FOX News Poll: Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing

Sorry, the debt ceiling is not something that should be negotiated.

As our debt goes up, we need to raise the ceiling.

Its that simple.

See? Thank you for proving my point. Democrats are unwilling to negotiate. Our debt shouldn't be going up, it should be going DOWN.

Common sense.

Considering the national debt hasn't gone down since 1960 I'd say that's a high hope.

So you want it to keep going up?
You are a liar. Unless you can provide a link to them actually saying that.

The GOP wants the Dems to negotiate budget cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling.

That means they wont raise the debt ceiling unless the Dems negotiate budget cuts.

that is legislative terrorism.
You are a liar. Unless you can provide a link to them actually saying that.

The GOP wants the Dems to negotiate budget cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling.

That means they wont raise the debt ceiling unless the Dems negotiate budget cuts.

that is legislative terrorism.

I asked for a link, not your liberal bullshit talking points. Links or it didn't happen. Do you have reading problems, mister?
I don't need to go to any university to know how to manage my own finances. Why can't our treasury secretary practice a little common sense? Gee, you're such a loon.

wow, you guys are just full of personal attacks.

its so sad. :(

this is why dissaproval of the GOP is skyrocketing.
You are a liar. Unless you can provide a link to them actually saying that.

The GOP wants the Dems to negotiate budget cuts in order to raise the debt ceiling.

That means they wont raise the debt ceiling unless the Dems negotiate budget cuts.

that is legislative terrorism.

Terrorism is a bit harsh, don't you think, to describe a requirement that we cut spending before we borrow more money.
Have the Democrats come to negotiate yet?

What does the GOP have to offer?

The GOP can offer an extension of the debt ceiling. Seems like a fair trade. $ for exemptions. After-all, isn't that how all the other exemptions happened? $ for exemptions? Isn't that what Obama Care is about, forcing people to pay democrats?

Saying the GOP is offering an extension of the debt ceiling is BLATANT hostage's blackmail painted out in black and white...

"You want this debt limit raised? ...yeah??? WELL DELAY THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE THEN!!"

You cannot say raising the debt limit is "negotiable" otherwise you are literally calling out the GOP as hostage takers...plain and simple.

You need to find something on the outside that you can negotiate with. There literally is nothing the GOP can compromise WITH for a delay in ACA of any's a completely hopeless battle.
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I asked for a link, not your liberal bullshit talking points. Links or it didn't happen. Do you have reading problems, mister?

The GOP will let the debt ceiling go up even if the Dems refuse to negotiate budget cuts?

that awesome to know!!!!!!!

thanks dude. :)
Sorry, the debt ceiling is not something that should be negotiated.

As our debt goes up, we need to raise the ceiling.

Its that simple.

See? Thank you for proving my point. Democrats are unwilling to negotiate. Our debt shouldn't be going up, it should be going DOWN.

Common sense.

I'd be happy if our debt merely stayed flat wrt real GDP. That way the debt at least becomes less of a factor or stays the same over time as inflation tries to out run the debt.

If it stayed flat it would be easier to manage. Good point.
Point out to me where 'the law' gives the Stuttering Clusterfuck the power to delay the Employer Mandate by one year.

The fact is -- It doesn't.

You are just an ignorant little lying sack of shit that toes the party line no matter what.

eat shit

Your assertion, Edgetho, so you have to prove he can't.

You can't, so he doesn't, and you fail.

The Law does NOT give the Stuttering Clusterfuck permission to grant a one year delay on the Employer Mandate ONLY

Our very own Fluttering Stuttercluck can't answer the question clearly and to the point.

The flutterer has a right to an opinion, but the opinion is not based in fact.

Let's move along.
Terrorism is a bit harsh, don't you think, to describe a requirement that we cut spending before we borrow more money.

you think raising the debt ceiling should be conditional upon budget cuts?

that's legislative terrorism, bro.
I asked for a link, not your liberal bullshit talking points. Links or it didn't happen. Do you have reading problems, mister?

The GOP will let the debt ceiling go up even if the Dems refuse to negotiate budget cuts?

that awesome to know!!!!!!!

thanks dude. :)

Yeah. As if. You have such an imagination, Hoffstra. Too bad we don't live life on imagination, but reality. I hope they make this nation default on it's obligations, force it to address the spending issue. Time to cut up the credit card.

I'm still waiting on a link too.
Pressure is building on Boehner. He can continue to cater to the Baggers and take the entire party down or he can allow a vote and stop the lunacy. The clock it ticking...and the Dems are laughing.
I don't need to go to any university to know how to manage my own finances. Why can't our treasury secretary practice a little common sense? Gee, you're such a loon.

wow, you guys are just full of personal attacks.

its so sad. :(

this is why disapproval of the GOP is skyrocketing.

Haha. You are a propagandist. So explain to me why Obama's approval rating is at 40%?

You won't address an argument, too focused on whether someone calls you a name or not.
No, we will not negotiate on raising the debt limit.

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

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