FOX News Poll: Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing

The House refused to go to conference with the Senate on a budget for FY 14.

Then um, why are they the ones sitting at this table? Alone? Where are the house and senate democrats?


Because it's a photo op.

Sure, and those notebooks and papers on the table are just props.
USA is becoming a joke to the rest of this world. It's being caused by republican politicians that pledge allegiance to a private citizen that runs a think tank (Grover Norquist). They no longer pledge allegiance to America.
Okay...put this into perspective...

"You want a CR bill passed? huh? You want the government funded? Ain't happenin till you delay that individual mandate!!"

That is pretty much undeniable blackmail...the government won't be funded unless ACA is delayed???? Okay, the GOP doesn't give a crap about funding the nation and it's the Democrats responsibility to make sure it's funded? That is TERRORISM.

Perspective? HA! YOUR perspective.

"You Republicans want to get the government back online? Ain't happenin' and we ain't negotiatin'! Unless you cooperate with our political agenda, the government gets it!"

"Cooperate with our political agenda..."

oh right. a law that's already passed and verified constitutional is a "political agenda"

Something that "without" the funding/debt crisis wouldn't be up for discussion at all is suddenly something you need to defend. GOP logic at it's finest.

Let's put it this way...

If the democrats were saying "Pass ACA or else we won't fund the government!!!" THEN maybe you'd have a case.

They aren't saying that. They aren't introducing anything new. They aren't asking for votes on it. They don't need to bring up ACA whatsoever. It's the GOP bringing the ACA onto the table.

LOL, the Democrats put the damned thing on the on the table the moment they passed it!! My goodness you are dense.

Lets put it this way:

Democrats are even refusing to fund the National Guard, they want to bar WWII vets from attending a memorial dedicated to THEM. They blockaded the property on Mount Vernon which is private property. They spent the money to block the roads leading to Mount Rushmore, which are state roads. They won't even lift a finger even if it meant helping one kid with cancer.

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The one paying the biggest price so far is The One. People are starting to see how petty and vindictive this regime is and obama is paying the price.
"Cooperate with our political agenda..."

oh right. a law that's already passed and verified constitutional is a "political agenda"

Something that "without" the funding/debt crisis wouldn't be up for discussion at all is suddenly something you need to defend. GOP logic at it's finest.

Let's put it this way...

If the democrats were saying "Pass ACA or else we won't fund the government!!!" THEN maybe you'd have a case.

They aren't saying that. They aren't introducing anything new. They aren't asking for votes on it. They don't need to bring up ACA whatsoever. It's the GOP bringing the ACA onto the table.

LOL, the Democrats put the damned thing on the on the table the moment they passed it!! My goodness you are dense.

Lets put it this way:

Democrats are even refusing to fund the National Guard, they want to bar WWII vets from attending a memorial dedicated to THEM. They blockaded the property on Mount Vernon which is private property. They spent the money to block the roads leading to Mount Rushmore, which are state roads. They won't even lift a finger even if it meant helping one kid with cancer.


They Cannot fund those things legally without a CR bill or budget bill. In order to get one of those things...currently...they would have to give in to the GOP's ransom demands. They aren't willing to be blackmailed.
"Cooperate with our political agenda..."

oh right. a law that's already passed and verified constitutional is a "political agenda"

Something that "without" the funding/debt crisis wouldn't be up for discussion at all is suddenly something you need to defend. GOP logic at it's finest.

Let's put it this way...

If the democrats were saying "Pass ACA or else we won't fund the government!!!" THEN maybe you'd have a case.

They aren't saying that. They aren't introducing anything new. They aren't asking for votes on it. They don't need to bring up ACA whatsoever. It's the GOP bringing the ACA onto the table.

LOL, the Democrats put the damned thing on the on the table the moment they passed it!! My goodness you are dense.

Lets put it this way:

Democrats are even refusing to fund the National Guard, they want to bar WWII vets from attending a memorial dedicated to THEM. They blockaded the property on Mount Vernon which is private property. They spent the money to block the roads leading to Mount Rushmore, which are state roads. They won't even lift a finger even if it meant helping one kid with cancer.


They Cannot fund those things legally without a CR bill or budget bill. In order to get one of those things...currently...they would have to give in to the GOP's ransom demands. They aren't willing to be blackmailed.

The house passed multiple bills that would fund them. But the Democrats rejected it. So, they are willing to slap our vets in the face, blockade private property, barricade state roads and let a kid with cancer die, but for what? Pride?
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