught.

That's just part of being a sycophant - you will be exposed as a liar, regularly.
Right wing tards see this as Fox telling the truth.

Yet Fox News remains the most trusted News Source in the United States.

Its worth noting folks, that those chastising Fox News, get their news from COMEDY CENTRAL.

SOooo.... Well, you know... .
I read as far as the words "Obama's lawless administration" and realized it was a Hack piece written by a ultra-partisan. Flame Zone material, just like Rosie O'Donnell's ISIS tattoo.

This board seems to be allowing more flagrant lies being posted, like never before. Then they are defended with....."only satire." I have come to the conclusion Satire means Lie..
I read as far as the words "Obama's lawless administration" .

Reader, that tells you everything you need to know about that individual.

By rejecting the very premise that obama's-cult is a criminal cabal, we can know to an absolute certainty that the individual is a Relativist, lacking the slightest means to reason objectively... as obama's cult is far more than a 'lawless administration', obama's cult is a subversive organization designed to do nothing less than strike a death blow to the United States. With its record since inception having produced not a single policy which on ANY level served the defining principles of America, on which the United States rests... and which have exclusively served the interests of the declared enemies of the United States.

Thus Reader, you can rest assured that the would-be contributions of that 'contributor' are unworthy of your trust.

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