Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't disprove Trump, Guiliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
More than ever. The verdict is for intimidation purposes. The money is of little consequence.
NO, it does NOT make one "wonder", because the post was accompanied by PROOF, which you seem to be cool with glossing right over, as if it didn't exist.

So, mi amigo Protectionist, your "PROOF" like this:

You claim that Antrim County Michigan (Population - 23,000 and change)....was connected to Serbia and Iran and that those entities jiggered up their vote tabulation machines....leading to Trump winning Antrim County by 62% vs Biden's 38%.

That is what you have asserted to the forum.....that Trump won overwhelmingly in Antrim. And he had help from China and Iran, and even the Serbs in this vote-count cheating.

After all, you 'proved' it.

I love this bar.
We've got winners.....
We've got _________

First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't disprove Trump, Guiliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
Hell, they have Rudy on tape admitting they don't have evidence, Hannity admitting under oath he didn't believe it, the Fox hosts acknowledging it, Rupert Murdoch admitting it under oath, Steve Bannon telling people Trump was going to lie if he lost, Trump-appointed judges tossing out cases because the evidence is shit, the list goes on and on.

This settlement isn't even a blip on the radar. It's just a cost of doing business for Fox. The Manson Girls are going to stick to their story. This is their LIFE.
More than ever. The verdict is for intimidation purposes. The money is of little consequence.

Precisely right.

Does anybody with a functioning adult brain in this country actually believe that $787.5 million is even a significant amount of money to anybody but RumpHole, whose welfare check was late this month?

Big fucking whoop!

First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.

You can't be defamed if your disparaging facts you are telling your viewers are true. Only if they are false. Dominion sued for defamation, and won.

Now, if this doesn't prove Trump, Giuliani, Bannon, Powell, Navarro, et al, and that Fox was complicit in those lies, that they were all lying, to the frickin' teeth, noting that their emails and texts which were produced in discovery and depositions proved they KNEW they were lies (Fox Hosts and CEO and Murdoch) if that doesn't prove it for you, I don't know what does.

This case proved....

1. There was no election fraud (sufficient to throw the election to Biden, though all elections have 'irregularities', the vast majority of which have innocent explanations)
2. Dominion's machines were not flipping votes to Biden.
3. Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Germany, etc., and such conspiracy theories were not involved and are all fictional nonsense.

So, the question I put to you hard Trump believers, will you now admit that you were wrong about
the allegation by Trump that "Democrats stole the election" ?
The election fraud happened and Biden was installed as an Usurper. Murdoch settled to keep the steal stolen.

Bill O’Reilly Exposes Why Fox News Paid $787 Million To Settle Case: “It Had Nothing To Do With Prime Time Talent” (VIDEO)​

Corporations settle lawsuits all the time, for a variety of reasons. Dominion Voting Systems as I have been posting for years are designed for election tampering and there were many instances of election tampering involving Dominion computers. Those are facts. Liberals are too lazy to do actual research it's much easier to just slurp the Kool-Aid.
Corporations settle lawsuits all the time, for a variety of reasons. Dominion Voting Systems as I have been posting for years are designed for election tampering and there were many instances of election tampering involving Dominion computers. Those are facts. Liberals are too lazy to do actual research it's much easier to just slurp the Kool-Aid.

But I don't want to scare them off. It's too much fun to sit here at my computer between chores and watch them humiliate themselves.

The election fraud happened and Biden was installed as an Usurper. Murdoch settled to keep the steal stolen.

Bill O’Reilly Exposes Why Fox News Paid $787 Million To Settle Case: “It Had Nothing To Do With Prime Time Talent” (VIDEO)​

"Bill O'LIE-lly says" is somehow supposed to mean something?

More than ever. The verdict is for intimidation purposes. The money is of little consequence.
Fox News settling with Dominion has nothing to do with whether the claim that the election was “stolen” is true or false.

Someone should inform the mindless drone troll, Rump.

If the claim that the election was “stolen” is true, why would FoxNews need to lie about it being true?

Precisely right.

Does anybody with a functioning adult brain in this country actually believe that $787.5 million is even a significant amount of money to anybody but RumpHole, whose welfare check was late this month?

Big fucking whoop!

This comment is a perfect example of chimp trumpanzee's constantly moving the goal posts. Their minds are gone.
If the claim that the election was “stolen” is true, why would FoxNews need to lie about it being true?
You’re confused again. Dominion sued Fox News for defamation in “reporting” that Dominion machines had been involved in the supposed election theft

Remove the claim that Dominion’s machines were involved and that doesn’t mean that the election wasn’t stolen. That claim was not the issue. The allegedly false claim that Dominion’s machines assisted the “theft” was the issue.

And if the Fox News reporting was incorrect, that does not mean it was a “lie.”
First, let's get this fact out of the way:

There is no way in hell a multibillion dollar company, as Fox is, will cut a check for 3/4 of a billion bucks if there were any chance of proving their innocence. They can afford the finest lawyers money can buy, and despite this, they settled for big bucks.
First you need to get this fact through your head. What you believe is not possible can be proven possible when the political climate allows it.

In other words, Fox can easily win when the political climate is in their favour. Just as Scotus decisions are all possible according to the political climate. Your country is now totally corrupt and becoming dysfunctional.

Currently there are 10's of millions of Americans who know that Trump won his election.
Corporations settle lawsuits all the time, for a variety of reasons. Dominion Voting Systems as I have been posting for years are designed for election tampering and there were many instances of election tampering involving Dominion computers. Those are facts. Liberals are too lazy to do actual research it's much easier to just slurp the Kool-Aid.
Fox could have used that $787M to do that research instead of just settling

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