Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They’re Educated

Scurry off? What are you talking about? I've been here most of the day posting while I work.

Another libtard ripping off their employer.

:lol: I know management very well. One of the owners posts as Blackascoal.

I'm monitoring on-line client systems for anomalies in performance and traffic .. and I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

I'll be sure to inform management about your concerns. :0)
Amen to that. My wife works at a University and all her male colleagues are Liberal anti-Trump wussies. Just like in their academic world, their political world is a bubble shielded from the real world.

No surprise here.

For me personally, just the fact the vast majority (who are vocal on the subject) blame Israel for most of the troubles in the Middle East and give all their Muslim adversaries a free pass --- that is enough for me to question anything they think is right.
At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:


Yep, I had a DBA, as in doing business as and I administered my own data, both customer and accounting.
I believe you are referring to the Liberal male academic White apologist group. Yes I'm sure they support Hillary. There is however another male White educated group that believes Hillary is as corrupt as they come and that Obama has damaged America.

As opposed to George W. Bush, who started two disastrous wars and was President at the start of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Yep, we need another Repug President, by all means....

You are obviously one of the uneducated white male Repug voters that find Trump appealing.

I heard a rumor that there was an attack in New York City that started one of those wars. Did you not hear about it?
Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:


Yep, I had a DBA, as in doing business as and I administered my own data, both customer and accounting.

Obviously you don't understand the distinctions .. which is not unexpected. :0)
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

University professors are all highly educated and a vast proportion white.
I find their ideas about geo-political issues, social engineering and theology to be --- in a word --- WARPED.
So much for higher education making a man wise.

Most college professors couldn't find their ass with both hands.

Those that can do, those that can't teach.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

University professors are all highly educated and a vast proportion white.
I find their ideas about geo-political issues, social engineering and theology to be --- in a word --- WARPED.
So much for higher education making a man wise.

Most college professors couldn't find their ass with both hands.

Those that can do, those that can't teach.

Funnny. No chance of tenure ever being revoked I take it?

The one thing too many do excel in is ego.
I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

You'll see my DBA? :lol:


Yep, I had a DBA, as in doing business as and I administered my own data, both customer and accounting.

Obviously you don't understand the distinctions .. which is not unexpected. :0)

Sure I do, I just don't have your exaggerated self-serving elitist ego, I guess you're not smart enough to understand when someone is making fun of you.
I've found the more educated a person is the dumber they are. No joke, true story

At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.
IF you had ANY critical analysis or intellectual honesty you would define the criteria of your assertions. What exactly does educated vs uneducated mean? You think a plumber, mechanic or electrician isn't educated?
Education Means Your Daddy Buying You a Job, Which Is a Stupid Way to Get One

As long as education is open to the minimally above average, it will be generic. Look at the ignorant grammar of college graduates and you will realize that they carried that learning disability over into job-related subjects. If you think that whatever they say must be the educated way of speaking, then you will miss this clue just because of what you're told to think about them.

They are also defective in logic, as proven by this slanted comparison between the educated and the uneducated. You could say the same thing about foreign languages, where a native speaker is more useful than someone who never learned that language, but far less articulate than other natives. Even more important is the fact that he couldn't compete linguistically with a more intelligent foreigner who learned his language.
The word 'education' is defined by the left, as they are apt to do, to further their goals. It's misrepresented to mean intelligence. People in trades are often highly educated and not just by books or teachers. They (we) must remain current where in higher ed, the professor can get by teaching you what he learned.

You can't compete in the private sector with school knowledge, it's too out of date. You must learn on the job but somehow the leftist doesn't see that as an education.
At the very least the more educated the less common sense they seem to have, I call them educated idiots.

Dumb people always say that.

I suppose you've never met an engineer that haven't a clue how to physically make their ideas reality, or put something on paper that had no way of actually functioning. Well maybe not, because you deal with things that already function.


I'm a DBA .. I deal with systems that aren't functioning.

But we're not talking about individuals, we're talking about an aggregate of educated people vs a collection of uneducated people. The chance of an educated person making something function vs an uneducated person making it function is FAR greater when that person is educated.

So you want to play grammar police, really? Trust me hero, you have no room to be correcting anyone.

And only elitist assholes think the only way to get an education is in a school wasting tens of thousands of dollars on subjects you'll never use in life.

Also I'll see your DBA and raise you one DBA.

Don't get your panties twisted girlfriend. Feel free to correct my grammar whenever you like. Nothing personal about it.

If Students Aren't Paid a Salary, They Aren't Worth Anything

There should be a comma after twisted. Maybe you were careless in editing; a judgment that you didn't know a comma was needed depends on how often you make mistakes. I'd rather be a grammar Nazi than not see grammar.
The word 'education' is defined by the left, as they are apt to do, to further their goals. It's misrepresented to mean intelligence. People in trades are often highly educated and not just by books or teachers. They (we) must remain current where in higher ed, the professor can get by teaching you what he learned.

You can't compete in the private sector with school knowledge, it's too out of date. You must learn on the job but somehow the leftist doesn't see that as an education.

"The word 'education' is defined by the left,..."


As a wise wonk observed...The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

University professors are all highly educated and a vast proportion white.
I find their ideas about geo-political issues, social engineering and theology to be --- in a word --- WARPED.
So much for higher education making a man wise.
Amen to that. My wife works at a University and all her male colleagues are Liberal anti-Trump wussies. Just like in their academic world, their political world is a bubble shielded from the real world.
Diploma Dumbos

Yet the mind-control ruling class brainwashes us into believing that the students of those mind-raping intellectual pedophiles deserve the jobs they get because of a college education.

That system is rotten to the core. It is the cause of our decline that is never pointed to, which is why we will continue to slide downhill. A degree is similar to what a Communist Party membership card was in the failed Soviet Union. Conformity creates deformity.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

University professors are all highly educated and a vast proportion white.
I find their ideas about geo-political issues, social engineering and theology to be --- in a word --- WARPED.
So much for higher education making a man wise.
Amen to that. My wife works at a University and all her male colleagues are Liberal anti-Trump wussies. Just like in their academic world, their political world is a bubble shielded from the real world.
Diploma Dumbos

Yet the mind-control ruling class brainwashes us into believing that the students of those mind-raping intellectual pedophiles deserve the jobs they get because of a college education.

That system is rotten to the core. It is the cause of our decline that is never pointed to, which is why we will continue to slide downhill. A degree is similar to what a Communist Party membership card was in the failed Soviet Union. Conformity creates deformity.

I attended one of the finest universities...but have to admit to seeing a great deal of what you are claiming.

Amen to that. My wife works at a University and all her male colleagues are Liberal anti-Trump wussies. Just like in their academic world, their political world is a bubble shielded from the real world.

No surprise here.

For me personally, just the fact the vast majority (who are vocal on the subject) blame Israel for most of the troubles in the Middle East and give all their Muslim adversaries a free pass --- that is enough for me to question anything they think is right.
Israel Is Our Shield

The Israelis are intelligent but manly. That really offends academics, who think manliness is deplorable. Around February 23, 1973, in a preview to 9/11, the Israelis shot down an off-course Libyan airliner because they had found out that Arab terrorists were planning on hijacking one and flying it into a large civilian building. The self-hating wimpy Jews at the New York Times were appalled by that, calling the Israeli patriots trigger-happy wannabe tough guys.
Anyone who supports clinton is either a fool, a person who hates this country and wants to see it's citizens subjugated to a world ruling class, or has no idea what historic, recent past and current events mean(t) in the formation of future events.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.
You mean brainwashed right?
It is obvious trumpsters are the dumbest crowd among all.

They got hillary elected, and they are not even aware of it...

Couldnt get any dumber than that...

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