Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Fox News settling with Dominion has nothing to do with whether the claim that the election was “stolen” is true or false.

Someone should inform the mindless drone troll, Rump.
Sure it does.
Fox's loss (aka inability to defend itself) in this lawsuit PROVES that when jackwads like Hannity, Ingrahm, and Carlson gave idiots like Powell and Guilianni a forum in which to spread The Big Lie about Dominion voting machines being responsible for "stealing" an election, they were lying.
Period. Full stop.
Dpminion only agreed to Fox's settlement offer because it was already a pretty sweet deal (the largest settlement sum awarded in a media case in U.S. history). sav3d the need for a weeks long trial.
This was a HUGE win-win for Dominion AND the truth.
There was NO steal!
Trump got his ass handed to him in 2020 in the most secure and yes, legitimate election in U.S. history.
Democracy prevailed over Fascism!

I know you've got your cognitive challenges to deal with BackAgain but please try to keep up ok.
Constantly having to re-remind you that you are still parroting worn out right wing conspiracy theories that were already debunked two years ago is getting tedious dude.
First you need to get this fact through your head. What you believe is not possible can be proven possible when the political climate allows it.

In other words, Fox can easily win when the political climate is in their favour. Just as Scotus decisions are all possible according to the political climate. Your country is now totally corrupt and becoming dysfunctional.

Currently there are 10's of millions of Americans who know that Trump won his election.
Currently there are 10's of millions of Americans who know that Trump won his election.
Yeah, but stupid people don't count.
Hell, they have Rudy on tape admitting they don't have evidence, Hannity admitting under oath he didn't believe it, the Fox hosts acknowledging it, Rupert Murdoch admitting it under oath, Steve Bannon telling people Trump was going to lie if he lost, Trump-appointed judges tossing out cases because the evidence is shit, the list goes on and on.

This settlement isn't even a blip on the radar. It's just a cost of doing business for Fox. The Manson Girls are going to stick to their story. This is their LIFE.
We also have a Congress that refused to investigate the election. That was the icing on the cake. It assured an illegitimate senile criminal and pervert would be our president. Pelosi even changed the rules to stop any objections citing new rules to overrule any objections or debate because of the violence instigated by the Feds. All facts.
We also have a Congress that refused to investigate the election. That was the icing on the cake. It assured an illegitimate senile criminal and pervert would be our president. Pelosi even changed the rules to stop any objections citing new rules to overrule any objections or debate. All facts.
Congress DID investigate the election.
Ever heard of "The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol?"

You should watch the hearings from last summer.
PLENTY of election investigating was done there.

Here is the part where you walk back your claim that Congress "won't investigate" and change it to
"B-b-but THAT committee doesn't count!"

The fact is, if Trump wins back the presidency, the 'big lie' will become the 'big truth'.

And that will have positive effects on the rest of the world, but very questionable effects on America.
More than ever. The verdict is for intimidation purposes. The money is of little consequence.
Lastamender Doesn't know the difference between ' a verdict ' and ' a settlement '.

But continues to spread LIES with Zero evidence.
Just a gut feeling.
You know, that's why Rudy's so-called evidence was laughed at.
Congress DID investigate the election.
Ever heard of "The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol?"

You should watch the hearings from last summer.
PLENTY of election investigating was done there.

Here is the part where you walk back your claim that Congress "won't investigate" and change it to
"B-b-but THAT committee doesn't count!"

When did Congress investigate? Congress announces investigations and picks members to investigate. Clearly that did not happen. You are a stupid MF.
Lastamender Doesn't know the difference between ' a verdict ' and ' a settlement '.

But continues to spread LIES with Zero evidence.
Just a gut feeling.
You know, that's why Rudy's so-called evidence was laughed at.
I know what fascist intimidation looks like. There has been almost 4 years of it because the lie being enforced as truth is just not believable.
MAGA prefers to believe the lie
Nothing you can do will change that
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't prove Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin' teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
What your engaging in it is singling out Republicans for what Democrats did in 2000. Al Gore never accepted the results of the 2000 election. Donald Trump told the January 6 protesters to go home. Your a cool guy but you are choosing to believe a big lie. But you’re engaging in favoritism and singling out Republicans.

Do you understand that lawmakers in this country are so extreme to the far left that they are literally letting criminals off the hook, just look at Chicago look at the black racist mayor of Chicago. Look at how for example two young black kids in Chicago stole a car and crashed into a truck and kill the six month year-old baby …..

…breaking all sorts of laws and then they get misdemeanors. Come on man you’re better than this…. our law system has now become so corrupt it’s not like it was even eight years ago, there are judges and jurors who are so corrupt that even the finest lawyers money can buy can’t do anything about it

I don’t care that Fox News settled the lawsuit maybe they should not have settled but often people settle to avoid a bigger penalty even though they were in the right this happens in American court systems and around the world.

All the meanwhile our economy is horrendous do you have anything to say about that. Do you have anything to say about black anchors on CNN and MSNBC along with white anchors that despise white people in general… for all of this “big lie “ talk to you talk about. How about the big lie that white people are born privileged Including homeless white people starving on the streets , my goodness man you are better than this

Go ahead keep on watching CNN who lie all the time and who commit racism all the time, who defame white people all the time. Go ahead man keep watching ESPN, keep watching the view keep watching MSNBC you who are running cover for criminals in this country.
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And if the Fox News reporting was incorrect, that does not mean it was a “lie.”

But it does mean it is a lie when they knew it was incorrect and reported it anyhow...which is waht they just admitted as part of this settlement.
Sure it does.

Nope. It doesn’t.
Fox's loss (aka inability to defend itself) in this lawsuit PROVES that when jackwads like Hannity, Ingrahm, and Carlson gave idiots like Powell and Guilianni a forum in which to spread The Big Lie about Dominion voting machines being responsible for "stealing" an election, they were lying.
Period. Full stop.
False. Full stop or not. You’re flatly wrong.
Dpminion only agreed to Fox's settlement offer because it was already a pretty sweet deal (the largest settlement sum awarded in a media case in U.S. history). sav3d the need for a weeks long trial.
This was a HUGE win-win for Dominion AND the truth.
You aren’t privy to Dominion’s legal analysis. Your suppositions don’t count. And nothing in the settlement says that Fox News lied. Nothing. Period. Full stop. :abgg2q.jpg:
There was NO steal!
Maybe. Maybe not. Glad you believe it was all on the up and up.
Trump got his ass handed to him in 2020 in the most secure and yes, legitimate election in U.S. history.
Doubtful. But Potato did win.
Democracy prevailed over Fascism!
We aren’t a democracy. But you fascists did win.
I know you've got your cognitive challenges to deal with BackAgain but please try to keep up ok.
Projection, as always from another libtard.
Constantly having to re-remind you that you are still parroting worn out right wing conspiracy theories that were already debunked two years ago is getting tedious dude.
You are tedious. I’m not parroting anything. In fact, I have always noted here that I have not seen proof that the election was stolen. I have seen a great deal of evidence that there was some massive voting chicanery.

Now, go run with sharp objects.
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Let’s let the American people decide which news networks to watch. Well we see tucker Carlson is the number one rated news program in this country and some Democrats are so brainwashed that if they see a video of a white women
getting the living hell beat out of her by A mob of Black people they will just say it’s a lie. So some Democrats are criminals

You can see this in the thread where a white woman was beat down by a mob of blacks. The thinking of some Democrats and leftists is so violent and racist that you can’t comprehend what they’re saying you can’t really be in the same room as these types of Democrat lunatics. If John F. Kennedy was around today he would be ashamed of the Democrat party.
Nope. It doesn’t.

False. Full stop or not. You’re flatly wrong.

You aren’t privy to Dominion’s legal analysis. Your suppositions don’t count. And nothing in the settlement says that Fox News lied. Nothing. Period. Full stop. :abgg2q.jpg:

Maybe. Maybe not. Glad you believe it was all on the up and up.

Doubtful. But Potato did win.

We aren’t a democracy. But you fascists did win.

Projection, as always from another libtard.

You are tedious. I’m not parroting anything. In fact, I have always noted here that I have not seen proof that the election was stolen. I have seen a great deal of evidence that there was some massive voting chicanery.

Now, go run with sharp objects.

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