Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Look for the squirm to get worse. That is, when one of the litigants forces them to admit on the air that they lied consistently. Dominion was one of the smaller companies and 787.5 million sounds like a whole lot. But there are a couple suing Pawxsnooze that are bigger than Fox, itself. For those suing Pawx, the line forms to the rear. Bend over Pawx.
I wonder when the next Dominion lawsuit will come forth - with Dominion as the defendant, and Trump as the plaintiff, and with plenty of proof to show Dominion to be the reckless and unsuitble company that they are to be involved in ANY political contest, let alone a presidential election.

And with all the slander/libel committed by Democrats, over the Russian collusion bullshit, and all the lawsuits to be filed against them, yup, plenty of squirming to be done, all right.
They did we had two pages about it earlier...

You can act the dipshit and pretend that didn't happen...

But Fox agreed with the findings of the court.

Suck it up, stop acting like a looser...

It is pretty clear what you are at... You are hoping to shit everywhere and hope no one notices that Trumpets have be watching and believing lies and bullshit for years..
In the hope they continue watching, you would rather be a fool than admit your a fool..
There were no "findings of the court" (run by liberals) - the case was settled out of court. If you want findings, I've got them, and I posted them 2 years ago. So does Dominion want to sue me ? Bring it on, cheaters.

I can't wait to countersue with lots of evidence of fraud to back me up. And I'm not 92 old and frail like Ruoert Murdoch. I'll show up in court, and I wont settle for anything,
Well proven that Fox admitted that Court rullings were:

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings"

Court said they lied...

Now do you want to keep doing this all day... Are you blind or just fucking slow?
"lied" ? Yeah ? Lied about WHAT ? "certain claims" ? That's all your worthless link has to say. And that's all that anybody in this thread has presented. SO what were the "certain claims", huh ? That Dominion's softball team has corked bats ? IS anybody in this thread going to tell us what Fox is supposed to have lied about ? If they haven't done that by this time (620 posts into the thread) doesn't look like it's gonna happen. :rolleyes:

Well, well. Look at the large/bold print tantrums, coming from leftist idiots who, falsely thinking that they had just won a big victory over Fox news, now find out they won nothing. Worse yet, they are finding out that Dominion has just opened up a Pandora's Box of a litany of defamation lawsuits, that now may be filed against a large lineup of lying Democrats, for a whole range of things starting with all their Russian collusion lies. Then there's the Hillary Clinton TV ads about outsourcing (from one of the worst outsourcers in American history). Then there's the Serge Kovalseki lies, and on & on. This is going to be very interesting. :biggrin:
A forensic analysis of two Antrim County Dominion voting machines reportedly shows: data from the election was improperly deleted on Nov. 4
Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof ....... Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia.

I have been to Antrim County, MI. It is a beautiful piece of ground. Hemingway country.
Population = 23,324. (49 people per square mile)
Voters in 2020 election = 15,708
Trump won 62% to Biden's 38%.

And with that resounding victory our good poster
Protectionist claims that Antrim's vote was fraudulent and connected to Iran, Serbia, and China influence?

Who knew?

With that implied cheating.....and the victor was Trump?
Well, it appears that good poster Protectionist is claiming that Trump cheated with some foreign actors to overwhelmingly win the Antrim County, Michigan vote.

And to extrapolate Protectionist's suggestion --- we must all wonder now how much more Trump cheated using foreign servers to get the 74,224,00 votes he 'allegedly' received.

Makes one wonder on the veracity of that total.
Given that even poster Protectionist is casting doubt on its' truthiness.

I have been to Antrim County, MI. It is a beautiful piece of ground. Hemingway country.
Population = 23,324. (49 people per square mile)
Voters in 2020 election = 15,708
Trump won 62% to Biden's 38%.

And with that resounding victory our good poster
Protectionist claims that Antrim's vote was fraudulent and connected to Iran, Serbia, and China influence?

Who knew?

With that implied cheating.....and the victor was Trump?
Well, it appears that good poster Protectionist is claiming that Trump cheated with some foreign actors to overwhelmingly win the Antrim County, Michigan vote.

And to extrapolate Protectionist's suggestion --- we must all wonder now how much more Trump cheated using foreign servers to get the 74,224,00 votes he 'allegedly' received.

Makes one wonder on the veracity of that total.
Given that even poster Protectionist is casting doubt on its' truthiness.
Got a link to all this stuff ? If so. let's see it.

I have been to Antrim County, MI. It is a beautiful piece of ground. Hemingway country.
Population = 23,324. (49 people per square mile)
Voters in 2020 election = 15,708
Trump won 62% to Biden's 38%.

And with that resounding victory our good poster
Protectionist claims that Antrim's vote was fraudulent and connected to Iran, Serbia, and China influence?

Who knew?

With that implied cheating.....and the victor was Trump?
Well, it appears that good poster Protectionist is claiming that Trump cheated with some foreign actors to overwhelmingly win the Antrim County, Michigan vote.

And to extrapolate Protectionist's suggestion --- we must all wonder now how much more Trump cheated using foreign servers to get the 74,224,00 votes he 'allegedly' received.

Makes one wonder on the veracity of that total.
Given that even poster Protectionist is casting doubt on its' truthiness.
NO, it does NOT make one "wonder", because the post was accompanied by PROOF, which you seem to be cool with glossing right over, as if it didn't exist. Well, maybe you don't post evidence with your posts. I do. And here AGAIN (already posted earlier in the thread) is that evidence >>

Mac on this forum everyday: "Let's all work together, it's the only way!!!"

Also Mac, bagging on everyone who doesn't agree with him at all times:

So are you upset that Mac has not only shown that Fox has lied to its audience but that the audience bought in that they can't accept the truth..

We are 30 odd pages into this thread and we have people here still repeating Fox News lies after they agreed with court that they lied.

Then accuse other of being sheep... Ironry is amazing.
No it actually wasn’t. Dominion settled. Getting less than half of what they demanded.

Fox lost, deal with it. Aside from paying out ¾ of a billion dollars, the lawsuit exposed their lies. It exposed how they were claiming election fraud on air but in private, calling those lies.
I have shown the factual evidence, and you fade away like a fart in the wind, while bloviating with the most outdated and worn out, empty catch-phrase the left has ever relied on. "conspiracy theorists" - :puhleeze:

I notice you made no attempt to answer the questions I asked in Post # 509, Mr Quiz Zero.

An anonymous email sent to the Justice Department criminal division and Arizona legislature alleged that in Pima County, 35,000 votes were fraudulently embedded in advance of the election on behalf of each Democratic candidate at the local and federal level. The allegation coincides with a spike or "injection" of 143,000 votes noted at 8:06 p.m. on election night.

According to the email, discussed at a hearing, Pima County Democrats held a meeting on Sept. 10, 2020 in which plans were detailed to illegally inject 35,000 votes for each Democrat at the outset in statistically adjusted embeds that could be written off as human error if audited.

There was no proper validation of 1.9 million signatures on mail in ballots.

Dominion machines were connected to the internet, according to a witness at a GOP hearing, raising serious security issues.

A hearing witness states she was instructed to allow people to vote who were not registered in the state, who were not on the voter rolls, who had out of state driver's licenses, who not had been residents long enough, who had not registered in time or who said they were registered in another state. However, pro-Trump voters from other counties were sent away, she says. She also says somebody apparently brought homeless people from outside the precinct in to vote. She also says 13,000 votes, when counted, were unobserved by Republicans.

She says just what she personally observed over five hours in one day impacted approximately 2,000 votes. She also said a poll observer for Democrats from California told her he was there "to help turn this precinct blue... this is one of our problem ones." He told her they were also focusing on Maricopa County.

A Republican Party leader says she watched votes for Trump be changed to or counted for Biden once they were place in the machine. In a lawsuit, she also says in parts of Maricopa County there were not proper safeguards verifying that mail-in ballots came from registered voters. She also says Republicans were not allowed a proper view of the counting process. (More to come from Arizona hearing soon...)

Watch: Arizona hearing

State officials blame “a data error” for conflicting and fluctuating results in one county that dropped the appearance of Biden’s lead by 6,000 votes, and then posted it back again.

Two men are charged with voter fraud after they allegedly submitted more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications for homeless people between July and October 2020.

Pair Charged With Voter Fraud | Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office

Allegations of "clear evidence of vote switching" from Trump to Biden, including 30,000 votes among several counties.

Let's start at the top, gramps....

An anonymous email...

... when challenged to prove the contents of that "anonymous email" were true, you couldn't. Ready to move on to the next item in your list?
Really, Jack? It takes TWO to settle, so in other words, Dominion agreed to settle out of court for less than HALF that they were seeking because they had Fox nailed to the wall dead to rights?

By that token, why did Fox settle of they didn't lie about Dominion? They could have prevailed in court, paid nothing and salvaged their reputation if they didn't lie about Dominion.
NO, it does NOT make one "wonder", because the post was accompanied by PROOF, which you seem to be cool with glossing right over, as if it didn't exist. Well, maybe you don't post evidence with your posts. I do. And here AGAIN (already posted earlier in the thread) is that evidence >>

Great, post proof that Dominion registered the domain, ""
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't prove Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin' teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
Last edited:
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't disprove Trump, Guiliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?

When never comes.
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't disprove Trump, Guiliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
"will you now admit that you were wrong"

Hell no!

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