Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

The only reason I would not want to read this pile of Fox trash talking, is because it doesn't answer the question of what did Fox admit to, as far as the charge of lying about the 2020 election. This link has a bunch of stuff in it, but it's just a bunch of horsefeathers.

Still 720 posts into the thread, and I don't see a word about Fox admitting to lying about anything about Dominion or election fraud. Not a word.
So "sued" and "accused" in your mind = wrongdoing, huh ? Maybe you forgot about all the Democrats who "accused" Trump and his campaign of Russian collusion, only to have had that balloon burst, with the testimony of their prop lawyer.

And maybe you forgot about Trump et al being "sued" by the DNC for Russian collusion also.,
Maybe you have forgotten that what you are reciting here is innacurate MAGAt party propaganda?
There was (and is) PLENTY of evidence of shady involvement by The Trump Campaign with Russia.
Also interesting to note that this collusion was taking place WHILE Russia was engaged in an attack on the U.S. election WITH the stated goal of helping Trump defeat Hillary Clinton.

In an explosive development, the Biden administration confirmed that a Russian government agent with close connections to Donald Trump’s top 2016 campaign official “provided the Russian Intelligence Services with sensitive information on polling and [Trump] campaign strategy.”

Clearly? It doesn't clearly mean anything unless you are privy to know the actual exact details of the settlement.

Of course it's clear. There's no reason to pay out ¾ of a billion dollars if they knew they would prevail and pay $0.00.
No. I was right again. You are wrong.

Nope. It was denied membership by representatives chosen by the leadership of the GOP. Purely partisan political crap. It had zero credibility. It deserves just that. It would hard for it to be less valid or more illegitimate.

Apply that to your own sophistry moronMike.

Nor does yours.

You are the one showing that lack of logic. Not is.

Again. Pure projection. 🥱

No. It was far from it. Very far. No legitimacy at all and utterly fake.

It’s findings are utterly valueless partisan political crap.

Wrong. It is in the hands of the special counsel who is part of the machinery of the OVERTLY politicized partisan and corrupt DOJ.

It belongs in the anals of history. 👍

And neither one was meritorious.

So what? The shot in NY by the hack Bragg is nonsense.

Again, so what? Like your posts, it’s meaningless.
You just can't help yourself.
Ignorance becomes you.
I asked you not to post your opinion.Only other (legal) facts that might disqualify the legitimacy of The Jan. 6th Committee.
And you reply with this screed of personal opinion.
Do you have a reading disorder?
The only reason I would not want to read this pile of Fox trash talking, is because it doesn't answer the question of what did Fox admit to, as far as the charge of lying about the 2020 election. This link has a bunch of stuff in it, but it's just a bunch of horsefeathers.

Still 720 posts into the thread, and I don't see a word about Fox admitting to lying about anything about Dominion or election fraud. Not a word.

Poor gramps. :itsok:

The link shows members of Fox were making false claims about Dominion on the air while they were admitting they were false claims in text messages.
You just can't help yourself.
No need to.
Ignorance becomes you.
Nah. But you have become ever more ignorant. It’s pretty sad. :abgg2q.jpg:
I asked you not to post your opinion.Only other (legal) facts that might disqualify the legitimacy of The Jan. 6th Committee.
Since you posted only opinions, I am quite indifferent to your hypocritical requests.
And you reply with this screed of personal opinion.
You get back what you serve.
Do you have a reading disorder?
Nope. You have a mental disorder. It’s clinical. You’re a retard. 👍
Sure Jack. Spinning is your life. Why don't you take 15 minutes and listen to someone who actually KNOWS something of what they talk about from the INSIDE:

1. Correct. In a civil case a paintiff must show DAMAGES. Where are Dominion's so-called "damages" ? :dunno: Frankly, there are none. Just that alone shows that Dominion could not have won this case if it had gone to trial. It looks like they were betting on the judge being on their side, and requiring a 92 year old, frail Rupert Murdoch to come to court. and testify (an action they knew would not happen).
2. It is not a judge's position to comment bout the accuracy or inaccuracy of the machines , but even irregardless if that the judge did not receive any knowledge about that, and thus could not be able to comment on it.
3. Fox would have won this case on appeal, once it was outside the corrupt-ridden courts of Delaware, very much controlled by Democrat politics (Alan Dershowitz)
4. "I believe I could have won this case in the Supreme Court" (representing Fox) (Alan Dershowitz)
5. "Every good lawyer knows that any verdict agaist Fox would have been reversed on appeal, and yet they settled". (Alan Dershowitz) So why did they settle ? They settled because it had nothing to do with the case. - it simply was a matter of Rupert Murdoch having to go to court, which would have been physically dangerous for him to do,
6. "I think the judge failed to allow Fox to put on a fully complete defense" (Dershowitz)....Yet another factor that would have kept the case from withstanding an appeal.

Of course it's clear. There's no reason to pay out ¾ of a billion dollars if they knew they would prevail and pay $0.00.

There is no reason to settle for 700 million dollars if you thought you could prevail and get 1.6 billion dollars.
The link shows members of Fox were making false claims about Dominion on the air while they were admitting they were false claims in text messages.
Cite exactly where that occured. I did not see any false claim about Dominion coming from Fox. None. In fact, I hardly saw Dominion even being mentioned in your link.
No need to.

Nah. But you have become ever more ignorant. It’s pretty sad. :abgg2q.jpg:

Since you posted only opinions, I am quite indifferent to your hypocritical requests.

You get back what you serve.

Nope. You have a mental disorder. It’s clinical. You’re a retard. 👍
Since you posted only opinions, I am quite indifferent to your hypocritical requests.
Here's your shot.
Quote any "opinions" I just gave you.
You won't be able to....because I just stated undisputable facts.
See, the problem here is that you MAGAts are so brainwashed by your cult of misinformation you have lost the ability to tell one from the other.
Forced intervention and deprogramming in secure concentration camps is the only possible hope for MAGAt cultists.
That's rich given that the repubs put two perverts in the supreme court and one in the White House, Trump is being sued for rape and has been accused by 25 women of sexual predation.

Some are saying there should be a massive investigation.

First off, given that there are NO irregularities, all of which are common to all elections, which constitute sufficient predicate for an 'investigation'. Audits, yes, investigation, no. All audits confirmed election results, and in a number of states, there were more than one audit. If even one of them were sufficient to toss the state's election for a redo, THAT would be predicate for a national investigation, but, alas, there were NONE.

Second, Trump, et al, (and his surrogates) went to court over 60 times and in those cases where evidence was provided, the court ruled that the evidence wasn't evidence at all. For example, affidavits are supplemental evidence, but they do not stand alone as evidence.

Third, in all court cases where irregularities were argued, none were sufficient to set aside Biden's win.

Fourth, if there were fraud, it would occur in more states than the swing states, yet Trump was only concerned with states he lost in.

Fifth, why would an organized conspiracy allow for such a marginal win? Biden won only by 80,000 votes in two states, that could easily have gone to Trump. Conspirators would not leave it to chance, and would have won by a greater margin.

Sixth, in many states, we won the presidency but lost down ballot to repubs, that indicates people just didn't want Trump, but might have voted repub if the candidate weren't Trump, and, why would conspirators allow down ballots losses to happen?

Seventh, it's not even logical on it's face. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison. And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


Repubs keep saying it is impossible for Biden who gets not that big of a crowd to beat Trump, who gets large crowds.
There are two reasons why that is wrong. That is specious logic.

1. Demographics are different. Dems are not easily excited, don't care about rallies like Repubs do. We're cut from a different cloth.
So crowd size is no predictor, per se, of voter turn out.

2. Many Democrats voted more against Trump than they did for Biden. It wouldn't have matter who was on the Dem ticket.

Eighth, the ONLY reason everyone on the right is raising this issue is because:

1. Before the first ballot was ever cast, at every rally on and on and on, Trump declared that 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rigged the election".
2. This primed the pump for fraud allegations given that, as is true of all elections, Trump exploited the fact of 'irregularities' as 'proof of fraud'.

And then, on 2020, Trump did, in fact, try to steal the 2020 elect, but via EXTERNAL means, because external is doable, internal is not.
Let's see if you can answer the questions in Post # 509, so as to demonstrate if you have the foggiest idea what you're talking about.
You too Fuan. You too MagicMike.
Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.
Q. Are you a damn liar, or insane?

[in reality, it might be both]
There is no reason to settle for 700 million dollars if you thought you could prevail and get 1.6 billion dollars.

Maybe Dominion wasn't sure they would prevail. But you said Fox would. Clearly not true, otherwise Fox would not have settled.
Maybe Dominion wasn't sure they would prevail. But you said Fox would. Clearly not true, otherwise Fox would not have settled.

No, Dershowitz said they would have easily won on appeal to a higher court and is mystified why they didn't.
Here's your shot.
Quote any "opinions" I just gave you.
You won't be able to....because I just stated undisputable facts.
See, the problem here is that you MAGAts are so brainwashed by your cult of misinformation you have lost the ability to tell one from the other.
Forced intervention and deprogramming in secure concentration camps is the only possible hope for MAGAt cultists.
Another PROJECTION post from the demented LEFT.
No. Self. Awareness.
This might trigger you, Mike, but the settlement neither confirms, nor denies, any election fraud at all, as this case is *poof* gone.
Fox is part of the Mockingbird Media, and this is all Clown Show Gaslight Theatre.
We are ALL being lied to.
Good luck.
Cite exactly where that occured. I did not see any false claim about Dominion coming from Fox. None. In fact, I hardly saw Dominion even being mentioned in your link.

Here's Giuliani on Fox lying about Dominion being associated with Maduro and Chavez...

"I mean I can't imagine you would give a contract to a company if you went one step further and found out it's really being run by people that are close to Maduro and Chavez." ~ Giuliani
Here's your shot.
Quote any "opinions" I just gave you.
You won't be able to....because I just stated undisputable facts.
See, the problem here is that you MAGAts are so brainwashed by your cult of misinformation you have lost the ability to tell one from the other.
Forced intervention and deprogramming in secure concentration camps is the only possible hope for MAGAt cultists.
Stop posting opinions.

Like for example: “It was 100% legal, legitimate, valid, and credible.”

100% is an opinion.

Legal is an opinion.

Legitimate is an opinion.

Valid is an opinion.

Credible is an opinion.

Work on your numerous errors. You will likey need summer school. 😎
Let's see if you can answer the questions in Post # 509, so as to demonstrate if you have the foggiest idea what you're talking about.
You too Fuan. You too MagicMike.

I would if you'd be so courteous as to link to it.
Let's see if you can answer the questions in Post # 509, so as to demonstrate if you have the foggiest idea what you're talking about.
You too Fuan. You too MagicMike.

None of the questions prove that there were sufficient fraud to prove that Democrats stole the election.

They just prove isolated incidents.

Moreover, the logistics required for one party to steal an election are nightmarish and prone to failure. Trump is alleging INTERNAL fraud, i.e., ballot tampering, dead people voting, machines switching ballots, ballot stuffing, and on and on. The logistical nightmare required for one party to tamper with the national internal voting apparatus, by it's extremely decentralized design, requiring hiring of operatives and installed in place in at least a dozen key states, months in advance, keeping everyone under the radar, think about it, it is well nigh impossible task, which precludes any possibility of a party rigging the election internally. To accomplish it, it would require months of advance planning, the recruitment of both republicans and democrats (because each election district has both working there, many volunteering ) to cooperate in a vast conspiracy to rig the election for a DEMOCRAT. And, to do that, we would expect that they would be able to do it clandestinely, that the observers,both right and left, would be part of the conspiracy, and no one would leak, all with the threat of being caught and being sent to prison.

And what is their gain? Not money. Why would anyone participate in an impossible scheme where they would surely get caught? That the beauty of the AMerican system, it's so big, each state with different systems, no one knows for sure ahead of time which of the few states will wind up being the swing states ( out of a dozen or more potential swing states, which is why they will need operatives in all of them, they don't know which ones in advance will be the actual swing states), it is absurd,

Moreover, a vast conspiracy with NO 'whistleblowers". Highly doubtable.


There are none. Why? It didn't happen. That's why.

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