Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Ok, but the law (and The U.S. Constitution) has a different opinion.
The Constitution doesn’t offer any opinions, you moron.
You might as well stick your head back up your ass now.
Just because your colon is your pillow doesn’t mean you should project, MoronMike.
You can't see the facts around you anyway.
I’m the one of the two of us who does.
There's no sense in you remaining out here....wasting oxygen that sensible people can use.
Oh poor you. Need a Midol?
Nothing but deprogramming in a secure facility can save you now.

Other than being fluent in babble, do you have any other language skills? :itsok:'s Trump's $450,000,000 lawsuit against CNN going again?
Laughing at you dipshit. Sandmann beat them and now they’ll pay Trump you idiotic know nothing. Keep citing yourself dumbfuck. Showing your stupidity again.
So the court's summary judgment on falsity against Fox and for Dominion didn't count.....because a Fox news analyst disagreed with the court?

I don't think you understand how any of this works.
Hey dumbfuck, there was NO summary court judgement. Dominion settled stupid. Dershowitz is a liberal who’s didn’t vote for Trump you moron. Keep showing your utter lack of knowledge on anything.
Hey dumbfuck, there was NO summary court judgement. Dominion settled stupid. Dershowitz is a liberal who’s didn’t vote for Trump you moron. Keep showing your utter lack of knowledge on anything.
Dershowitz might not have voted for Trump but you sure see him on a bunch of conservative sites taking Trump side on issues.
Oh, its very much the court's finding. With the court granting Dominion summary judgment on the issue of falsity. But don't take my word for it.

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity. "

The Big Lie just keeps taking one kick in the teeth after another.
No retard. Ther was no court finding. There was no trial so no evidence was ever submitted. One judge’s OPINION (which was stated before trial, thus he was already tainted) is not the court’s finding. You really don’t understand how things work do you?
Dershowitz might not have voted for Trump but you sure see him on a bunch of conservative sites taking Trump side on issues.
Another crybaby mad that Dershowitz states he is a constitutional professor first, lawyer second, and liberal is way down the list. That’s why morons like you, Skylar, and the rest off the libtards here hate him. He doesn’t toe the party line, he goes by the LAW.
Says you, citing yourself. Meanwhile, back in reality, the court's findings result in summary judgment on the issue of falsity. Which absolutely has an authoritative impact on the case and how it can be argued.

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore , the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity."

That summary judgment ended any legal question on whether or not Fox's claims were false for that trial. The issue could be raised on appeal after the trial, but not during.

See, you've confused yourself for the court. YOUR findings are arbitrary and irrelevant. The court's findings are authoritative and binding on the case being tried.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about. That tends to hamper your legal arguments.
Remember asshole, you’re nothing but an uneducated LIAR. With no trial or evidence presented, there is NO court finding on anything. This is nothing but you citing yourself as usual. And looking quite stupid while doing so.
1. It is hardly "blindly"to say that a 92 year old man (well past average life expectancy) would be frail, and risking death to go to a courtroom, sit there all day on a hard wooden bench (as so often is the case in courtrooms), which is physically straining even to young, healthy people.

2. So the illustrious Cris Thomas has an answer for just about everybody, and their fraud complaints doesnt he ? Too many answers, and too much partisanship falling through the cracks.
As is the case with other fraud deniers, the fraud reporters look a lot more credible than the fraud denier.

3. Now you can address the other 90% of Post # 752.
They also keep dodging the fact of that large number of affidavits turns in stating fraud was witnessed. The courts ignored them. Yet not one person has been charged with filing a false affidavit. I wonder why that is? Oh yeah, Dominion would have to actually prove their case. So not one person will be charged. Leading thinking people to determine that those claims are obviously true.
You don't understand how those suits work, do you? If it goes to trial, the trial will take a while, then Fox will appeal. It would be years before Dominion sees the money. That's why Dominion settled. Fox settled because they could not risk the "talent", and the executive being questioned under oath.
No, if you have an “iron clad” case you wouldn’t take less than half of your demand. They knew a trial would be a disaster for them with all the evidence coming out.
Are you fucking serious...

For starters his lawyers would have it so he could arrange a time to appear in court, no waiting.

He would take the stand and this man who is still actively conducting a global media empire will be asked to just tell the truth like he already did in his deposition...

You are saying he would rather pay $787m instead...

You know Rupert is fucking laughing at you. He considers you a trained chimpanzee... He has said as much before, he know he can keep telling you stuff you want to hear and you will not care if you are lied too...
You will actually go out and defend his lies with what every reputation you have... You will do it with a smile on your face...
Rupert doesn't hate people like me, he knows people like me aren't going to buy what he is selling... He needs people like you..
You won’t be laughing when The NY Times and CNN get hit with billion dollar suits that won’t be settled. The Times and a former editor have admitted they ran the Russian Dossier story when they KNEW it was false. They rely on gullible sheep like you.
Wow, you don't even have the integrity to admit that you called a constitutional expert with 60 years experience in the courts an idiot,. as if you know 1/1000th as much. Incredible.

As far as I know, Dominion suffered no damages. I don't think they could have proved $10.00 worth of damages at a trial. They came out smelling like a rose. The only damages that were suffered, were suffered extensively by Fox as a result of disclosure of emails by some of its leaving employees. But I don't understand how Dominion suffered at all. The judge made a finding, improper in my view. But he made a finding that Dominion did nothing wrong, essentially, and the fault was completely on Fox's.

That's not the kind of issue a judge should be allowed to settle under the 7th Amendment. The 7th Amendment of the Constitution basically says all issues that were tried at common law by a jury, must be allowed to be tried by a common law as well and no judge can overrule issues that were properly decided by a jury and it was really up to the jury to decide whether or not Dominion machines were hackable or were hacked or whether the election was fair. Look, I believe the election was fair. Trump does not believe the election was fair. Millions of people believe the election was fair and millions of people believe the election wasn't fair. Who gives the judge the power to make a decision about a fact like that? Especially since he didn't hear any expert testimony about the machines and about the accuracy of the machines.

Dershowitz, a frequent legal analyst for Fox, defends Fox. Aside from that bias, he also expressed bias against the judge. This is my shocked face --> :icon_rolleyes:

Meanwhile, he says shit like, he doesn't think Dominion suffered any when Dominion said they lost dozens of customers and election jurisdictions. In Shasta County, they voted to pay an extra million dollars to replace Dominion because of trust issues.

As far as the 7th Amendment... this trial was going to be held in a Delaware state court. The 7th Amendment doesn't apply in that court. So yeah, Dershowitz is an idiot for either not knowing that or hoping others won't know it. And you're an even bigger idiot for sucking up to him without doing any of your own research; even after I gave you the case.

Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. v. Bombolis.

The Seventh Amendment exacts a trial by jury according to the course of the common law -- that is, by a unanimous verdict.

The first ten Amendments are not concerned with state action, and deal only with federal action.

The Seventh Amendment applies only to proceedings in courts of the United States; it does not in any manner govern or regulate trials by jury in state courts, nor does it apply to an action brought in the state court under the Federal Employers' Liability Act.

A verdict in a state court in an action under the Employers' Liability Act which is not unanimous, but which is legal under the law of the state, is not illegal as violating the Seventh Amendment.

While a state court may enforce a right created by a federal statute, such court does not, while performing that duty, derive its authority as a court from the United States, but from the state, and the Seventh Amendment does not apply to it.

[emphasis mine to highlight your ignorance]
You won’t be laughing when The NY Times and CNN get hit with billion dollar suits that won’t be settled. The Times and a former editor have admitted they ran the Russian Dossier story when they KNEW it was false. They rely on gullible sheep like you.


Yet another defeat you'll have to live with. The statute of limitations in New York for defamation suits is one year from the date of the purported falsehoods. They ran that story years ago.

Smartmatic doesn't have a chance. They were in one county in all of the U.S. in 2020. How much could Fox's lies have harmed them?

There were plenty of lies given over the X number of years. And there was damage. Considering Smartmatic is about 10 times larger or more than Dominion, 787,500 bucks is the least they will take.
The $80 mil company just got $787 million.

Dominion was widely used in 2020 all around the U.S.. I believe in at least 24 states. Smartmatic was in one county in one state. There were there again in 2022. What harm did they suffer?

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