Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

What they acknowledged was...

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore,
the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity."
So some blue-face judge says that (IF he even said it)
So f'kn what ?
LIE!!!!! You CONCOCTED a false chart, which you took from a fivethirteight chart that I posted, and you drew a non existent red line at the top, trying to indicate a vote dump in favor of Trump.

'You are a LIAR...a CON AGE-BIGOT.....a THIEF... and a despicable, filthy human being, who should have been banned from this forum years ago. No wonder that literally dozens of posters in this forum have you on ignore. Probably a forum record.

You lie, gramps. About a dozen times, I asked you...

why don't you see the red line inside the green circles?


And about a dozen times, you wouldn't answer because you knew the answer destroys your bullshit claims.

The answer, which everyone already knows, including you, is you don't see the red line inside those green circles because it's behind the blue line. All I did was put the blue line behind the red line.
tRump appointed judges laughed in your fucking face as do the rest of us!
Doesn't matter who appointed them. Trump appointed lots of people who turned out to be disloyal, and frankly, not even of sound mind.

When I owned my own business, I appointed some people to do things, and they didn't always work out right. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't.

That's life, and you're getting an education in it.
Rupert Murdoch required to go to court. Read the thread before posting.
Are you fucking serious...

For starters his lawyers would have it so he could arrange a time to appear in court, no waiting.

He would take the stand and this man who is still actively conducting a global media empire will be asked to just tell the truth like he already did in his deposition...

You are saying he would rather pay $787m instead...

You know Rupert is fucking laughing at you. He considers you a trained chimpanzee... He has said as much before, he know he can keep telling you stuff you want to hear and you will not care if you are lied too...
You will actually go out and defend his lies with what every reputation you have... You will do it with a smile on your face...
Rupert doesn't hate people like me, he knows people like me aren't going to buy what he is selling... He needs people like you..
Are you fucking serious...

For starters his lawyers would have it so he could arrange a time to appear in court, no waiting.

He would take the stand and this man who is still actively conducting a global media empire will be asked to just tell the truth like he already did in his deposition...

You are saying he would rather pay $787m instead...

You know Rupert is fucking laughing at you. He considers you a trained chimpanzee... He has said as much before, he know he can keep telling you stuff you want to hear and you will not care if you are lied too...
You will actually go out and defend his lies with what every reputation you have... You will do it with a smile on your face...
Rupert doesn't hate people like me, he knows people like me aren't going to buy what he is selling... He needs people like you..

Gramps is old and senile. Once you consider that, the reason he hallucinates makes total sense.
You lie, gramps. About a dozen times, I asked you...

why don't you see the red line inside the green circles?

And about a dozen times, you wouldn't answer because you knew the answer destroys your bullshit claims.

The answer, which everyone already knows, including you, is you don't see the red line inside those green circles because it's behind the blue line. All I did was put the blue line behind the red line.
Oh jeez, here goes LUNATIC with his green circles again.

Hey FAUX FOOL FAUN - what matters is the FALSE red line YOU DREW, and DOCTORED the fivethirtyeight chart, not your pretty little green pictures, or little green men from Mars, or any other :lame2: brain deflection you try to come up with. :slap:
WHAT "statements" ? Concerning (about) WHAT ? To WHAT degree ? Over 800 posts into the thread, and still no one has answers to that. 😐

Holy fuck. :eusa_doh:

The false statements Fox made on the air.

Are you sure you're getting enough oxygen, gramps?

So f'kn Fox f'kn acknowledged the f'kn judge's f'kn ruling was f'kn right.
TheY acknowledged nothing more than them having made some "certain claims" that were false - were these about Dominion executives' ties ? Their shoes ? Could be ANYTHING.

HO HUM - :bigbed:
Doesn't matter who appointed them. Trump appointed lots of people who turned out to be disloyal, and frankly, not even of sound mind.

When I owned my own business, I appointed some people to do things, and they didn't always work out right. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't.

That's life, and you're getting an education in it.

Obviously you are not because EVERYONE is laughing in your face at your evidence. Hell Mike Pillow has to pay $5,000,000 because he got proven a conman liar.
Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.
The law suit was about Fox News lying about their voting machines… so instead of having to go through the embarrassment to their viewers finding out that they have been lie to all this time … they decided to settle for 750 million dollars to stop the embarrassment of them lying to you … like all of you repub-lie-tards ya just know the truth when you see it or hear it
Obviously you are not because EVERYONE is laughing in your face at your evidence. Hell Mike Pillow has to pay $5,000,000 because he got proven a conman liar.
They just can’t seem to admit they have been lie to all this time by Fox News and Fox News supporters… one other thing ther are 3 more companies coming after Fox News for their lying about them too … you Fox News lovers just don’t know a lie when you hear it…
Oh jeez, here goes LUNATIC with his green circles again.

Hey FAUX FOOL FAUN - what matters is the FALSE red line YOU DREW, and DOCTORED the fivethirtyeight chart, not your pretty little green pictures, or little green men from Mars, or any other :lame2: brain deflection you try to come up with. :slap:

You're lying again, gramps. It's not a false red line. Who do you think your lies fool?
Obviously you are not because EVERYONE is laughing in your face at your evidence. Hell Mike Pillow has to pay $5,000,000 because he got proven a conman liar.
HA HA. Here comes another victim jumping into the wolf pit.

You don't know the first damn thing about my evidence, Mr FOOL.

Looks like it's time for a QUIZ, to expose your IGNORANCE.

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread, and the voter fraud issue ?

How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?

In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over.
Although the allegations DID claim that Repubican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?
In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in, 6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?

What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?

Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."

??????????????????????????????????? Duh!
TheY acknowledged nothing more than them having made some "certain claims" that were false - were these about Dominion executives' ties ? Their shoes ? Could be ANYTHING.

HO HUM - :bigbed:


No, you retard. They acknowledged the judge's ruling where he found their claims about Dominion were not true.

“We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” ~ Fox

You'd understand that if you weren't so senile.

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