FOX News Poll: Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing

Well, that right there is the problem, isn't it?

That's where the negotiation and compromise needs to take place. Five years ... still waiting.

The House refused to go to conference with the Senate on a budget for FY 14.

Then um, why are they the ones sitting at this table? Alone? Where are the house and senate democrats?

Well, that right there is the problem, isn't it?

That's where the negotiation and compromise needs to take place. Five years ... still waiting.

The House refused to go to conference with the Senate on a budget for FY 14.

Then um, why are they the ones sitting at this table? Alone? Where are the house and senate democrats?


You are exactly the type of person they did that for. Congratulations.

You said you want the US to default. That must be your superior finance skills talking.
What does the GOP have to offer?

The GOP can offer an extension of the debt ceiling. Seems like a fair trade. $ for exemptions. After-all, isn't that how all the other exemptions happened? $ for exemptions? Isn't that what Obama Care is about, forcing people to pay democrats?

Saying the GOP is offering an extension of the debt ceiling is BLATANT hostage's blackmail painted out in black and white...

"You want this debt limit raised? ...yeah??? WELL DELAY THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE THEN!!"

You cannot say raising the debt limit is "negotiable" otherwise you are literally calling out the GOP as hostage takers...plain and simple.

You need to find something on the outside that you can negotiate with. There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.

There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.

That's right. It starts on October 1st. It's ridiculous to think you can delay any part of ACA. Unless you're a friend of Obama, then he'll unilaterally delay it for you. Even though he has no constitutional power to do so.
Where is the skyrocket? With all the scandals in the administration (generally ignored by the left wing media) the left gets a chance to mire themselves in a fantasy world. Enjoy it lefties because reality and Hillary are waiting around the corner.
No, we will not negotiate on raising the debt limit.

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

You resort to calling almost half of the citizens in the country terrorists?

Obama told him to. Obama also said the GOP was holding a gun to the nations head. In light of all the shootings this country has had, how bumbling and insensitive he is. What. a. buffoon.
Saying the GOP is offering an extension of the debt ceiling is BLATANT hostage's blackmail painted out in black and white...

"You want this debt limit raised? ...yeah??? WELL DELAY THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE THEN!!"

You cannot say raising the debt limit is "negotiable" otherwise you are literally calling out the GOP as hostage takers...plain and simple.

You need to find something on the outside that you can negotiate with. There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.

Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.
Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.

Okay...put this into perspective...

"You want a CR bill passed? huh? You want the government funded? Ain't happenin till you delay that individual mandate!!"

That is pretty much undeniable blackmail...the government won't be funded unless ACA is delayed???? Okay, the GOP doesn't give a crap about funding the nation and it's the Democrats responsibility to make sure it's funded? That is TERRORISM.
Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.

Okay...put this into perspective...

"You want a CR bill passed? huh? You want the government funded? Ain't happenin till you delay that individual mandate!!"

That is pretty much undeniable blackmail...the government won't be funded unless ACA is delayed???? Okay, the GOP doesn't give a crap about funding the nation and it's the Democrats responsibility to make sure it's funded? That is TERRORISM.

Perspective? HA! YOUR perspective.

"You Republicans want to get the government back online? Ain't happenin' and we ain't negotiatin'! Unless you cooperate with our political agenda, the government gets it!"
Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.

Okay...put this into perspective...

"You want a CR bill passed? huh? You want the government funded? Ain't happenin till you delay that individual mandate!!"

That is pretty much undeniable blackmail...the government won't be funded unless ACA is delayed???? Okay, the GOP doesn't give a crap about funding the nation and it's the Democrats responsibility to make sure it's funded? That is TERRORISM.

Perspective? HA! YOUR perspective.

"You Republicans want to get the government back online? Ain't happenin' and we ain't negotiatin'! Unless you cooperate with our political agenda, the government gets it!"

"Cooperate with our political agenda..."

oh right. a law that's already passed and verified constitutional is a "political agenda"

Something that "without" the funding/debt crisis wouldn't be up for discussion at all is suddenly something you need to defend. GOP logic at it's finest.

Let's put it this way...

If the democrats were saying "Pass ACA or else we won't fund the government!!!" THEN maybe you'd have a case.

They aren't saying that. They aren't introducing anything new. They aren't asking for votes on it. They don't need to bring up ACA whatsoever. It's the GOP bringing the ACA onto the table.
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Saying the GOP is offering an extension of the debt ceiling is BLATANT hostage's blackmail painted out in black and white...

"You want this debt limit raised? ...yeah??? WELL DELAY THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE THEN!!"

You cannot say raising the debt limit is "negotiable" otherwise you are literally calling out the GOP as hostage takers...plain and simple.

You need to find something on the outside that you can negotiate with. There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.

Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.

Your guys had their chance for that for the last six months. Fuck you all, pass a clean budget or pay the price.
Saying the GOP is offering an extension of the debt ceiling is BLATANT hostage's blackmail painted out in black and white...

"You want this debt limit raised? ...yeah??? WELL DELAY THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE THEN!!"

You cannot say raising the debt limit is "negotiable" otherwise you are literally calling out the GOP as hostage takers...plain and simple.

You need to find something on the outside that you can negotiate with. There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.

Apparently there is ... the cr and upcoming dc.

Want the Rs to do their job? Then Obama and the Ds need to sit down and have a conversation. Balls in their court.

Your guys had their chance for that for the last six months. Fuck you all, pass a clean budget or pay the price.

what is the last 6 months stuff? :eusa_eh:
Apparently it all comes down to big money. And since the Koch brothers probably have more money than all the GOP donors combined - we're screwed.

GOP Donors Revolt Against Republican-Led Government Shutdown - The Daily Beast

On a Monday last month, Rep. Greg Walden, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, met with some top GOP donors for lunch at Le Cirque on Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. The donors, a youngish collection of financial industry types and lawyers, had some questions for Walden, a mild-mannered lawmaker from eastern Oregon known for speaking his mind.

Why, they asked, did the GOP seem so in the thrall of its most extremist wing? The donors, banker types who occupy the upper reaches of Wall Street’s towers, couldn’t understand why the Republican Party—their party—seemed close to threatening the nation with a government shutdown, never mind a default if the debt ceiling isn’t raised later this month.

“Listen,” Walden said, according to several people present. “We have to do this because of the Tea Party. If we don’t, these guys are going to get primaried and they are going to lose their primary.”

Walden asked how many of those seated around the table were precinct captains. These were money men, though, not the types to spend night after night knocking on doors and slipping palm cards into mailboxes.

“A lot of the people there didn’t even know what a precinct captain was,” said one attendee.

Not a single hand went up.

“I hear this complaint all the time,” Walden said. “But no one gets involved at the local level. The Tea Party gets involved at the local level.”

(An NRCC spokeswoman disputed that Walden mentioned the Tea Party at the event.)

Meh. Who knows. If they pull the money from the GOP, the TPM wins, which is probably exactly the opposite of what they want to see happen.
No, we will not negotiate on raising the debt limit.

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

And this is why Democrats are responsible for the shutdown.


Republicans in both chambers of Congress committed to absolutely refusing to vote for any spending bill that contains funding for ObamaCare. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) led the charge to get their colleagues to commit to this approach, by putting their signatures to a letter affirming that they will refuse to vote for a CR that contains ObamaCare funding.

And now John Boehner will not let a clean funding bill even be voted on.

Boehner will not even let the House vote to fund the government.
If the GOP dares to even think of holding the debt ceiling hostage to Democrat negotiations, there will be hell to pay.

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