Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Hey idiot, not only isn't that true but anyone can provide fake news when giving an opinion or basing their view on misinformation! Doesn't prove a thing about their doing it KNOWINGLY as how could ANYONE have KNOWN the exact role Dominion played AT THE TIME OF THE ELECTION or even since as everything about the machines is SECRET, asswipe!

Then there is the matter of proving they did so with malicious intent to HARM the company.

NONE of that was proven, in fact, nothing was proven as there was no trial hearing---- the parties both agreed to settle out of court for an intermediate amount. :lmao:
Nothing was proven to idiots like you.

No, you retard. They acknowledged the judge's ruling where he found their claims about Dominion were not true.

“We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false.” ~ Fox

You'd understand that if you weren't so senile.
You are dense. that quote doesnt say a word about lies. Nor does it say what claims they meant.
Isn't it just amazing how little you have to see when your head is stuck up your ass?
You have been presented with overwhelming evidence of Fox's lies.
Yet still....."what lies?"
Only a forceful intervention and deprogramming in a secure facility can save you now.
AGAIN > what LIES ? You guys need to go to vocabulary school,

false does not = lies.
How come I'm still waiting for the police to come arrest me after you called them on me?
Anything to deflect from the subject of your age bigotry. I thought you were going to suddenly start talking about the mating habits of Brazialn frogs.

The judge saw the evidence and ruled...

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity."
judge smudge. Lots of crooked judges around. Did they go judge shopping to come up with him ? Wouldn't be out of character for them, if they did.

See post # 845 :rolleyes:
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I'm glad that FOX had to pay, but really am not thrilled that Dominion now is obscenely wealthy over it, either, because the outcome only means that FOX won 't take responsibility publicly and will just be more careful with their lying. Nothing will change as far as their lack of ethical and accurate journalism.
WHAT lying ? Nothing has shown Fox to have been lying about anything.
For the 200th time, false does not = lying. And we dont even know WHAT was false. Could be something very trivial.
In comparison to citing yourself as the sole legal authority? You don't know what you're talking about.

Our federal and state constitutions embue the judiciary with authority. Not you.

Time and time again, you ignore the actual standards of law, standing, damages, defamation, falsity, malice and precedent......and make up your own meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish based on whatever you imagine

The courts are following the law. Not whatever fantasy you've convinced yourself of.
In many cases the courts are following their POLITICAL persuasions. Wanna tell us what you think about the US Supreme Court and abortion ? Or gun rights ?
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That the be the judge in the Dominion defamation case in his March 31st ruling when the court found that Fox's claims against Dominion were false and granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on falsity.

You refuse to read the ruling. You refuse to research the case. You refuse to acknowledge the relevant law. You know no more about the ruling that I've told you.

Yet in your ignorance, you continue to babble about its legitimacy, what it says, what its implications are.'s that working out for you?
IOW no video. Just words coming from worthless, leftist media.
In many cases the courts are following their POLITICAL persuasions. Wanna tell us what you think abour thr US Supreme Court and abortion ? Or gun rights ?
I agree with you here protectionist.

Why did FOX settle for such a large amount? Huge settlement.

I think FOX and Rupert Murdoch have deep pockets and decided to settle. But why such a massive settlement?

It is well-known that Murdoch loathes Donald Trump.

There seems to be something political going on here.
I agree with you here protectionist.

Why did FOX settle for such a large amount? Huge settlement.

I think FOX and Rupert Murdoch have deep pockets and decided to settle. But why such a massive settlement?

It is well-known that Murdoch loathes Donald Trump.

There seems to be something political going on here.
See Post # 320.

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