Fox News poll: 51% favor Trump's impeachment & removal from office

Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​


Yes.....the 51% who follow the last thing they heard on the 30 second news clip from the t.v. or radio news with no understanding of the actual mean that 51%?

Drop the excuses son. All was good when fox was sucking Trumps dick. No matter what evidence we showed about Trumps corrupt ass you guys could fall back on fox and exclaim how that was liberal fake news. But it wasn't.

The truth is like father time. Undefeated. You think you can beat them, but you get temporary gains until such time as truth or time starts asserting it's dominance. This is what Trump and his supporters face today. Truth does not lose and truth has endurance. Truth will go as long as it takes. 5 round, 15 rounds, 20 years, it doesn't matter.

So Trump should consider himself blessed and hopefully he learns a lesson. Because he can continue and then face truth at his appointed time of judgment. And that is when time is up.

What truth? Nothing you present is the truth, the democrats are so full of truth they are holding secret sessions and want to completely hide the whistleblowers from any public scrutiny...that aint truth shit head..... you asshats are hoping you can push this hoax before the actual investigation shows that obama and his minions colluded with Russia, Britain and Australia to stage a coup against Trump......that investigation is almost done....and the FISA abuses, the attacks by the CIA and FBI against our country are about to come out.....and that is why the democrats have pushed impeachment now, instead of waiting for closer to the election..... you asshat.
Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​


Yes.....the 51% who follow the last thing they heard on the 30 second news clip from the t.v. or radio news with no understanding of the actual mean that 51%?

Drop the excuses son. All was good when fox was sucking Trumps dick. No matter what evidence we showed about Trumps corrupt ass you guys could fall back on fox and exclaim how that was liberal fake news. But it wasn't.

The truth is like father time. Undefeated. You think you can beat them, but you get temporary gains until such time as truth or time starts asserting it's dominance. This is what Trump and his supporters face today. Truth does not lose and truth has endurance. Truth will go as long as it takes. 5 round, 15 rounds, 20 years, it doesn't matter.

So Trump should consider himself blessed and hopefully he learns a lesson. Because he can continue and then face truth at his appointed time of judgment. And that is when time is up.
Then impeach......please

You can drop the corny republican talking point.
You just wait for the Muller report to come out

So do it. All you big talkers stop talking and press your Congresscritters to DO IT. If they believe the polls, they will RUN to actually have a REAL inquiry, in public, and air all the REAL evidence. Right?

If the Republican Senators believe the polls they will remove him from office, leaving President Pence.

So DO IT. Stop flapping your incessant gums and DO SOMETHING.

Or wait

Do your people not believe the polls???

The real inquiry is going on right now. I understand that you know less about the constitution than Trump, so try not to get inquiry confused for a trial like Trump is trying to do.

It's going to happen. When the democrats show enough evidence to the people that makes idiots like you understand that the time has come for Trump and if the republicans in the senate don't remove him, the time will have come for the republican party.

We've seen the "evidence" and there is nothing there......they are holding secret sessions so they don't have to actually let the American people hear the "evidence" that this is a sham....that the only reason they moved up their impeachment push is the actual investigation into the Coup against Trump is about to come out.....

You apparently missed the evidence. There is no coup.
Again, claiming half of registered voters support this is incorrect. The poll in question only polled 1003 people.

The correct assumption is that 51% of 1003 people (or 511 people) support the impeachment and removal of trump.

Media outlets do this all the time, they take a poll that samples 1000 to 1500 people, then they take the results and say "half of america support this.."

Its disingenuous really. When they poll 329 million people, and 51% of those say they want to impeach and remove, then they can claim half the country support it.
You guys didn't say this when you pull up those Assmussen polls that use the same number of people to claim how everyone approves of Trump. So just deal with the fact that 55 percent of the people polled by fox want Trump impeached and 51 want him impeached and removed. The number is just going to rise.
I dont disagree that the number may rise, that's not my point. My point is, asking 1000 people out 329 million and getting a result in a percentage, and then saying "half the country supports it" is wrong.

Sure, they say "but it's a representative sampling".....its 1000 out of 329 million.
So do it. All you big talkers stop talking and press your Congresscritters to DO IT. If they believe the polls, they will RUN to actually have a REAL inquiry, in public, and air all the REAL evidence. Right?

If the Republican Senators believe the polls they will remove him from office, leaving President Pence.

So DO IT. Stop flapping your incessant gums and DO SOMETHING.

Or wait

Do your people not believe the polls???

The real inquiry is going on right now. I understand that you know less about the constitution than Trump, so try not to get inquiry confused for a trial like Trump is trying to do.

It's going to happen. When the democrats show enough evidence to the people that makes idiots like you understand that the time has come for Trump and if the republicans in the senate don't remove him, the time will have come for the republican party.

We've seen the "evidence" and there is nothing there......they are holding secret sessions so they don't have to actually let the American people hear the "evidence" that this is a sham....that the only reason they moved up their impeachment push is the actual investigation into the Coup against Trump is about to come out.....

You apparently missed the evidence. There is no coup.
You missed posting the evidence of no coup
Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​


Yes.....the 51% who follow the last thing they heard on the 30 second news clip from the t.v. or radio news with no understanding of the actual mean that 51%?

Drop the excuses son. All was good when fox was sucking Trumps dick. No matter what evidence we showed about Trumps corrupt ass you guys could fall back on fox and exclaim how that was liberal fake news. But it wasn't.

The truth is like father time. Undefeated. You think you can beat them, but you get temporary gains until such time as truth or time starts asserting it's dominance. This is what Trump and his supporters face today. Truth does not lose and truth has endurance. Truth will go as long as it takes. 5 round, 15 rounds, 20 years, it doesn't matter.

So Trump should consider himself blessed and hopefully he learns a lesson. Because he can continue and then face truth at his appointed time of judgment. And that is when time is up.

What truth? Nothing you present is the truth, the democrats are so full of truth they are holding secret sessions and want to completely hide the whistleblowers from any public scrutiny...that aint truth shit head..... you asshats are hoping you can push this hoax before the actual investigation shows that obama and his minions colluded with Russia, Britain and Australia to stage a coup against Trump......that investigation is almost done....and the FISA abuses, the attacks by the CIA and FBI against our country are about to come out.....and that is why the democrats have pushed impeachment now, instead of waiting for closer to the election..... you asshat.

There was no collusion between Obama and Russia or anyone else to stage a coup against Trump. If there had been, the evidence would have been shown by now. Nothing you claim is going to come out. You willfully choose to believe a bunch of lies. Whistleblowers are protected by mother fucking federal law. Trump is toast.
Again, claiming half of registered voters support this is incorrect. The poll in question only polled 1003 people.

The correct assumption is that 51% of 1003 people (or 511 people) support the impeachment and removal of trump.

Media outlets do this all the time, they take a poll that samples 1000 to 1500 people, then they take the results and say "half of america support this.."

Its disingenuous really. When they poll 329 million people, and 51% of those say they want to impeach and remove, then they can claim half the country support it.
You guys didn't say this when you pull up those Assmussen polls that use the same number of people to claim how everyone approves of Trump. So just deal with the fact that 55 percent of the people polled by fox want Trump impeached and 51 want him impeached and removed. The number is just going to rise.
I dont disagree that the number may rise, that's not my point. My point is, asking 1000 people out 329 million and getting a result in a percentage, and then saying "half the country supports it" is wrong.

Sure, they say "but it's a representative sampling".....its 1000 out of 329 million.

You have not stated that position at any time when polls favored Trump.
So do it. All you big talkers stop talking and press your Congresscritters to DO IT. If they believe the polls, they will RUN to actually have a REAL inquiry, in public, and air all the REAL evidence. Right?

If the Republican Senators believe the polls they will remove him from office, leaving President Pence.

So DO IT. Stop flapping your incessant gums and DO SOMETHING.

Or wait

Do your people not believe the polls???

The real inquiry is going on right now. I understand that you know less about the constitution than Trump, so try not to get inquiry confused for a trial like Trump is trying to do.

It's going to happen. When the democrats show enough evidence to the people that makes idiots like you understand that the time has come for Trump and if the republicans in the senate don't remove him, the time will have come for the republican party.

We've seen the "evidence" and there is nothing there......they are holding secret sessions so they don't have to actually let the American people hear the "evidence" that this is a sham....that the only reason they moved up their impeachment push is the actual investigation into the Coup against Trump is about to come out.....

You apparently missed the evidence. There is no coup.
You missed posting the evidence of no coup

You can't post about non existent activities such as an imaginary coup.
Again, claiming half of registered voters support this is incorrect. The poll in question only polled 1003 people.

The correct assumption is that 51% of 1003 people (or 511 people) support the impeachment and removal of trump.

Media outlets do this all the time, they take a poll that samples 1000 to 1500 people, then they take the results and say "half of america support this.."

Its disingenuous really. When they poll 329 million people, and 51% of those say they want to impeach and remove, then they can claim half the country support it.

Do you understand margin of error in relation to sample size when polling? 1,000 people is enough for an extremely small margin of error.
Do you understand you're a liar?
So do it. All you big talkers stop talking and press your Congresscritters to DO IT. If they believe the polls, they will RUN to actually have a REAL inquiry, in public, and air all the REAL evidence. Right?

If the Republican Senators believe the polls they will remove him from office, leaving President Pence.

So DO IT. Stop flapping your incessant gums and DO SOMETHING.

Or wait

Do your people not believe the polls???

The real inquiry is going on right now. I understand that you know less about the constitution than Trump, so try not to get inquiry confused for a trial like Trump is trying to do.

It's going to happen. When the democrats show enough evidence to the people that makes idiots like you understand that the time has come for Trump and if the republicans in the senate don't remove him, the time will have come for the republican party.

We've seen the "evidence" and there is nothing there......they are holding secret sessions so they don't have to actually let the American people hear the "evidence" that this is a sham....that the only reason they moved up their impeachment push is the actual investigation into the Coup against Trump is about to come out.....

You apparently missed the evidence. There is no coup.
You missed posting the evidence of no coup

You can't post about non existent activities such as an imaginary coup.
Is that like Joe Biden missing the question about what state he is in?

Or like Liawatha the Cherokee getting kicked in the gut by the Cherokee tribe?

Or like the prosecutor debating while high on pot?

Or like the democratic anti war candidate bragging that she is in the army

Or like you believing that there is something here for you to win
Fox News uses a republican pollster that donated to Hillary Clinton in 2016.. it’s It’s quite pathetic Democrats try to sway public opinion with fake polls

You can fantasize all you want that the polls are fake. Trump is going to be impeached by the House Of Representatives. It is increasingly likely the Senate will have enough votes to remove him from office. But if the Senate fails to remove Trump from office, the people will remove Trump from office with their votes on November 3, 2020. Trump is done!
Lol we are begging you anti constitutionalist to impeach him.. what are you waiting for? If he is a criminal VOTE, if you think you have public support from your bias pollsters VOTE..

You won’t because you know you can’t
That means either 51% of the people didn't read the phone transcript for themselves or 51% of people will believe anything the media repeats enough times. Common sense and intelligence will tell you this impeachment effort is not on the level.
The real inquiry is going on right now. I understand that you know less about the constitution than Trump, so try not to get inquiry confused for a trial like Trump is trying to do.

It's going to happen. When the democrats show enough evidence to the people that makes idiots like you understand that the time has come for Trump and if the republicans in the senate don't remove him, the time will have come for the republican party.

We've seen the "evidence" and there is nothing there......they are holding secret sessions so they don't have to actually let the American people hear the "evidence" that this is a sham....that the only reason they moved up their impeachment push is the actual investigation into the Coup against Trump is about to come out.....

You apparently missed the evidence. There is no coup.
You missed posting the evidence of no coup

You can't post about non existent activities such as an imaginary coup.
Is that like Joe Biden missing the question about what state he is in?

Or like Liawatha the Cherokee getting kicked in the gut by the Cherokee tribe?

Or like the prosecutor debating while high on pot?

Or like the democratic anti war candidate bragging that she is in the army

Or like you believing that there is something here for you to win

There was no coup. Unless you count what Trump did with the Russians.
That means either 51% of the people didn't read the phone transcript for themselves or 51% of people will believe anything the media repeats enough times. Common sense and intelligence will tell you this impeachment effort is not on the level.
Common sense says you're a loon.
Many senators may be using Trump selling out of the Kurds to pivot/turn on him.
McConnell, Flip-Flop Graham, Rubio, etc.
Even Pat Robertson said we/he would be losing the Holy Mandate if we left them to be slaughtered.

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office
USA TODAY - Published 7:18 p.m. - Oct. 9, 2019

Fox News poll: 51 percent favor Trump's impeachment and removal from office

A new poll released Wednesday by Fox News shows that just more than half of all registered voters support President Trump's impeachment and removal from office.

Those surveyed said 51% to 43% that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Four percent said he should be impeached but not removed from office, and 40% said he should not be impeached at all....​


Funny I don't remember reading in the Constitution that polling was part of the impeachment process.

Wake me up you have 67 Senators.

There are already 47 Senators that will remove him. We just need 20 Republican Senators to show some courage and do the right thing. Put COUNTRY before PARTY.

If not enough Republican Senators step up to the plate, then the American people will remove Trump on November 3, 2020.
What is your reason for impeachment ? But hurt can’t be one lol
This is how they get 51% to agree with impeachment:

Question: Do you think Democrats should hold a formal impeachment vote instead of this fake inquiry?

  • 51% think they should hold a vote as laid out in the constitution
  • 42% think they don't even have a crime much less a reason to have an impeachment
  • 4% don't understand the question
  • 12% no hablo English
That means either 51% of the people didn't read the phone transcript for themselves or 51% of people will believe anything the media repeats enough times. Common sense and intelligence will tell you this impeachment effort is not on the level.
Democratic pollsters are trying to sway public opinion especially the Democratic pollsters on Fox news which they hired
This is how they get 51% to agree with impeachment:

Question: Do you think Democrats should hold a formal impeachment vote instead of this fake inquiry?

  • 51% think they should hold a vote as laid out in the constitution
  • 42% think they don't even have a crime much less a reason to have an impeachment
  • 4% don't understand the question
  • 12% no hablo English
And they poll in Boston and San Francisco
What you dumpster democrats don’t understand is trump has internal pollsters that show the real numbers it’s why they are always so confident.
51% is not enough for turning the Republican Senate. Patience will pay off as the % for impeachment and conviction grows. Photos of dead Kurd women, children, and babies will have a huge impact.

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