Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They’re Educated

I believe you are referring to the Liberal male academic White apologist group. Yes I'm sure they support Hillary. There is however another male White educated group that believes Hillary is as corrupt as they come and that Obama has damaged America.

As opposed to George W. Bush, who started two disastrous wars and was President at the start of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Yep, we need another Repug President, by all means....

You are obviously one of the uneducated white male Repug voters that find Trump appealing.

I've found the more educated a person is the dumber they are. No joke, true story

At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:

At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:

Why do you scurry off if people don't accept your assertions? How exactly are you defining an education?
You mean this white guy supports Hildabeast? of course he does.
That was my very first thought. The white guys in jammies clutching hot cocoa love hilly. She's their grandma.

:0) You morons hate everybody .. which of course is why you're so rejected.
You like the little white nebbish? Why?
Today's Republican Party is all-white, racist, and would re-institute slavery if they could.
You're a dumb asshole and very counterproductive to your cause.

I don't give a fuck about clowns think.

Thanks anyway.
Me neither that's why I called you on your dumb racist bullshit. You're doing nobody any favors.

I'm not trying to do you any favors Bubba.

Perhaps you should spend more time worrying about your hopeless political fortunes instead of whining about what I do.
I'm not running for office, professor, but I have no invested interest in you or how you damage your own cause.

My cause is not your concern .. nor do I require the political advice of a LOSER.

You couldn't see this coming, eh? You actually thought Trump was going to win? :0)
You're a dumb asshole and very counterproductive to your cause.

I don't give a fuck about clowns think.

Thanks anyway.
Me neither that's why I called you on your dumb racist bullshit. You're doing nobody any favors.

I'm not trying to do you any favors Bubba.

Perhaps you should spend more time worrying about your hopeless political fortunes instead of whining about what I do.
I'm not running for office, professor, but I have no invested interest in you or how you damage your own cause.

My cause is not your concern .. nor do I require the political advice of a LOSER.

You couldn't see this coming, eh? You actually thought Trump was going to win? :0)
I'm not running for office and a Hillary presidency makes us all losers. You can't see that?
You mean this white guy supports Hildabeast? of course he does.
That was my very first thought. The white guys in jammies clutching hot cocoa love hilly. She's their grandma.

:0) You morons hate everybody .. which of course is why you're so rejected.
You like the little white nebbish? Why?

I don't judge books by their cover.
Just people by their skin color.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

University professors are all highly educated and a vast proportion white.
I find their ideas about geo-political issues, social engineering and theology to be --- in a word --- WARPED.
So much for higher education making a man wise.
Amen to that. My wife works at a University and all her male colleagues are Liberal anti-Trump wussies. Just like in their academic world, their political world is a bubble shielded from the real world.
Never seen an election where the racist left gets to insult the intelligence of a group of people and insult Christians.
Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:

Why do you scurry off if people don't accept your assertions? How exactly are you defining an education?

Scurry off? What are you talking about? I've been here most of the day posting while I work.

I recognize that I'm posting on a site full of right-wingers. I don't expect that most of you will accept anything that doesn't fit in your closed-minded box. I don't post for acceptance, I post what I believe is truth. I assume that you do the same.

Critical thinking is the hallmark of education. Trump supporters are not critical thinkers .. if they were, they would have never supported a loud-mouth clown with no legislative experience for president.

Trump supporters are emotional thinkers .. thus, they can be told anything, make themselves believe anything, and reject everything they don't want to hear.
At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.

Doing bu


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:


Doing Business As? a racist dumbass? Data base admin...yea right
I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:

Why do you scurry off if people don't accept your assertions? How exactly are you defining an education?

Scurry off? What are you talking about? I've been here most of the day posting while I work.

I recognize that I'm posting on a site full of right-wingers. I don't expect that most of you will accept anything that doesn't fit in your closed-minded box. I don't post for acceptance, I post what I believe is truth. I assume that you do the same.

Critical thinking is the hallmark of education. Trump supporters are not critical thinkers .. if they were, they would have never supported a loud-mouth clown with no legislative experience for president.

Trump supporters are emotional thinkers .. thus, they can be told anything, make themselves believe anything, and reject everything they don't want to hear.
...problem is you couldn't answer my simple challenge. How are you defining education? Focus, and give it a shot.
Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.

Doing bu


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:


Doing Business As? a racist dumbass?

:lol: That's deep .. ly stupid.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.
Still a slave
What is educated? Liberal socialist think it is a PhD. Combat is the most serious education you can have. Combat vets are supporting Trump.
Good point. There is an education snobbery in America that is both wrong and annoying. I work with engineers that have Masters and PhDs that come to me with questions even though I have a lowly Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering. I know a Mexican businessman who does not have a degree but has made millions opening businesses on both sides of the border. That guys wheels are always turning, I love talking to him.

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