Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They’re Educated

And you're dumb enough to believe that has relevance today.

It doesn't.

My Republican ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War. You do not appreciate that at all. You treasure Obama despite the real possibility that his ancestors were the first ones to shackle your ancestors and sell them to Jewish owned slave ships destined for the Confederacy.

relevance indeed.,..
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.
Not even slightly surprising

The kind of generalizations and logical fallacies one must embrace, to even support Donald Trump, are something most college educated people, are broken of in their first year.

Yeah, they'll go for the one that jeopardized national security and lied to congress instead. Talk about a logical fallacy.
You mean this white guy supports Hildabeast? of course he does.
That was my very first thought. The white guys in jammies clutching hot cocoa love hilly. She's their grandma.
That's living proof that education is not synonymous with intelligence. Those of us who went through college know first hand some people are as dumb as bricks. Including the faculty.
And you're dumb enough to believe that has relevance today.

It doesn't.

My Republican ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War. You do not appreciate that at all. You treasure Obama despite the real possibility that his ancestors were the first ones to shackle your ancestors and sell them to Jewish owned slave ships destined for the Confederacy.

relevance indeed.,..

Perhaps you should ask before you make silly generalizations. Start from here .. I'm not a democrat.

I know that history very well ... undoubtedly better than you do. I recognize and appreciate the blood, sweat, sacrifice, and tears of what WAS the Republican Party. Today's Republican Party is not that party by no stretch of the imagination.

You keep repeating ancient history that has absolutely nothing to do with anything but right-wing meme and bullshit.

Today's Republican Party is all-white, racist, and would re-institute slavery if they could.
"Higher education" promotes communism as "good" and capitalism as "bad."

That's simply true.

Whether you agree with it or not is up to you...
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.
Not even slightly surprising

The kind of generalizations and logical fallacies one must embrace, to even support Donald Trump, are something most college educated people, are broken of in their first year.

Yeah, they'll go for the one that jeopardized national security and lied to congress instead. Talk about a logical fallacy.
I'm not sure how logic works where you come from...but out here, we need proof.
"Higher education" promotes communism as "good" and capitalism as "bad."

That's simply true.

Whether you agree with it or not is up to you...

No way in Hell do I believe that .. but you're certainly free to.
I never understood peoples' faux ancestor pride or attachment. Its nice to learn about and all, but to act like you're somehow relevant to its success or failure is sort of bizarre.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

What about Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters?
I never understood peoples' faux ancestor pride or attachment. Its nice to learn about and all, but to act like you're somehow relevant to its success or failure is sort of bizarre.

I'm betting that whole new worlds could be created with what you don't know and/or understand.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

A Toxic and Obsolete Aristocratic Institution

Which only proves that college education is emasculating. That result is undeniable, and why shouldn't it be? If an 18-year-old young man has to live like a slacker on less than the income from a full-time job, it means he is afraid to grow up. Women dominate Mamas' Boys. Eggheads get henpecked.

It also indicates totalitarian brainwashing because of the fact that we believe in the absurdity that such a Peter Pan deserves to get a job just because he went four or more years without a job, which is all college education means. It is class-biased indentured servitude and it puts inferior people in superior positions. For us to have a future, it must be replaced with highly paid professional training. That is the only thing that will get us the most talented and get them to study. And they will become men, not nerdy educated eunuchs.
I never understood peoples' faux ancestor pride or attachment. Its nice to learn about and all, but to act like you're somehow relevant to its success or failure is sort of bizarre.

I'm betting that whole new worlds could be created with what you don't know and/or understand.
Cool story dude, Im sure you're a marked freakin genius.
The latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender.

There has been a lot of talk about Donald Trump’s huge advantage over Hillary Clinton when it comes to white men, but the latest Fox News poll shows that white men with a college education actually prefer the Democratic nominee.

According to the poll, Clinton leads Trump among white males with a college degree by six points – the same as her overall margin over Trump – while the Republican nominee has a near-40 point lead among white men without any college education.

Trump’s massive lead among uneducated white men is the only reason he still leads Clinton among men overall by just seven points.

he media will likely to continue to frame this as a question of gender, but it seems clear that the level of education voters have is a huge, perhaps even larger, factor. Voters with lower levels of education support Trump, while those with college degrees support Clinton.

Among women, the contest isn’t even close as the Democratic nominee has a 17-point advantage – no surprise there.

Still, the latest Fox News poll shows that education may actually be playing a bigger role in this election than gender, and white men actually do prefer Clinton over the unfit Republican nominee – if they’re educated, that is.
Fox News Poll Shows That White Men Support Hillary Clinton – If They're Educated

This election is shaping up to be a battle between white people .. the educated and the morons who fear scary words like 'diversity.'

Like most presidential elections, this is lessons learned about the mindset of American people. For patriotic Americans .. not the fake ones .. this election bodes well of a better and brighter future for this nation.

What about Gary Johnson and Jill Stein voters?

The statistics were there, but I didn't pay much attention to them. Sorry.
I never understood peoples' faux ancestor pride or attachment. Its nice to learn about and all, but to act like you're somehow relevant to its success or failure is sort of bizarre.

I'm betting that whole new worlds could be created with what you don't know and/or understand.
Cool story dude, Im sure you're a marked freakin genius.

Wrong .. I'm just everyday people .. nothing special about me.

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