Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

The reason why Fox didn't produce it (as I have done right here in this thread) is posted in post # 320. Try reading the thread before posting, so as to not come in here late, and be asking questions that have already been answered.
There are several hundred posts in this thread. No way am I going to read all that, and hell, you guys complain about my long posts, and you want me to read the entire thread?

Well, if you are complaining about reading, why don't you read the court document?

Murdoch ADMITS his hosts were complicit in the lies.

IF they weren't true, his lawyers would have objected to the premise of the question.

And they didn't.

I posted tons of evidence about election fraud in Arizona, California, Georgia, Idaho, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Wisconsin. Then I QUIZZED the fraud deniers on it. Not one of them was able to answer a single question. They were clueless.
One would think that in the 64 or so cases Trump and his surrogates brought to the courts, someone would have brought your evidence to the court.

well they did, and ALL of them were shot down. Here are a few quotes:

"Charges require specific alleations and proof. We have neither here."

"The Court has allowed [the former President] the chance to make his case and
he has lost on the merits."

"...nothing but speculation and conjecture that votes for President Trump were
destroyed, discarded or switched to votes for Vice President Biden."

KING V. WHITMER (sanctions against 9 attorneys including Sidney Powell)
"...a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process."

REPORT: LOST, NOT STOLEN (A report by Republican Attorneys)
"Donald Trump and his supporters have failed to present evidence of fraud or
inaccurate results significant enough to invalidate the results of the 2020
Presidential Election."

I've seen all the evidence right wingers 'think' they have and NONE of it is evidence that prove 'democrats stole the election.

I'll gladly counter you, one point at a time, no spam posts, please.
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I've seen all the evidence right wingers 'think' they have and NONE of it is evidence that prove 'democrats stole the election.
I'll gladly counter you, one point at a time, no spam posts, please.

You wouldn't know evidence if it hit you in the face, Rumphole. I have all of the evidence and it amounts to literally hundreds of links and thousands of pages.
You don't know that. Even Dershowitz who argued such cases for over 60 years doesn't understand it. There is more to this than we are being told.

I don't care what he doesn't understand. No way they would have agreed to fork over $778m if they knew they would prevail.
Here's your shred.

In sworn questioning in January by lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems, Murdoch was asked, "Do you believe that the 2020 presidential election was free and fair?"

"Yes," he replied, according to a transcript.

"The election was not stolen," he said later

Even IF he said that, that isn't what I asked (evidence that Fox admitted to lying about election fraud).

And even IF he said that, that was January. He could have said that the election was stolen, 100 times since then.

And I HAVE said the election was stolen 100 times since then, and I've posted it right here in USMB, and Dominion can sue me anytime they want to, and unlike Rupert Murdoch, I'm not 92 years old & frail, and I WILL show up in court, and sure as hell won't settle for them to win, and they won't, because they have no case,. None at all.
Even IF he said that, that isn't what I asked (evidence that Fox admitted to lying about election fraud).

And even IF he said that, that was January. He could have said that the election was stolen, 100 times since then.

And I HAVE said the election was stolen 100 times since then, and I've posted it right here in USMB, and Dominion can sue me anytime they want to, and unlike Rupert Murdoch, I'm not 92 years old & frail, and I WILL show up in court, and sure as hell won't settle for them to win, and they won't, because they have no case,. None at all.

“We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” ~ Fox
I've seen all the evidence right wingers 'think' they have and NONE of it is evidence that prove 'democrats stole the election.

I'll gladly counter you, one point at a time, no spam posts, please.
Oh, you've seen all the evidence have you ? I've heard that before. And when I test them about that evidence, suddenly they become silent as a mouse, or they change the subject.

OK, well if you've seen all the evidence, then you shouldnt have any trouble answering these questions about the evidence, right ?
Right Rumpole ? Right ? Right ?

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread ?
How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?
In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers
being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over. Although the allegations DID claim that Republican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?

In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in ,
6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?

What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?
Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."
Again, if that were true, Fox wouldn't have settled.
Dumbo, you don't even know why they settled. Answer (which has nothing to do with defamation), is in Post # 320. Read the thread, before posting, Mr Impetuous.
There are several hundred posts in this thread. No way am I going to read all that, and hell, you guys complain about my long posts, and you want me to read the entire thread?

Well, if you are complaining about reading, why don't you read the court document?

Murdoch ADMITS his hosts were complicit in the lies.

IF they weren't true, his lawyers would have objected to the premise of the question.

And they didn't.

Link doesnt work. I still havent seen a word from anyone at Fox admitting to lying about Dominion or election fraud.
You wouldn't know evidence if it hit you in the face, Rumphole. I have all of the evidence and it amounts to literally hundreds of links and thousands of pages.
I posted exactly that. It would take them a week to read all of it (including the links and sub-links), and these laughingstocks pretend to know all about it. I've asked them more than a dozen questions about the evidence, and I havent seen a single response.
Dumbo, you don't even know why they settled. Answer (which has nothing to do with defamation), is in Post # 320. Read the thread, before posting, Mr Impetuous.

Of course it's about defamation. They even acknowledged that...

“We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” ~ Fox
I don't care what he doesn't understand. No way they would have agreed to fork over $778m if they knew they would prevail.
Yes, there IS A WAY, and if you read the thread before posting, you would know what it is , instead of jumping in here ignorant, and making a fool out of yourself.
Of course it's about defamation. They even acknowledged that...

“We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” ~ Fox
:puhleeze: HA HA HA. You know how many times I've squashed that "certain claims" line in this thread ? OK one more time.
See posts >>

WHAT "certain claims" ? That it's going to rain tomorrow ?
So you really STILL don't know why they settled ? LOL. :laugh:

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