Fox News is reporting

Hmm, do you thing Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will be far behind? I expect those will be coming shortly
The floodgates have opened. All of these lifelong criminals, and the saps who followed them, throwing away careers built over a lifetime, will spend countless thousands of dollars on lawyers and countless hours under fluorescent lights, in legal offices, court buildings, and courtrooms. They have humiliated their families. Imagine the teenage daughter of one of these defendants having to deal with this embarrassment foisted upon them by their father. Mark Meadows was in a safe seat in NC, and an influential member of the Republican leadership. He trashed it all for a con man who everyone knew was a lifelong criminal.

They ALL knew.

Stacking the deck, will this be just another kangaroo court or the real deal!?

All of the cases are as "real" as a heart attack. I'm hearing that Katie Hobbs just signed off on State charges in Arizona, against Trump and the Trump Crime Syndicate for the fake electors scheme there.

The majority of Americans believe Trump is guilty of committing crimes to stay in office. The Republican Party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy filing and defending all of these "stolen election" court cases - all of which they've lost.

Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other swing states which elected Trump loyalists to head the party, rather than effective administrators. The Trump clowns aren't fund raising for and Trump is telling his supporters to donate the money to HIM and not the Party.

Last but not least, Donald Trump owns a private jet, and shits on a golden toilet, and yet retirees on fixed incomes, and working Americans making barely above minimum wage, are donating to pay his legal bills, for behaving like a complete asshole and trying to overthrow the Constitution.
All of the cases are as "real" as a heart attack. I'm hearing that Katie Hobbs just signed off on State charges in Arizona, against Trump and the Trump Crime Syndicate for the fake electors scheme there.

The majority of Americans believe Trump is guilty of committing crimes to stay in office. The Republican Party is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy filing and defending all of these "stolen election" court cases - all of which they've lost.

Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other swing states which elected Trump loyalists to head the party, rather than effective administrators. The Trump clowns aren't fund raising for and Trump is telling his supporters to donate the money to HIM and not the Party.

Last but not least, Donald Trump owns a private jet, and shits on a golden toilet, and yet retirees on fixed incomes, and working Americans making barely above minimum wage, are donating to pay his legal bills, for behaving like a complete asshole and trying to overthrow the Constitution.
Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other swing states
they weren’t swing states until NOV03 late night shutdown and dump of millions more faked ballots. everybody knows.
Who cares. Everytime one of you dumbshits does this you just make Trump stronger, and more to the point, the demofascists are desperately hoping that some Trump supporter is going to do something violent, which we aren't..we are content to sit back and watch you clods blow yourselves up with your own grenades.

It's amusing as hell.

It's fairly pathetic and sad, actually. Read your own post - hatered of your fellow Americans, lies saying that Trump is getting "stronger".

Democrats aren't "hoping that some Trump supporter is going to do something violent". My God man!!! How inhuman are you????? You quickly you dismiss all of the attacks on election workers, Secretaries of State, and state government officials by members of the Trump Cult as "no big deal", while these people and their families have crazy people with AR15's on their lawns, and threats to rape their wives and harm their children.

With the Trump Cult, the abject cruelty and hate is a feature not a bug. Nice to see that you find threatening families "amusing as hell".

We're all praying ever single day, that no one harms any of the judges, prosecutors and jury members working on these cases, who do not deserve to be attacked, threatened, or harmed for doing their jobs.

Already there's been an arrest of someone planning to kill the DC Judge. And another man was arrested with weapons and bomb materials near the Obama home.
they weren’t swing states until NOV03 late night shutdown and dump of millions more faked ballots. everybody knows.

There is no one more gullible or stupid than the MAGA Cult.

Where's your evidence of any of this, FuckBoi???? There were multiple recounts, hand counts, audits, and court cases in all of these swing states, and not one shred of evidence was found of "faked ballots", miscounts, ballots being switched, or any other irregularities.

"Everybody knows" is what a fool says when he has no evidence to support his claims.
There is no one more gullible or stupid than the MAGA Cult.

Where's your evidence of any of this, FuckBoi???? There were multiple recounts, hand counts, audits, and court cases in all of these swing states, and not one shred of evidence was found of "faked ballots", miscounts, ballots being switched, or any other irregularities.

"Everybody knows" is what a fool says when he has no evidence to support his claims.
/----/ “Mr. Trump did what was exactly Constitutionally precise and in order. There was nothing illegal about that and he was required to take steps as President of the United States to ensure that election was held in a valid way. All of that now is being criminalized. The one thing I will say though: in 2020, Mr. Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, it was very difficult. We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will re-litigate every single in the 2020 Election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power, since January 6th in a way that can be exercised in a Federal court." - Trump attorney, John Lauro
/----/ “Mr. Trump did what was exactly Constitutionally precise and in order. There was nothing illegal about that and he was required to take steps as President of the United States to ensure that election was held in a valid way. All of that now is being criminalized. The one thing I will say though: in 2020, Mr. Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, it was very difficult. We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will re-litigate every single in the 2020 Election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power, since January 6th in a way that can be exercised in a Federal court." - Trump attorney, John Lauro
Now that's "Must see" TV.
I hope they televise it.
Trump...........subpoena power?
Trump can't even spell subpoena.
Now that's "Must see" TV.
I hope they televise it.
Trump...........subpoena power?
Trump can't even spell subpoena.
/----/ Always with the lame juvenile insults. You never disappoint. Maybe he can, maybe he can't. All that matters is that Trump's legal team can file the subpoenas. And you know they will.
That Katie Hobbs has approved the State Attorney General election fraud case which will be indictment number FIVE for trump.

Still can't find a link but this is a continuation of the earlier thread by the same name.

EDIT: LINK thanks to EvilEyeFleegle

You guys always ignore the fact that Fox News tried to take out Trump in 2016 because they wanted an establishment candidate. After it was very clear that Trump was going to win the nomination then Fox climbed on board the Trump train. Now we are back to 2016 all over again. People vote for Trump in droves because they are tired of the establishment/deep state.
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/----/ Always with the lame juvenile insults. You never disappoint. Maybe he can, maybe he can't. All that matters is that Trump's legal team can file the subpoenas. And you know they will.
I just hope it's on TV.

Teabagger whining about juvenile insults?
Their dear leader has been hurling insults since 2015.
Trump's cult cheers.
That would be two

Are Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin next?
The fake electors were tried there also.
As was pressuring election officials
Look at you all excited to be railroading another 81 year old grandma.
You guys always ignore the fact that Fox News tried to take out Trump in 2016 because they wanted an establishment candidate. After it was very clear that Trump was going to win the nomination then Fox climbed on board the Trump train. Now we are back to 2016 all over again. People vote for Trump in droves because they are tired of the establishment/deep state.

With 9 months prep work, FOX first debate question, “Mr. Trump, you called Rosie a fat pig” or something like that?

the cheerleader wannabe asked the question.
/----/ “Mr. Trump did what was exactly Constitutionally precise and in order. There was nothing illegal about that and he was required to take steps as President of the United States to ensure that election was held in a valid way. All of that now is being criminalized. The one thing I will say though: in 2020, Mr. Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, it was very difficult. We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will re-litigate every single in the 2020 Election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power, since January 6th in a way that can be exercised in a Federal court." - Trump attorney, John Lauro

You are dreaming in technicolour if your think that Trump's trial will re-litigate the 2020 election. I've seen the interviews where that guy who got his law degree out of a cracker jack box said the defence would be doing this, but he will not be doing any of that.

That's because, even if the results of the election were wrong, and there were "shenanigans" in any result, what Donald Trump tried to do to overturn the results of the election was still fraud, was still in violation of the Constitution, and was still illegal. The ONLY thing that will be litigated at Trump's trial, will be Trump's behaviour - his illegal actions both before and after the 2020 election, and his attempt to defraud the American people based on lies, deceptions, fraud and intimmidation.
Look at you all excited to be railroading another 81 year old grandma.

Look at you, not giving a damn about all of the grandma's and other elderly that the Trump is defrauding of millions of dollars. They've already had to return $122 million in money they stole directly from their donors bank accounts after these people foolishly made what they thought was a "one-time" donation.

Trump raised $225 million to "stop the steal", and then failed to pay the legal bills of all of the people who are now charged with him in Georgia, and a number of whom are "co-conspirators" in the January 6th case, and likely to be charged later. Now they have to hire lawyers to defend themselves for their criminal conspiracy.
You are dreaming in technicolour if your think that Trump's trial will re-litigate the 2020 election. I've seen the interviews where that guy who got his law degree out of a cracker jack box said the defence would be doing this, but he will not be doing any of that.

That's because, even if the results of the election were wrong, and there were "shenanigans" in any result, what Donald Trump tried to do to overturn the results of the election was still fraud, was still in violation of the Constitution, and was still illegal. The ONLY thing that will be litigated at Trump's trial, will be Trump's behaviour - his illegal actions both before and after the 2020 election, and his attempt to defraud the American people based on lies, deceptions, fraud and intimmidation.
/----/ " I've seen the interviews where that guy who got his law degree out of a cracker jack box"
When you can't refute the message, attack the messenger. Saul Alinsky
"but he will not be doing any of that."
How do you know what the legal team will and won't do? Do you have the law firm's conference room bugged? Is it osmosis? ESP?
/----/ " I've seen the interviews where that guy who got his law degree out of a cracker jack box"
When you can't refute the message, attack the messenger. Saul Alinsky
"but he will not be doing any of that."
How do you know what the legal team will and won't do? Do you have the law firm's conference room bugged? Is it osmosis? ESP?

Because I'm a legal professional and I know the judge won't allow the defence to go off on a snipe hunt about the 2020 election, because the Trial isn't about the 2020 election. It's about the crimes Donald Trump committed.

Remember when Dominion Voting machines sued FOX News, and you got all excited because now you were going to get your hands on all of the software and testing data in Discovery. I posted then that this would not happen. That Discovery would involve FOX New proving where THEIR story came from and whether it was valid. You mocked me then saying Dominion were idiots were launching this suit.

Discovery proved that FOX News had no evidence of the things they said on air, and in fact knew they were lying and said these things anyway. As for Discovery, Dominion didn't have to prove a thing about their machines. They only had to prove FOX knew they were lying, and Discovery proved it.

Jack Smith only has to prove that Donald Trump refused to accept the results of the election and committed he multiple crimes in an effort to overturn the results of that election. What Trump did was illegal. Period. End of story. Whether he won or lost, the fake electors scheme was illegal. January 6th was illegal. Everything Trump did after November 3rd, was in furtherance of his illegal conspiracy to cling to power.

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