FOX News produces sworn statement from fired Ukrainian prosecutor


Shokin's a disgraced corrupt ex-prosecutor and Solomon is a sleazy righwing wannabe journalist.

The evidence is right in front of you... Shokin says...

"The official reason put forward for my dismissal was that I had allegedly failed to secure the public's trust. Poroshenko and other state officials, including representatives of the US presidential administration, had never previously had any complaints about my work, however. There were no grievances against me or any allegations that I had committed any corruption-related (or, indeed any other) criminal offenses. Biden never stated anything of the kind either. Furthernore, all sanctions in respect of Yanukovich and his supporters remained in force and were not lifted whilst I occupied that post. Moreover, these sanctions were extended."

Emphasis added .... because ....

The US Vice President brought $ 190 million to Ukraine and requests to fight corruption

On the eve of the visit, many media reported dissatisfaction in the US with the work of Attorney General Viktor Shokin, the situation of people's deputy Mykola Martynenko, rampant corruption in the country. They wrote that Biden will bring a "list", which will name politicians and officials who are suspected by States of "foul play" and the resignation of which they will seek. Martynenko has already submitted an application for mandate resignation. Poroshenko said that Shokin will stay at his position.

Biden’s in Kiev: What brought foreign guest to Ukraine? -
Lol why because he went after your corrupt Democrats ?
/----/ The fastest way to anger a democRAT is to tell the truth about them.
This is damning evidence. Goodbye Joe Biden.

Read it for yourself:

JohnSolomon (john1solomon) | Scribd

No one gives a rat's ass what a fired, disgraced corrupt Ukrainian official now says about his firing. That firing came at the beheast of the NATO, the EU and the Obama Administration. This wasn't something that Biden did on his own.

Do you agree that it should be fully investigated regardless of your own political bias and maniacal Trump hate though, right?

There is no need for an investigation. The transcript of the phone call shows Trump leveraging taxpayer funded aid to the Ukraine in exchange for the investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden. THAT'S AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE.

Should Joe Biden be investigated for delivering the message to the Ukrainians on behalf of the EU, NATO and the Obama Administration. NO.

So you think Obama was in on Joe Biden's quid pro quo as well, interesting, seems highly likely to me as well.. :wink_2:
This is damning evidence. Goodbye Joe Biden.

Read it for yourself:

JohnSolomon (john1solomon) | Scribd
A "sworn" statement of unknown provenance from a guy who was removed from office for corruption posted by a RWNJ "journalist".

View attachment 281429
a post from you hating people on the right and working to discredit them.

how refreshing.
I'm not on the right.
which is why you hate on them.

sorry that bit of DUH blew by you.
This is damning evidence. Goodbye Joe Biden.

Read it for yourself:

JohnSolomon (john1solomon) | Scribd
A "sworn" statement of unknown provenance from a guy who was removed from office for corruption posted by a RWNJ "journalist".

View attachment 281429
a post from you hating people on the right and working to discredit them.

how refreshing.
I'm not on the right.
which is why you hate on them.

sorry that bit of DUH blew by you.
Your post doesn't say that. Maybe you should learn how punctuation works and try again.

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