Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

When did Congress investigate? Congress announces investigations and picks members to investigate. Clearly that did not happen. You are a stupid MF.
Clearly it DID happen dimwit.
Do you even realize that The House of Representatives is uh....PART of Congress?
With legitimate oversight and investigative powers?
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't prove Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin' teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
Already about a dozen pissy pants threads on this.
Clearly it DID happen dimwit.
Do you even realize that The House of Representatives is uh....PART of Congress?
With legitimate oversight and investigative powers?
Congress took a vote on J6 you fucking idiot. They voted NOT to investigate the election. Why are you people so fucking dumb?
Congress DID investigate the election.
Ever heard of "The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol?"

You should watch the hearings from last summer.
PLENTY of election investigating was done there.

Here is the part where you walk back your claim that Congress "won't investigate" and change it to
"B-b-but THAT committee doesn't count!"

Actually, “that” committee was stacked with Democraps and a couple of toxic Never Trump Republicans. It really doesn’t count. 👍
Al Gore never accepted the results of the 2000 election. Donald Trump told the January 6 protesters to go home.
Screenshot 2023-04-20 at 10.59.55 AM.png

Where in your word salad does it say that trump conceded?

Trump did tell the protesters to go home, AFTER the failed insurrection.
Before that, trump said they were going to march peacefully to the capitol, and to fight like hell, and hoping that Pence does the right thing.
He then watched to insurrection for 187 minutes of silence.
That's NOT accepting an election result.
That's inciting the crowd, and over a 1,000 gullible MF'ers listened to trump and are now rightly serving time, all under the direction of trump.
Your claim about what they “knew” is baseless.

False. There was no such admission.

Why do you lie? In private, Fox News anchors said claims of fraud regarding Dominion were bullshit. But then those same anchors made claims on air that Dominion rigged the election.
Why do you lie? In private, Fox News anchors said claims of fraud regarding Dominion were bullshit. But then those same anchors made claims on air that Dominion rigged the election.
Are you saying you can’t believe Fox anchors?
Fox settled.
Dominion settled too. Takes two to settle, Jack. Both settled. Dominion settled for less than half. Probably, Fox agreed to the settlement in exchange for giving no concessions to on air apologies or admissions to anything by the hosts involved in the errant "opinions."

Admitted they lied.
They admitted that the JUDGE decided that unilaterally before the hearing even began on his own that HE thought so. Then refused to allow Fox to present much of their case. You really ought to know what you are talking about more often, Jack, then you might not be wrong so often.

If it had gone to trial, Fox would have been nailed to the wall.
Maybe. Then they would have appealed to elsewhere outside of Delaware, gotten a fair trial and beaten it on appeal. Really wish I knew why they chose not to do that. Maybe because Murdock just wanted to get the shit off his neck, pay the fine and move on.

Dominion may have even gotten punitive damages awarded.
And maybe it might snow in Kenya in July. Bottom line is this whole stupid case proves nothing about the fraud election and suing a news corp for giving opinions on an opinion show will only have a chilling effect on the 1st amendment for all and thus, the freedom of the press.
By that token, why did Fox settle of they didn't lie about Dominion? They could have prevailed in court, paid nothing and salvaged their reputation if they didn't lie about Dominion.

A question many are asking but neither Fox nor Dominion are saying. They surely would have won on appeal.
Let's start at the top, gramps....

An anonymous email...

... when challenged to prove the contents of that "anonymous email" were true, you couldn't. Ready to move on to the next item in your list?
FALSE! I proved it. And you just proved again what a phony you are (not that any more proof of that was needed after your infamous DOCTORING of the fivethirtyeight 2020 election vote dump chart).

As for the very longggggg list of frauds, you were quizzed on that, and just like all the other leftist deniers, you FLUNKED with flying colors.
Fox settled because the system is rigged. The whole United States is under globalist control in many ways. There is no admittance of cheating and never will be as we see. The only thing that has not happened is the admittance of our sovereign right to e a free nation is ending and the population that still cares accepting it. Fox schmoozes the population not getting in line. There was and is a market for up to several Fox stations easily over the years, however it is reduced.

IF Murdoch had evidence to prove Fox's innocence, he would have went to trial, would win, and have to pay nothing and plaintiffs could be billed for his expenses.

After all the claims by Giuliani, Trump, the pillow guy, Sydney Powell, etc., after all the claims of tons of evidence, okay., so why didn't Fox produce it?


Because there is no evidence to prove Trump's allegation that 'Democrats stole the election'.

NONE, zilch, nada, zip.

With millions and billions at stake, you are telling me that Fox won't produce it to save millions and billions?

You are not making sense..
Actually, “that” committee was stacked with Democraps and a couple of toxic Never Trump Republicans. It really doesn’t count. 👍
It was 100% legal, legitimate, valid, and credible.
Even a dunce like you is entitled to his own opinion BackAgain, but not his own facts.
Your opinion on what The Jan 6th Committee was or was not does not alter the facts one iota.
I don't know how you people got the impression that your opinions are just as "valid" as actual, concrete facts?
It's like you want a freaking participation trophy just for thinking something; however inane and divorced from reality it may be.
This committee AND it's investigation was VERY legitimate and real.
So are its findings and report.
The evidence this committee ammassed is now in the hands of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, to determine whether criminal charges against the twice impeached, currently already indicted, failed one term former POTUS are warranted.
In addition, this committee's official findings will forever be attached to this jackals name in the history books right next to his other notable achievements.
*ONLY American President to be impeached twice.
*Only American President to be charged with felonies after leaving office.
And we're probably still not done with his fucked up footnotes yet.
I wonder when the next Dominion lawsuit will come forth - with Dominion as the defendant, and Trump as the plaintiff, and with plenty of proof to show Dominion to be the reckless and unsuitble company that they are to be involved in ANY political contest, let alone a presidential election.

And with all the slander/libel committed by Democrats, over the Russian collusion bullshit, and all the lawsuits to be filed against them, yup, plenty of squirming to be done, all right.
Welcome that...

Please could ye actually sue someone because you are fucking embarrassments in court...
The election fraud happened and Biden was installed as an Usurper. Murdoch settled to keep the steal stolen.

Bill O’Reilly Exposes Why Fox News Paid $787 Million To Settle Case: “It Had Nothing To Do With Prime Time Talent” (VIDEO)​

Yeah, like I'm going to believe that perv.


IF Murdoch had evidence to prove Fox's innocence, he would have went to trial, would win, and have to pay nothing and plaintiffs could be billed for his expenses.

After all the claims by Giuliani, Trump, the pillow guy, Sydney Powell, etc., after all the claims of tons of evidence, okay., so why didn't Fox produce it?


Because there is no evidence to prove Trump's allegation that 'Democrats stole the election'.

NONE, zilch, nada, zip.

With millions and billions at stake, you are telling me that Fox won't produce it to save millions and billions?

You are not making sense..

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